Talented Genius

Chapter 2056: Become that kind of person

"Tianmo, are you okay?"

The masked old man had just left on his front foot, and Ye Tianlong rushed to him with his hind foot. He couldn't help being surprised when he saw Tian Mo was injured.

For Ye Tianlong, Tianmo is the most talented and potential swordsman in the world, and it is extremely difficult to defeat him.

In time, Tianmo's achievements will never be under him.

Because of his confidence in Tianmo, Ye Tianlong knew that Red Arrow was protected by him, so he didn't even think about any changes.

Even after receiving a call from Red Arrow and knowing that someone had attacked, Ye Tianlong didn't care much about it, even if the sniper shot yesterday was hard to please.

Unexpectedly, Tian Mo was injured.

Ye Tianlong asked the oriole to take care of the scene while letting Tianmo sit in the car to get his pulse, trying to see how badly he was injured.

"Ahem, I'm fine, I just suffered a little internal injury."

Tian Mo took a deep breath and took a long breath: "After half a month's rest, it will be fine."

Although it was confirmed that Tianmo was not in serious trouble, Ye Tianlong still showed a trace of killing intent: "Which direction did the old guy go?"

The red arrow next to it pointed to an intersection not far away.

Ye Tianlong turned his head: "The Oriole..."

Tianmo grabbed Ye Tianlong: "Don't let the oriole chase after him. Although the old guy is fierce, he still believes in his words. Ten tricks to splash blood, he will leave immediately."

"Otherwise, he will lay down his heart to kill, I'm afraid we will be in trouble today."

Tian Mo licked the blood at the corner of his mouth: "It is a troubled autumn. This kind of strong can not provoke it first."

Hong Jian nodded, "That's true, the old man actually came early, but he hasn't taken any action until he is almost dead."

"He seems to be very disdainful of working with those people, otherwise he would make the first move. I am afraid it will be difficult to keep this box."

He added: "Moreover, he only hurt our brothers and didn't kill him."

Hearing Tianmo and Hongjian say this, Ye Tianlong's killing intent was two points less, and then he looked at Tianmo and asked: "Where is the level of the old man?"

"It should be an eight-tier half-up skill."

After ten moves with the masked old man, Tianmo gave a judgment after trying hard to think about it: "He took my ten moves on his own initiative and did not fight back."

"I temporarily used the human knife to unite, but it was only to let him see a little blood."

Tianmo's conversation turned: "But he hasn't reached the 9th rank, and the quasi 9th rank is a bit close, otherwise he won't be injured by me."

"Level 8 and a half up?"

Ye Tianlong's expression is a little more solemn. There are 8 billion people in the world, four of the tenth rank, eight of the ninth rank, and nearly a hundred people above the eighth rank.

But the eight-and-a-half-up stage is still a handful, which is the same as the self three months ago.

Who would be such a powerful guy?

Ye Tianlong thought through the people he knew, but unfortunately none of them matched him, and he knew only two 8-Rank semi-upper masters.

One is the quasi-ninth-rank Wolverine, and the other is the ninth-rank Reaper, but with these two, the grass at the head of the grave is also one meter high.

Ye Tianlong went through without an answer, and then asked, "Is he here for the black box?"

Red Arrow nodded: "Yes, the goal is clear."

"It's just that he actually came to grab the box, why didn't he go all out, didn't make the first move, and made a ten-stroke agreement with Tianmo."

There was a trace of puzzlement in Red Arrow's eyes.

Ye Tianlong asked people to drive away from the place where the incident occurred: "It's very simple, first, he is noble, as you said, disdain to associate with those in black."

"Second, Tianmo is difficult to deal with. He will be bitten by Tianmo when he takes down the box and cannot get away. Once I come to support him, he will be over."

"Therefore, a ten-stroke agreement was made. It was to take the box at the least cost. Unfortunately, he didn't expect that Tianmo is a talented person, and the sword is one."

Ye Tianlong shook Tianmo's arm: "No matter what, I have a chance in the future, I must find him out and give him a hard hit."

Tianmo squeezed out two words: "I'm coming!"

Obviously, he was interested in the masked old man.

"Okay, okay, you come."

Ye Tianlong smiled: "Your skill broke through the eighth rank during the First Battle of the Yin Palace, and there has been no major breakthrough since then, so you can hone it for an old man."

"I hope you can enter the 9th rank earlier, so that you can slap them when you meet 8 and a half experts."

Tianmo's strength lies in the world, and there are many people who are better and stronger than him, but there are only two people in the world who have entered the clan at the age of 18.

One is Ye Tianlong, and the other is Tianmo.

There are no eight ranks below 30, and no 9 ranks below 40. This martial arts saying was trampled on by the two.

So Ye Tianlong had no doubt that Tianmo would enter the 9th rank in the future, after all, Tianmo was only eighteen years old, and when the **** of death was 18 years old, he was only at the sixth and half rank.

"However, entering the Ninth Rank is also a troublesome thing. Once the Ninth Rank master is known to the world, there are people staring everywhere like first-line stars."

Ye Tianlong rubbed his head, with a touch of sadness on his face. These days, he must suppress his strength when fighting with others to avoid being discovered that he is too powerful.

"If I break through the 9th rank, I will return to the Seal Palace again."

Tianmo's words landed and said: "It is not to seek revenge from the King of India, but to tell the King of India that I can also stand at his height."

Ye Tianlong gave a thumbs up: "You are ambitious, but before that, you have to heal your injury. If you don't have a good body, you will be a flower in the water when you reach the 9th rank.

Even though Ye Tianlong knew that King Yin’s animals were abnormal and it was difficult to please him, but he wanted to give Tianmo confidence.

When Tianmo nodded lightly, Ye Tianlong turned to look at Red Arrow, and asked in a low voice: "Red Arrow, what is in the box?"

Red Arrow looked at the busy traffic outside the window: "Let's talk about it at Apollo Garden."

Ye Tianlong smiled helplessly, and no longer reluctantly, let people speed up and go back.

Ten minutes later, the car stopped at the entrance of the villa.

When the car door opened, Ye Tianlong got out and asked Chu Zifeng to arrange for a doctor to check Tianmo, and he asked him to send more people to protect his safety.

After the order, Ye Tianlong took the red arrow into the study.

Red Arrow clutched the black box tightly in his hands, as if he was afraid of being snatched by others.

Ye Tianlong poured a large cup of tea, "What on earth?"

The red arrow closed the door, and then took out the computer and knocked it out. After confirming that there was no monitor in the study, he put the black box on the table and opened it.

Ye Tianlong glanced at it, and there was a stack of materials on it, several bottles and jars, and a hard drive.

Ye Tianlong was taken aback: "What is it?"

Red Arrow didn't respond, just turned on the computer, clicked a finger, and a video appeared.

In the field of vision, a metal casting room, with a person **** in the middle of the room, his limbs were handcuffed by a thick chain.


Suddenly, the person who was **** suddenly raised his head and let out a stern roar.

Ye Tianlong's right hand instinctively tilted, spilled a little hot tea, his face was full of shock, this roar was too penetrating.

Then, the camera zoomed in, Ye Tianlong was able to see the person tied up.

A man of indistinct age, his whole body glowing with blood, looks like he has no complete skin.

His eyes were nothing but killing and madness, and that hideous face that was so indistinguishable was terrifying.

I don't know why, Ye Tianlong shuddered as he watched this person, as if he had become the person on the video...

"Beng, Beng, Beng..."

In the next second, the tied monster roared again, with both hands and feet pressing hard, the four iron chains broke at the same time...

A chain hits the camera, and the video is dark...

The corner of Ye Tianlong's mouth moved: "What is this?"

Red Arrow whispered back: "Gene Warrior..."

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