Talented Genius

Chapter 2059: To untie the bell, you must tie the bell (four more)

At eight o'clock in the evening, Ye Tianlong arrived at the Beijing Airport.

As soon as I got out, a military jeep drove over, the window of the car dropped, and the Zhan Qinglou was sitting in the driver's seat.

"Sister, how come to meet me at the airport in person?"

Ye Tianlong pulled the passenger seat away and sat up, raising a smile and saying, "It's so cold, I can go back to Ditianju by myself."

The war brothel rarely joked: "You are now the Global Inspector of the National Police. It is natural for me as a soldier to come to meet you."

"Tsk, sister, you are so unkind, making fun of me like this?"

Ye Tianlong fastened his seat belt and replied: "Furthermore, a little global inspector has insignificant achievements compared to his sister."

He didn't accidentally know that Zhan Brothel knew that he had another identity. The intelligence ability of Zhan Brothel was stronger than that of many organizations in the world.

Zhan Qinglou is also the only one that can single out people who are closer to his true side from millions of true and false documents.

Ye Tianlong's painstaking efforts for years of navy data can make top agencies such as the Eagle Intelligence Bureau and the British Eighth Division confused, but it is difficult to fool into the brothel.

Therefore, Zhan Qinglou knew about the secret global inspector, and Ye Tianlong didn't have the slightest surprise on his face.

"Too much humility is pride."

Zhan Qinglou smiled and stepped on the accelerator, then slowly left the Beijing airport: "Although Interpol is a bit tasteless, they are only low-level members."

"When it comes to the position of the captain, that's Phoenix, and the inspector is even more powerful."

"Free access to one hundred and fifty member states, and certain law enforcement powers, which can more mobilize the police from various branches to cooperate with you."

"My sister has to cover up everything in various countries, but you can handle things with integrity."

Zhan Qinglou said with a faint smile: "Lao Zhao is extremely happy to your superior."

Ye Tianlong sighed in his heart and whispered that it was not good. Everything that was praised by the eldest brother was a big pit, and he was afraid that something would trouble him.

But he still smiled: "Thank you sister, thank you my brother."

"Family, why be polite."

Zhan Qinglou's conversation turned: "I heard that you still have a lot of hand tails in Malaysia. This time you hurriedly came back because of Lin Chenxue, right?"

"Sister wise, I can't hide anything from your eyes."

After Ye Tianlong flattered, his expression became solemn: "Yes, I came back in such a hurry. It was Zi Yi who told me that Lin Chenxue had an accident."

"Although I have rarely had contact with Lin Chenxue in the past six months, I have met each other, and she and Qin Ziyi are good sisters."

Ye Tianlong did not hide: "The most important thing is that I think she is innocent, so come back and see if I can help."

"You can't get in."

Zhan Qinglou sighed lightly: "In addition to Lin Chenxue who is the person in charge of Tianyao No. 1, there is also that all the materials and personnel are not good for her."

"The ingredients of Tianyao No. 1 seized by the laboratory are different from the license in the hands of the Rong family, at least deviating from the scope of the license."

"And the hundreds of people in the laboratory also confirmed that Tianyao No. 1 has always been under Lin Chenxue's control."

"Participants are responsible for part of it, and the final integration and data is handled by Lin Chenxue alone."

"The most important point is that Lin Chenxue started to say that the license was not the one it is now, and later admitted that it was her own evil intention that had deviated from the direction."

There was a hint of helplessness on her face: "So you can't save her at all."

Is there a problem with that license?

Ye Tianlong's heart moved, and a ray of light burst into his eyes. He wanted to speak but was stopped by Zhan Qinglou shaking his head. Zhan Qinglou turned the steering wheel and said:

"I know what you want to say, but it doesn't make much sense. Lin Chenxue's life and death are not in the license, but in the Jin family and Rong family."

"The Jin family wants to kill people to vent their hatred, and the Rong family wants to calm down."

"Simply, the Jin family wants to chop Lin Chenxue's head, and the Rong family not only didn't take shelter, they also pushed her outside."

The voice of the war brothel lowered invisibly: "Pull and push, how does Lin Chenxue live?"

Her meaning is very clear, Lin Chenxue will become a victim, or a self-willing victim, almost no one can save her.

Ye Tianlong leaned on the chair: "It seems that you and your eldest brother can see through it, but you know that Lin Chenxue is a chess piece, can't you help me?"

At the same time, he felt a trace of anger towards the Rong family. Rong Shengli was really cruel, but his own sin threw Lin Chenxue out as a shield.

This time, it clearly demonstrated the ruthlessness of the rich and the Rong family's interests are always above all else, whether it was Tianmen or Lin Chenxue.

"How to help?"

Zhan Qinglou shook his head: "Lin Chenxue pleaded guilty, the Jin family shouted for murder, the Rong family soldier broke his arm and cleaned the tail of his hand. It is difficult for us to act."

"However, Mr. Zhao still spared his energy and kept watching the progress of this matter, so that the Jin family did not dare to attack the persons involved."

"If it weren't for Mr. Zhao's question, how could Lin Chenxue and the others survive until now, they were killed by the Jin family long ago to sacrifice the first seven of Jin Xuejun."

Ye Tianlong didn't say anything, he also knew the tricky case, but he had to do something anyway, and he couldn't bear to watch Lin Chenxue die.

Half an hour later, Ye Tianlong appeared in Ditianju, and when he was reheating the food in the Zhan Qinglou, Ye Tianlong walked into the attic ‘thumbly’.

Zhao Ditian was not asleep yet, leaning on the rocking chair and listening to storytelling.

"Tianlong, are you back?"

Seeing Ye Tianlong's appearance, Zhao Ditian was very happy, and hurriedly asked Ye Tianlong to sit down on the opposite side: "After a few days in the sun, it's still not dark."

"I can't do it, I'm naturally beautiful, and I can't get tanned."

Ye Tianlong laughed loudly and joked with Zhao Ditian: "It's the eldest brother, you have lost another circle. Have you been busy with work these days?"

Zhao Ditian waved his hand: "I also want to be free, but there are a lot of things, the brothel can't be busy."

"So tired, but starting today, I can rest again, so you doctor can't criticize me haha."

He pushed a cup of honey tea over, his eyes full of care for Ye Tianlong.

Ye Tianlong felt a little more relaxed: "It's good to know that you have a rest. I am most afraid that you will work day and night."

Then he changed the subject: "Brother, we really have nothing to do with Lin Chenxue's case."

Zhao Ditian was not surprised. He seemed to have guessed that Ye Tianlong asked about this. He took two sips of barley tea:

"Me, the brothel, there is really nothing we can do, because we have to be fair, and we can't do anything based on the evidence."

When Ye Tianlong gave birth to a touch of loss, Zhao Ditian changed his call again: "But we can't do anything, doesn't it mean you can't do anything?"

Ye Tianlong's heart moved: "What do you mean, big brother?"

"The trouble should end it."

Zhao Ditian smiled playfully: "Untie the rope, the bell is naturally free. Of course, only you can solve this rope, and only you can."

The trouble should end it?

Ye Tianlong was taken aback, then realized...

Ten minutes later, Ye Tianlong left Ditianju, used two mobile phones to dial out the numbers, and called Confucius and Bai Shikang:

"Young Master Kong, Young Master Bai, I want to see Lin Chenxue..."

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