Talented Genius

Chapter 2061: Deserve it

Ye Tianlong has a way to pacify the Rong family, but he knows better that the most urgent thing is to reverse Lin Chenxue's mentality.

So he was going to talk to Lin Chenxue first.

After playing for two hours on the golf course, the three of them lost their clubs and went to eat breakfast. By the way, they talked about the operation of Lin Chenxue.

When passing a western restaurant in the clubhouse, Ye Tianlong saw Sophie and the man in Tsing Yi again.

This time there was no crowd around, only a warm breakfast for two relatives, the meal was exquisite, the flowers were blooming, and the music was very sultry.

The man in Tsing Yi is personable, elegant and gentle, Sophie smiles cleverly and tenderly, at first glance he looks like a golden girl.

Ye Tianlong frowned slightly, but did not go in to question in the end, lest a mistake would cause the dinosaur and Sophie to rift...

The next morning, at five o'clock, a little morning fog.

Ye Tianlong took the pass to the Red City Prison, where Lin Chenxue was under house arrest.

The Red City Prison is located in a mountain forest on the outskirts. The environment is quiet and the air is fresh. The living environment inside is also very good, just like a nursing home.

It's just that people who enter here have one thing in common besides being rich or expensive, that is, it is almost impossible to regain freedom.

When Ye Tianlong stepped into this place with the pass, he obviously felt an indescribable breath of death, which was more mourning than death.

The guards and prisoners wherever they went were all with a trace of indifference, and it seemed that the sky could not move them even when the sky fell.

Even the vegetation in the prison looks lush and blooming, but in fact it has a trace of twilight.

A pool of stagnant water, this is the most appropriate adjective.

Ye Tianlong felt very uncomfortable, and even had an inexplicable irritability. He wanted to escape from this place, but in the end he took the repression and moved forward.

Three minutes later, under the guidance of a staff member, Ye Tianlong came to the 18th courtyard where Lin Chenxue was under house arrest.

Pushing open the courtyard door, Ye Tianlong saw a graceful figure, wearing a white silk scarf, sitting on the rock with his knees, graceful like a fairy.

She wore only a simple white shirt on the upper body, a pair of black shorts on the lower body, and two long white legs that were as white as jade.

On the tender white jade feet that were like pearls and jade enough to make all men crazy, they only wore a pair of slippers.

Do not apply any pink and white, hair draped behind him, a refreshing body fragrance, faintly released.

Lin Chenxue who took off his costume was completely fresh and messed up.

This woman, like a fairy falling into the world, is very beautiful. God seems to have loved her too much and gave her too much beauty.

Peerless appearance, graceful demeanor, extraordinary IQ, prominent backing...

However, there is endless loss on her face at the moment.

Ye Tianlong walked over slowly, stood behind Lin Chenxue, and found that she was staring at the mist in the pool in a daze.

Ye Tianlong whispered: "Mr. Lin."

Hearing someone yelling, Lin Chenxue, who was in a daze, gave a shock, turned her head slowly, and saw Ye Tianlong with a touch of surprise in her eyes.

But she quickly turned her head and continued to look at the mist in the pool in a daze. Her expression was a bit lonely, and then she faintly said:

"How did you come?"

Ye Tianlong sat down next to her: "I heard that you had an accident, so I stopped by."

"It is difficult to enter this nursing home, and it is even more difficult to enter the nursing home to visit prisoners."

Lin Chenxue sighed faintly: "Tianlong, although you said it understatement, I know that I will pay a lot when you come to see it."

"You shouldn't have come."

She bit her red lips lightly, happy, but also worried.

Ye Tianlong chuckled softly: "But I have already come."

Lin Chenxue hugged her knees tightly: "There is really no need to look at me. In addition to what I deserve, there is also that it will cause you trouble."

"I don't believe you are guilty."

Ye Tianlong didn't hesitate to shook his head: "Although you and I have had a lot of disputes, and we broke up a few times, I know that you are not that kind of person."

Lin Chenxue interrupted Ye Tianlong: "Essentially, you are wrong about me."

There was no emotional ups and downs on Ye Tianlong's face, and he continued what he wanted to say:

"If the Rong family hadn't shown you the license and clearly told you that you need to develop a ‘nuclear bomb’, you would never make it without authorization."

"The reason for this situation now is that the Rong family slaps you together. In other words, they fooled you a long time ago."

"Because the permit the Rong family has obtained has always served the people as a'nuclear power plant', not an internationally banned'nuclear bomb'."

He stared at Lin Chenxue sharply: "You shouldn't carry it up, it will make you irresistible."

"Ye Tianlong, don't be self-righteous, these are just your imagination."

Lin Chenxue avoided Ye Tianlong's gaze: "The truth is that I have gotten into trouble and turned the nuclear power plant into a nuclear bomb, trying to show off what I can do."

"In addition, in order to know the power of Tianyao No.1, I deliberately failed to keep it, so that Jiang Canxue could steal two of them, which led to Jin Shao's death."

"Tianlong, I have already pleaded guilty, don't excuse me anymore. This is not a good thing for you or me."

"You must not interfere in this matter, I don't want to myself, from this quiet environment, back to the endless interrogation room."

Lin Chenxue bit her lip lightly: "It's good for me to stay here now, as it is a recuperation..."


Ye Tianlong didn't get angry: "This is a lifetime recuperation. You are only in your twenties. Are you sure you want to stay here for decades?"

"I will try to adapt. If I can't adapt, I will commit suicide."

Lin Chenxue remembered the few remaining scenes from her childhood: "No matter how sad I am, what is this kind of scene?"

Ye Tianlong's voice sank: "Do you have to give the Rong family back to back?"

"Yes, Rong Shengli respects you, spoils you, and treats you as a family member, but this is just Rong Shengli thinks you are profitable."

Ye Tianlong hoped that Lin Chenxue would be sober: "The number of orphans sponsored by the Rong family over the years is not 1,000 or 800, but Rong Shengli only regards you as a treasure."

"Do you know why? That's because you are talented in medical research and development, and your ability can bring great wealth to the Rong family."

"The truth is that you have made countless money for the Rong family over the years. Without this, do you think that Rong Shengli would be closer to you than your blood relatives?"

He whispered: "The answer is impossible."

Lin Chenxue chuckles: "The Rong family values ​​me and gives me good food and clothing. I use my ability to make money for the Rong family. There is nothing wrong with this."

"It's like you and your brothers, you value them, make them rich, and they work for you, isn't it the same?"

She added the last sentence: "Besides, the Rong family never let me sacrifice, I deserved it."

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