Talented Genius

Chapter 2066: Impulse to destroy

Although Ye Tianlong didn't know much about Taicheng, he still knew who the Heihai Prison was.

Officially sacked prominent figures, a handful of celebrities in the business world, and gangsters like the elder brother of the underworld, in short, the people involved are not trivial.

Almost all of Chen Wangbei's family was locked in. On the face of it, it seemed that the Chen family had fallen, but it also reflected from the side that the Chen family was also a local snake in Taicheng.

This made Ye Tianlong remind Qiao Zhenxing to be careful about everything.

Qiao Zhenxing opened his mouth and agreed to Ye Tianlong, but his expression was a bit disapproving. He felt that Chen Wangbei was a mere Chen Wangbei and he didn't care much.

Later, he turned to talk about Chen Wangbei and talked about the cooperation between the Qiao family and Tianlong antiques.

After drinking this morning tea for an hour and a half, Ye Tianlong got into the car and fastened his seat belt. Then he looked at Qiao Zhenxing, who was leaving, and said:

"Canshou, send two people from the Feng group to stare at Qiao Zhenxing."

He faintly said: "Lest he capsize in the gutter."

Canshou nodded: "Understand."

When Canshou made arrangements to drive the car back to Ditianju, a call came in, it was Ding Liuyue who was far away in Hong Kong City.

Ye Tianlong restrained a series of emotions, smiled and put on earplugs: "Mr Ding, it's morning."

Ding Liuyue unceremoniously attacked: "It's nine o'clock now, it's early? Do you think I'm like you, Ye Ye Shengge?"

Ye Tianlong smiled helplessly: "I also want to sing songs every night, but it's a pity that I'm busy when I come back, and I don't even have time to see beautiful women."

"Furthermore, even if Ye Ye Shengge, I am looking for President Ding."

He squinted his eyes slightly: "Only you are here, it is the Spring Festival."

"The dog can't spit out ivory."

Ding Liuyue lost to this rogue, and then stopped quarreling with him, and the conversation changed: "You asked me to check the Riyue Group yesterday. I have the information."

"This is a Taiwanese wholly-owned company with ten branches, involving investments in stocks, futures, and gold. The president is Cai Shuihui."

Ding Liuyue added: "It is almost the same as other investment companies."

Ye Tianlong leaned on the seat: "In essence?"

Ding Liuyue did not directly answer: "Mingyue Group has annual revenue of more than 10 billion. According to a general investment company, its profit should be 2 billion."

"But his financial statements for five consecutive years, the profit is only about 100 million."

Her tone became interesting: "Even so, Mingyue Group now maintains the rhythm of opening a branch in the provincial capital every year."

Ye Tianlong had a hint of interest: "Fucking with the heart of selling white powder and making money for selling cabbage, this Mingyue Group is a ghost."

Ding Liuyue sighed quietly: "Let's take a look at some simple examples."

"In the past few years, there was a big fruit harvest, and the fruit backlog in Taicheng was like a mountain. The Ministry of Agriculture and Trade of the Mainland extended a helping hand and wiped out the 20% increase."

"At the same time, the Haicheng tropical fruit was of better quality and cheaper price, but the Ministry of Agriculture and Trade ignored it and let it rot in the ground."

"The machine tools manufactured by the Taicheng Machinery Industry have been lagging behind the world and China for more than a decade, and they cannot be sold in Europe, America, and Southeast Asia."

Her words became playful: "But the relevant departments in mainland China have made huge purchases every year, forcibly making it into the top three in the world in sales."

Hearing this, Ye Tianlong suddenly figured out something: "You mean, these brain-dead behaviors are the result of Riyue Group's public relations?"

"Although the mainland has always had preferential policies for Taicheng, those are only the general direction. As for the details, it naturally requires public relations."

Ding Liuyue sighed lightly: "The existence of the Riyue Group is the function of the official donation, which opens up mainland officials to send more money to Taicheng."

"At the same time, it affects the update of the preferential policies for Taicheng."

Ding Liuyue made a judgment: "This is also the main reason why Riyue Group only makes a profit of 100 million yuan each year, and all the money it makes goes to relevant officials."

Ye Tianlong nodded: "I now understand the origin of Sunyue Group."

Ding Liuyue chuckled lightly: "There is no hill that cannot be attacked, and there is no target that cannot be captured."

"This is Cai Shuihui's famous market quote from Riyue Group. He has a lot of ways to capture people's hearts."

"Cash, beauties, handsome guys, antiques, etc., are all sugar-coated shells of the Sun Moon Group. In fact, he has already pulled countless people into the water."

"Moreover, they like to recruit handsome men and beautiful women into the company, and then use them to get through the relevant officials, and if something happens, it is a personal act."

Ding Liuyue's conversation turned: "Why did you suddenly ask Mingyue Group? You have a conflict with it recently?"

Ye Tianlong thought of Sophie and sighed, "Not yet."

He asked, "By the way, there is another person named Chen Wangbei in the Riyue Group. Do you know him?"

"Chen Wangbei?"

Ding Liuyue was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and nodded: "Of course I know, the dude of the Chen family is also the only person in the Chen family who has not gone to prison."

"His father once went to the second in command in Taicheng, and was later taken down for corruption. His mother was a murderer and was arrested for assassinating three high-ranking officials."

"His brother is the underworld elder brother, who led the entire village to produce 20 tons of drugs, and his elder sister is a kidnapper. Kidnapping a rich man would cost 1.6 billion and be arrested.

"In short, the Chen family is not a good person, and Chen Wangbei is safe, but it is the end of those things that he did that have been dealt with by his family."

"Although there are many people in the Chen family now, the Chen family seems to have fallen, but few people still dare to bully Chen Wangbei."

"His family has already let in. They have a list of related personnel. If they don't take good care of his son, they will go in whoever wants to."

Ding Liuyue told Ye Tianlong what he knew: "Cai Shuihui has friendship with Old Man Chen, so Chen Wangbei was appointed as a director of Riyue Group."

Ye Tianlong knew everything about it, and Chen Wangbei's scumbag really had some foundation.

Hanging up the phone, Ye Tianlong took a deep breath, then leaned against the car window and looked ahead.

At this moment, he felt a little warm in his nose. He had taken the tissue and pressed it quickly to prevent the blood from bleeding.

Perhaps it was because of the blood shed in the morning, this time it was not ferocious in the morning, it was just a little bit flowing, but Ye Tianlong was still a little more bored.

He returned to Lin Chenxue's words, returned to the genetic modification, always felt that this was a shackle, and wanted to break it with a roar.


At this time, a Ferrari convertible passed by Ye Tianlong and stopped at the intersection in front of the road. The smell of fragrant wind was blowing and the laughter was loud.

He recognized the two people above at a glance, it was the man in Tsing Yi and Sophie. The two smiled on each other, very happy and sweet.

Ye Tianlong's breathing became thick in an instant, and he had a bloodthirsty impulse, he wanted to rush to kill the two people and seek justice for the dinosaur.

He felt that everything he saw in front of him was blood-red, and he had the urge to destroy it all.

As his thoughts turned, Ye Tianlong's cheeks turned red, his eyes were fierce, killing intent was flowing throughout his body, and his fists were clenched invisibly.

Canshou felt the clue, a killing intent as if all his emotions had been frozen, making him seem to return to the scene of fighting with the enemy.

He glanced at Ye Tianlong, and found that Ye Tianlong's eyes were open, blood-red transmission, and a trace of blood in his nose. He was taken aback for a moment and asked in a low voice:

"Ye Shao, what's the matter with you? Are you sick? Do you want to go to the hospital?"

Ye Tianlong struck a sharp spirit, bit his lip, calmed his mood slowly, and then shook his head:

"Come back home……"

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