Talented Genius

Chapter 2098: Drive it, kill it


Ye Tianlong and Feng Jiutian received the report and rushed to the scene of Qiao Mingyue. They were shocked when they saw more than 40 children of the Thirteen League who had died.

Whether it was Feng Jiutian or Ye Tianlong, they believed that there was no difficulty in cleaning Kong Xiaocui with nine knives, but it was such a tragic scene who knew it.

Except for the dozen or so children of the 13th League who were injured in the front hall, all the more than forty people who pursued Kong Xiaocui were stabbed to death, including nine knives and sister Li.


Feng Jiutian kicked a warning tube and let out a murderous cry: "Kong Xiaocui, I will kill you, kill you."

Although Jiu Dao is just a sub-master, and Feng Jiutian can't talk about much closeness, she is under her jurisdiction after all.

Now that dozens of brothers have been killed, even Nine Swords and Sister Li have died, how can Feng Jiutian not be angry?

Ye Tianlong remained calm, put on his gloves and looked at the corpses, looking at the fatal wounds on their bodies, trying to find the murderer who killed them.

Although Nine Swords is only a branch master, but also has a sixth-rank skill, plus more than forty subordinates, the combat effectiveness is not too good.

Now that he was cut like a melon, Ye Tianlong became interested.

As Ye Tianlong scanned the wounds of the deceased, Feng Jiutian shouted to one of his subordinates: "Is there a shadow of Kong Xiaocui?"

"Hall Master Huifeng, no."

The children of the Thirteen League hurriedly responded: "The brothers in the front hall saw her running to the back door, and nine knives led people to chase her, and they all died."

"Kong Xiaocui disappeared."

He gave a judgment: "The van blocking the intersection was rammed away. It is estimated that she has escaped."

When he said these words, his forehead was full of sweat, and he was a little afraid to scan the nine dead and them, each of them died terribly.

Feng Jiutian asked again: "Did you see anyone who did it? Is it Kong Xiaocui, or the nine swordsmen killed by people around her?"

"I don't know, all the living brothers were injured and fell in the front hall. They didn't know anything about what happened at the back door. All the brothers who ran after the back door died."

The cronies hurriedly wiped their sweat and responded: "So no one knows the specific situation for the time being."

"Find, find me, send out all hands, you must find Kong Xiaocui for me."

Feng Jiutian yelled again: "Another Jianghu order to kill Kong Xiaocui, ten million."

Several cronies responded in unison: "Yes."

"Let your people be careful, all the players are first-rate masters."

At this time, Ye Tianlong had finished examining the wound and reminded Feng Jiutian aloud: "Not only is his sword technique superb, his heart is also fierce, almost deadly with a sword."

"Moreover, Nine Knives have three types of sword wounds on their bodies, so at least three masters who killed Nine Knives were at least three."

"Whether or not Kong Xiaocui took the shot personally, it shows that the force protection around her is strong."

Although Feng Jiutian had the title of the hall master of the Thirteen Leagues and the Sixth Branch was also a child of the Thirteen Leagues, to Ye Tianlong, he was half his own.

He didn't want Feng Jiutian to have an accident, and he didn't want the capital to be hit hard.

Hearing Ye Tianlong's words, Feng Jiutian nodded: "I will let them team up."

Ye Tianlong changed his conversation: "By the way, did you find the surveillance video?"

Feng Jiutian hurriedly responded: "Let me ask."

She asked her to watch the restaurant monitoring or ask the police for nearby videos. It didn't take long for Feng Jiutian to receive the report, and Liu frowned.

She walked quickly to Ye Tianlong's side: "Ye Shao, all the restaurant videos have been washed, and the hard drives and servers have also been blown up."

"Seven or eight official probes near the back door were also damaged and no noon image was taken."

Feng Jiutian's eyes were thoughtful: "The other party seems a little afraid of being recognized."

"As expected."

Ye Tianlong wasn't too surprised. He scanned several broken probes around, and then looked at the back door that didn't have a lively opening:

"On the battlefield of the back door, not only nine swords were stabbed to death by the sword, but also five or six severely wounded Kong's bodyguards."

"The attacker killed these inconvenient people. Obviously, he didn't want to leave us too many clues."

Ye Tianlong flashed a ray of light: "Master, fierce, and mysterious. Things are starting to be interesting. Who will save Kong Xiaocui?"

He showed a trace of interest in this matter, but he didn't expect that a simple fight was smashed, but the result was bloodshed.

"No matter who they are, killing me so many brothers, I must seek justice."

Feng Jiutian's pretty face revealed a firmness: "There are more than 10,000 children at the entrance of the capital, and I will dig them out even if they dig three feet."

"I understand your feelings, but you have to be careful. The other party is really not good."

Ye Tianlong also took out his mobile phone, and left the disabled hand in the grassland restaurant to defend Yun Ji's safety with Earth Kuangtian.

Kong Xiaocui’s conspiracy was frustrated, and Qiao Mingyue was also beaten to ruins. She must be angry in her heart. Maybe she would wash the prairie restaurant to vent her anger.

Just like the Qiao family...

Thinking of what happened to the Qiao family and the swords of Lonely Peak, Ye Tianlong's eyes lit up slightly, as if thinking of something.

After he sent the message, he took a few more pictures of the wound.

Feng Jiutian stood upright and proud: "Ye Shao don't worry, I'm not stunned, I will protect myself, and I will kill the murderer with one knife."

Ye Tianlong nodded lightly, and then sent another text message to the Oriole. He believed in Feng Jiutian's ability, but he had better add insurance.


At this moment, a few more cars drove in front of them, the doors opened, Wu Ningbing led people out, and she went straight to Ye Tianlong.

"You are Hyundai Conan."

Wu Ningbing glanced at the corpse and kicked Ye Tianlong out of breath: "As long as you appear, blood will flow into a river."

In the morning, I just went to deal with the **** case of the Riyue Building, suppressing the anger of the Riyue Group, and at the same time warned Cai's men not to mess around.

She finally finished her work and didn't eat her meal. As a result, Qiao Mingyue killed dozens of people, and they were all related to Ye Tianlong. She really wanted to kick Fei Ye Tianlong.

"Don't frame me, I didn't participate in this killing."

Ye Tianlong looked innocent: "If you don't believe it, ask the witness."

"Not involved, it's also related to you."

Wu Ningbing gave a judgment, and then pulled Ye Tianlong aside: "Grandma asked me to give you a message, Master Lone Star has come to the capital too much."

Ye Tianlong smiled faintly: "Really?"

A gust of wind blew in the sky suddenly, Ye Tianlong tightened his clothes tightly, feeling a bit of chill...

At the same time, Ditianju, Zhanqinglou, after answering a call, his face was a little gloomy, and then he hurriedly walked into Zhao Ditian's attic.

Zhao Ditian was sitting on a long and narrow rocking chair, holding a cup of tea and looking at the Phoenix tree outside the window, his expression was very peaceful, as if nothing could disturb him.

Zhan Qinglou slowed down and came two meters away: "Lao Zhao, the secret line is here to report, Master Lone Star left Taicheng and came to Beijing."

"She is a recognized Ninth-Rank master in the martial arts world. She came to the capital without authorization and violated the agreement."

"Because of the special background of Taicheng, Master Lone Star is too free to walk in any city in China, but to enter the capital city needs to be approved in advance."

Zhan Qinglou asked: "She has come to the capital without authorization, what should we do?"

Zhao Ditian didn't have the slightest disturbance, he didn't even pick his eyebrows, he just took a sip of tea, and then faintly said:

"Drive it!"

"What if you don't leave after the time is over?"

"Kill it!"

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