Talented Genius

Chapter 2103: A sword

Master Lone Star was stabbed by the broken sword too, and the blood shot dazzlingly, and the hall was instantly silent.

No one reacted, and no one believed this scene. Someone dared to attack Lone Star Master Tai.


When Broken Sword was about to continue to pierce Master Lone Star's waist, Master Lone Star yelled too much and kicked the attacking Kong's bodyguard.

Ruthless and anxious.

Kong's bodyguard didn't have time to evade, so he raised his leg and made a collision.


There was a dull crash that exploded like thunder.

The Lone Star Master snorted too much, holding Guo Bixia's corpse and backing five or six steps, a touch of pain passed across her face, and then she became solemn.

Kong's bodyguard also turned back seven or eight meters and stopped, just keeping calm.

Kong Xiaocui upstairs screamed: "You are not ours."

Jiang Cangyue screamed: "Who are you?"

"I am the person you are looking for."

In the shock of Wu Junao and Jiang Cangyue, Kong's bodyguard wiped blood on his face and revealed a handsome face: "Good evening everyone."

Jiang Cangyue and Wu Junao shouted at the same time: "Ye Tianlong."

This Kong's bodyguard, who came back with Guo Bixia on his back, seemed to be Ye Tianlong who was too screamed and killed by Master Lone Star.

Kong Xiaocui was frightened and angry, Guo Bixia was violently killed, and Ye Tianlong pretended to be loyal to stabbing Lone Star Master Tai. She felt that she was going to die.

Wu Junao was also dry-mouthed. In addition to being surprised that Ye Tianlong came in and sneaked in, there was also an angry Ye Tianlong rushing into the catastrophe.

If you stabbed Master Lone Star in this way, Master Master would surely go mad and slay the capital and turn the capital upside down, or she might be angry with her.

In this way, she doesn't have to be mixed up, the teacher is so powerful, she has already personally felt it just now.

"Enclose him!"

Jiang Cangyue let out a cry from her opponent and rushed to Master Lone Star at the same time: "Master, how are you doing?"

Master Lone Star glanced at Ye Tianlong too much, and then faintly said: "Go and get my detoxification pills."

The wound hurt first and then numb, as if it was poisoned.

Jiang Cangyue was so angry at Ye Tianlong: "Asshole, you are still poisoning!"

Ye Tianlong smiled brightly: "I came in a hurry, and there is no poison to seal the throat, otherwise the teacher would not be so painful."

Jiang Cangyue smiled furiously, then rushed to the room to find medicine.

Master Lone Star didn't make another shot at Ye Tianlong, and even stopped Kong Xiaocui and the others from firing. After she wanted to suppress the toxin, she would kill Ye Tianlong by herself.

Killing with one sword, only in this way can she vent the anger of being attacked.

For the first time in more than 40 years, it was the first time someone had scorned her like this.

She also glanced at the three of Wu Junao, and the bodies of the two women trembled suddenly, with fear on their faces, Wu Junao's eyelids also jumped.

Master Lone Star treats them as Ye Tianlong's accomplices.

"Ye Tianlong, you bastard, you got into a big disaster——"

Wu Junao couldn't hold back anymore, and rushed forward and shouted: "Who let you attack Lone Star Master Tai? Who made you so despicable to poison?"

When Master Lone Star was dealing with the poisonous wound, Ye Tianlong smiled faintly: "Good aunt."

"Don't call my aunt, I'm not your aunt."

Wu Junao was very angry. Although she did not persuade the Lone Star Master to leave too much, the situation could still be maintained, and now it was all mixed up by Ye Tianlong.

Even Lone Star Master would think that they brought Ye Tianlong over to attack, and that way, the three of them might all die here.

Ye Tianlong didn't respond, waiting for Wu Junao to vent his anger, waiting for Master Lone Star to be too poisonous, and waiting for the support from the Oriole.

Even if the poison on the sword is removed, there will be a period of exhaustion.

Both sides had their own ideas, so the scene was once mild.

"The Ministry of Security was making a lot of noise today because of you, and there were many people in the house, because you almost moved your hands."

Wu Junao yelled to Ye Tianlong: "You are simply harming human spirits, harming yourself, harming the Wu family."

"Now I'm still hurting me, the leader Ling Xiang Sike, the leader Yao Tingting."

She obviously blamed Ye Tianlong.

Ling Xiangsi and Yao Tingting were dissatisfied and looked at Ye Tianlong, feeling that he had pulled themselves into the water with a sword.

Ye Tianlong smiled: "Auntie, don't be angry, I will make up for the trouble I caused."

He didn't have the attitude of irritating Wu Junao. Although the old lady pressed him, Wu Junao no longer made things difficult for him, but it did not mean that he liked him.

Especially when he broke the marriage between Wu Lingshuang and Jin Xuejun, Wu Junao, as the matchmaker, always had a thorn in his heart, and now it is normal to get angry.

"Did you make up?"

Ye Tianlong's words made Wu Junao and the others very harsh. Doesn't it mean that they are useless, and the woman called Ling Xiangsi screamed:

"If you offend Master Lone Star, you are causing a catastrophe."

"You shamelessly attacked and poisoned you, and your sin is unforgivable."

Ling Xiangsi's willow eyebrows were upside down: "If it wasn't for the old lady to let us relax, would you think we would seek out Master Lone Star with the cheeky?"

She came with Wu Junao. Seeing her companion being slapped by Jiang Cangyue and Wu Junao being slapped flying, she was in awe of the lone star.

So she was worried about Ye Tianlong's involvement with her, and wanted to use this to divide the boundaries between the two sides. Only in this way could the three women leave the villa alive.

"At your age, being able to become an 8-Rank master does have arrogant capital."

Ling Xiangsi continued to mad at Ye Tianlong: "But Master Lone Star is a ninth-rank master, you are completely seeking your own death by offending Master Master Lonely."

"You only have two paths right now. One is to immediately kneel down and beg for mercy from Master Lone Star, Master Lone Star will spare you his life in the face of the old lady."

She said with a threat: "Secondly, you continue to be rampant, and you are too scumbag by Lone Star Master."

Ye Tianlong smiled faintly: "Kneel down and beg for mercy, you think too much."

"You really can't see the coffin without tears, can you hold the anger of Master Lone Star?"

Ling Xiangsi was very angry: "If you do this, we don't care about you."

"Ye Tianlong, Chief Wu and Chief Ling are right. I would advise you to get down on your knees and beg for mercy."

The injured Yao Tingting also squeezed out a sentence: "Don't want to go against the teacher too, because the teacher is too strong is not what you can imagine."

Jiang Cangyue slapped her elite away in one slap. Master Lone Star was too afraid to be ten times more powerful. What did Ye Tianlong use to fight against each other?

Ye Tianlong sighed softly, "Thank you for your advice."

Ling Xiangsi stomped his feet with anger: "Don't know whether it's good or bad. If you don't kneel anymore, you won't be able to kneel if you want to kneel later."

Ye Tianlong was noncommittal: "Kneel as soon as you want."


Ling Xiangsi was furious upon hearing this, what right does Ye Tianlong have to look down on her?

Wu Junao was also desperate for Ye Tianlong, and took out his cell phone to ask the old lady for help.

"He has no chance to kneel."

At this time, Jiang Cangyue had already given the detoxification pill to Master Lone Star, and then turned to Ye Tianlong.

"go to hell!"

Before the Lone Star Master could stop drinking too much, she suddenly drew out the long sword in her hand, turning her wrist, five sword flowers stabbed Ye Tianlong.


The sword flower is like a star, taking Ye Tianlong's key straight.

It's just that Jiang Cangyue's killing intent was fierce, but Ye Tianlong, the target of the attack, didn't seem to be oppressed at all.

"Qianlong out of the abyss!"

Ye Tianlong shouted a move casually, and then the short sword in his hand flicked, and the sharp sword light burst out.

Ye Tianlong, who was attacked by Jiang Cangyue, not only didn't back down, but instead came head-on.


In a series of crisp sounds, Jiang Cangyue's five sword flowers shattered one after another, as if a sharp weapon pierced an ice block, causing her attack to be wiped out.

Ye Tianlong ripped out a hole and quickly came to Jiang Cangyue.


Jiang Cangyue exclaimed, but he didn't expect that Ye Tianlong not only broke five sword flowers, but also broke his defense and slammed in front of him.

Her arrogant expression changed on the spot. She turned the sharp sword in her hand and burst out with all her strength to block Ye Tianlong's blow.


Ye Tianlong's broken sword hit the long sword, and the long sword shattered with a click. Then the short sword cast unabated and pierced Jiang Cangyue's clothes.

Splashing blood.

The three daughters of Wu Junao also widened their eyes, it was hard to believe this scene, knowing that Ye Tianlong was powerful, but it was too abnormal to stabbing Jiang Cangyue with one move.

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