Talented Genius

Chapter 2110: help me

Ye Tianlong spent half a day teaching Zhou Zhuangruo the sword technique of breaking rivers and mountains with one sword.

I have to say that although Master Lone Star's style is domineering and utilitarian, he still has a very accurate vision of picking a disciple, and Zhou Zhiruo will look good after studying for a long time.

This shows her talent in swordsmanship.

After Ye Tianlong taught Zhou Zhiruo's killer skills, he asked her to recuperate while trying to digest, and he went back to the water and took the medicine.

Although the Wujin yard of Ditianju was wide enough, Ye Tianlong knew that Lin Chenxue and the others were inconvenient to live there, so they occupied a corner between water and clouds.

Miao Tiannu, Dinosaurs and Lin Chenxue all live there temporarily.

Ye Tianlong wanted to buy a piece of land and also built a palace in the capital, so that it would be convenient for the high-level Tianmen and Longmen to settle down.

On the way back to the water and clouds, Ye Tianlong asked the hand to stop at the Beijing Hospital for a while, and then picked up the dinosaur who had completed the mission in the car.

Compared with the dinosaurs half a month ago, he is now a lot more haggard, less cheerful, and more of a silence.

But seeing Ye Tianlong, the dinosaur still smiled.

When the dinosaur got into the car, Ye Tianlong handed him a bottle of water, then patted him on the shoulder and smiled: "How about this half month?"

The dinosaur smiled generously: "Qiao Zhenxing's injury is under control, the doctor said, there is nothing serious, and it can be restored to normal within half a year."

"No one has troubled him in the past half month. Master Lone Star is dead and he is safer."

The dinosaur fastened his seat belt: "But I still arranged for Brother Dragon to protect him."

"I already knew about Qiao Zhenxing's injury."

Ye Tianlong waved his hand to let Canshou drive: "I asked you, did you wake up from Sufi's pain?"

Hearing Ye Tianlong's words, the dinosaur was taken aback for a moment, and then his expression was dim: "No, I still miss her from time to time."

"But I'm sure again, I don't have that feeling for her anymore, even if she asks for reconciliation now, I won't think about it again."

There was a doubt in the dinosaur's eyes: "It's just that her shadow always appears in my heart. I don't know what's wrong. Isn't it promising?"

"It's normal."

Ye Tianlong was not surprised: "You don't miss her, you can't do without her, but she is too deep in your heart, so you can't erase the shadow for a while."

"Don't be too anxious, don't forget, take your time."

Ye Tianlong relieved the dinosaurs: "Time is the best healing agent. One day, you will fade her shadow, and you will get used to her non-existence."

Hearing Ye Tianlong's words, the dinosaur was relieved, thinking that he still loved Sophie, now it feels much easier to get the answer.

Dinosaur wishes Sophie very sincerely: "I hope she will have a good life in the future."

Ye Tianlong smiled and said nothing.

Bailihua had already told him the news about Sophie. After Cai Shuihui died, Sophie wanted to help with the funeral, but was driven away by the Cai family.

The Sunyue Board of Directors also ruthlessly kicked Sophie out of the game, who was once an ominous person, and the Bobcats and Big Dog cleaned up her Mingjiang things.

Sophie now has nothing, even homeless.

Although Ye Tianlong pityed her, he would never match her up with the dinosaurs. Adults always have to bear the consequences when they do things...

When parking at the crossroads ahead, the dinosaur saw a little drunk girl walking slowly on the side boulevard.

The dinosaur glanced casually at first, but after seeing it, he was taken aback: "Huh, why is she here?"

Ye Tianlong swept his head sideways, a girl with a green face, a cherry mouth, delicate eyebrows, and eyes watery like a pool of autumn water.

Her skin glowed with a healthy glow, but there was a hint of drunkenness on her face.

Ye Tianlong asked: "Dinosaur, do you know her?"

"She is the girl I rescued in Mingjiang. She almost drowned at the time."

The dinosaur explained to Ye Tianlong: "I also paid her a week's hospitalization fee. I didn't expect her to come to the capital too, and she was still drunk."

"She was drunk when she fell into the water."

There was a hint of worry in his tone: "I didn't expect to be drunk again...her ID seems to be called Bai Susu, from Yaocheng."

Before the voice fell, the shock began.

I saw a van suddenly crossing in front of him and stopped not far behind Bai Susu. Then the door opened and two men and a woman got out of the car.

They passed by a few passers-by and quickly approached the shaking Bai Susu.

When Ye Tianlong squinted his eyes, a man with a Chinese character face took a few steps and grabbed Bai Susu and shouted, "Daughter-in-law, are you drinking again?"

Bai Susu's swaying body stagnated, and then struggled to withdraw his arm: "Who are you, why don't I know you..."

The woman with bangs also leaned forward: "Sister-in-law, you get drunk every time, who can you know?"

Another young man with braids also approached: "Sister, stop making trouble, go home, brother-in-law and they have been looking for you for a day and night, it's hard enough."

He also wanted to wave impatiently from curious passers-by: "Don't look, don't look, haven't you seen the young couple getting awkward?"

Bai Susu opened his eyes slightly, and tried to squeeze out a sentence: "Who are you, I don't know you, you made a mistake..."


When the voice fell, the man with the national character face slapped her face and roared:

"What's wrong? Didn't we just quarrel about washing the dishes? Why don't you even know your husband, sister-in-law, and your brother?"

"Come back with me, don't be embarrassed, I really regret marrying you, the nine-five-year-old girl, always get angry, get drunk, and run away from home."

After speaking, he dragged Bai Susu to the van: "Go!"

The braided youth pretended to shout: "Brother-in-law, don't beat people, this is very bad."

Then he spoke to Bai Susu: "Sister, be obedient, don't make the family angry anymore. The brother-in-law is also anxious when he is angry, and the child is almost crying.

Being dragged forward, Bai Susujiu woke up for three minutes and yelled: "Who are you, I don't know you, let go, or I will call the police."

The man with the national character face yelled impatiently: "Scream, scream, let me see if the police have time to take care of us in this mess."

The woman with bangs also pulled her: "Sister-in-law, go back. The child in the family has been crying all day and night. If you don't go back, the family will be gone."

The young man with braids also pushed Bai Susu from behind: "Yes, sister, fight at the head of the bed and fight at the end of the bed, stop making trouble, come back."

"Let go, let go!"

Seeing that he was getting closer and closer to the van, Bai Susu's wine completely woke up: "I don't know you, let me go, let me go."

"You help me call the police, I don't know them, don't know...help me, help me..."

She also asked for help to the passers-by, but the passers-by laughed and dispersed, no one paid attention to the young couple's flower guns.

A few girls were a little confused, but they were ripped away by their companions to prevent them from nosy.

Bai Susu looked anxious: "They are rascals, bad guys! Help--"

"Still making trouble? Don't you want this home?"

The man with the national character face grabbed Bai Susu's long hair, making her scream in pain, and then roughly stuffed it into the van:

"Go in—"


At this moment, one person blocked their movements, and the dinosaur appeared like an iron tower, lifting the man's hand with the Chinese character face.

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