Talented Genius

Chapter 2133: Always try

Although Hantan was cold and trembling at the touch, Ye Tianlong jumped in without hesitation.

If they didn't go down to grab a few Thoroughbred Fruits, the white yarn woman and the snow snake ate them again, and they would cry for another six years.

And six years later, I don’t know whether I’m alive or not. Besides, the white gauze women can go down, but they can’t go down alone as a man?

Ye Tianlong has always liked diving. The original intention was to squat under the swimming pool and look at beautiful women's thighs. As a result, more practice became a stunt.

He moved downstream like a fish in the cold pool, at an amazing speed, but the pool water was deeper than he thought, and the lower he went, the more he felt chest tightness.

The water pressure is severe, the temperature is low, and the physical loss is very large. Before reaching the bottom of the pool, Ye Tianlong felt as tired as cutting two hundred people.


Ye Tianlong slowed down, pulled a tube above the eagle's suit into his mouth, took a luxurious breath of oxygen, and then headed down again.

Two minutes later, Ye Tianlong finally touched the bottom of the pool. He took a few breaths of oxygen and ate two chocolate beans to slow down his body.

The pool was so cold, it was so cold that he consumed nearly half of his energy, but he didn't stop too much. After half a minute, he began to look around.

He found no fish in the pond, only some underwater plants.

Although the water in the pool is cold, the plants are full of vitality, looking very tough, no, to be precise, young.

These underwater plants did not decay at all, nor did they smell of decay. They were all full of vitality, as if they would never age.

"Sure enough, this pool has a fresh-keeping effect."

Ye Tianlong flashed a touch of surprise in his eyes, then took another breath of oxygen, and continued to swim in the pool to check the environment while looking for the rumored ice tree.

After turning a turn, Ye Tianlong stopped and his eyes fell on something in front of him.

A ten-meter-high tree, surrounded by three trunks, is snow-white with lush branches and leaves. At first glance, it looks like a Christmas tree, exuding a biting chill.

Every step Ye Tianlong approached, he could feel the ice cold. When he was ten meters away from the big tree, the heat of the eagle's suit could no longer bear the ice cold.

A wave of coolness bound Ye Tianlong's hands and feet like waterweeds, and then slowly spread to his whole body, causing his skin to become cold.

Ye Tianlong hurriedly took out a few prepared pills and swallowed them, urging some body heat to counter the chill brought by the tree.

At the same time, he let out a soft sigh: "It's 100% that ice tree, it's really cold enough."

Two meters closer, Ye Tianlong discovered that there were groups of fishes swimming around the big tree, of various sizes and varieties, almost thousands!

These fishes are also white all over, swimming around the big tree one by one. Their agility and agility make Ye Tianlong clearly feel the vitality.


Ye Tianlong took a few steps forward and found that the fish surrounding them were not actually ice trees, but the fruits of the ice trees, five red fruits with the size of five thumbs.

Groups of fish are constantly swimming around the five fruits and desperately fighting for the spring water around it, as precious as if they can live forever with a sip.

"Through the heart?"

Ye Tianlong's eyes lit up, and then regardless of whether the judgment was correct or not, he swished into the school of fish when he was frozen into a dog, and moved quickly to pick five fruits.


But when Ye Tianlong held a fruit with his fingers, he was horrified to discover that the fruit was like a thing that could ‘turn stones into gold’.

It instantly made Ye Tianlong's hand stick, and there was an unstoppable chill, and his mind seemed to be slowly frozen by the chill.

This feeling is like a person falling into a deep ice cave, knowing that he will be frozen alive, but he is unable to get rid of it.

Ye Tianlong instinctively wanted to scream, but his voice did not ring.

Chill was like a sharp and extremely cold sword, piercing his throat, cutting his shouts, and cutting off his resistance.


Ye Tianlong cried out badly, this time he was afraid that he was going to capsize in the gutter. This worry suddenly made him irritable, and his inner hostility rose.

The thought of slaughtering everything surged in his body, his eyes turned red and he wanted to cut down the tree.

When the world is against him, he will slaughter the whole world.


That is to say, this irritability caused Ye Tianlong's qi and blood to become hot, and it also caused the intrusive chill to stagnate slightly, and slowly spread the rhythm of his body.

The irritability and the cold collided, as if water and fire collided, as if a crisp sound exploded in Ye Tianlong's body, which also shocked his body and regained his flexibility.

Ye Tianlong was stabbed and bounced like a fire stick, then took off his coat to disperse the surrounding fish, took out a little red swish, swish and swish several times.

He shot down the five Toxin Fruits as quickly as possible, and then used a roll of clothes to collect them all.


Ye Tianlong got the Toxinguo and evacuated quickly, staying any longer, he worried that he would freeze to death.

Seeing Ye Tianlong plucking the fruit, the scattered fish gathered again, rushing towards him one by one, and Ye Tianlong was surrounded by fish for a while.

There are even fish who bit him with their mouths.

Ye Tianlong's body trembled a few times, and after driving away the fish again, he swam quickly, but the group of fish did not let him go, and they merged into a long dragon to pursue.

The farther upstream, the more fish they chase, it seems that all the creatures living in Tan are vying for the fruit in his hands.


Ye Tianlong felt a chill behind his back, swimming harder, and soon he touched the surface of the water. He lifted his head, his body shook, and he broke through the water.

He turned over and went ashore swiftly while spouting a mouthful of blood.


He now understands why this ice tree is so difficult to find, and this pool is really not accessible to ordinary people.

No wonder the white gauze woman said that she can't get off three times a year, and Ye Tianlong felt that the next time she would seriously infringe her body.


When Ye Tianlong was half kneeling on the ground, another person jumped out of the pool, and a plain hand also grabbed his foot.

Ye Tianlong trembled and turned his head to look, seeing the white yarn woman holding his ankle, he was startled: "Madam, what are you doing?"

"One, two, three, four... seven... eight?"

The white gauze woman's expression was excited at first, and then she was taken aback for a while: "Eight stars? Are you on the eight stars? Why are they not seven stars?"

The hope that was finally seen was saddened by one more star, and the white gauze woman was sad: "Why not seven stars?"


Ye Tianlong was about to respond, but when he saw the snow snake rushing, his body temperature had dropped sharply, and he was shaken by the wind wrapped in the snow snake.

He fainted with a plop.

"Ye Tianlong, Ye Tianlong!"

Seeing Ye Tianlong fainted, the white gauze woman repeatedly whispered his name, and then stretched out her hand to grasp his pulse, Liu Mei loosened...

After that, she looked at the soles of Ye Tianlong's feet again, with an undisguised regret in her words:

"Why not Seven Stars..."

Then he muttered to himself: "Always try to verify..."

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