Talented Genius

Chapter 2148: Anxious

"What? Tangkou was captured by someone?"

When Uncle Ling Qi was stabbed with a random knife, Ling Zhantian, who was sitting on the sofa, was also woken up by Diao Wudi, with indescribable surprise on his face.

"Tangkou is full of 500 elite, and two heavy steel doors, and Uncle Ling Qi is in charge."

Ling Zhantian's eyes were puzzled: "How could you be attacked by Longmen?"

Diao Wudi hurriedly briefed Ling Zhantian: "The enemy is too cunning."

"They set fire to thirty-six places first, scorching the various small halls and the military police, and then hit the hall building with a drone."

"The drone is tied to a burning block, and it burns when it hits the building and explodes, making the hall glow red."

"Uncle Qi asked the firefighters to come over while letting people put out the fire. Who knows, the firefighters are pretending to be the children of Longmen."

Diao Wudi's face was very angry: "The leader of the team was the Longmen warlord Heihu. He couldn't hold it at the entrance, so he was killed in."


Ling Zhantian punched the table with a fist and looked very angry: "These people are too sinister and cunning, please get someone to support you!"

"Tangkou must not be lost, otherwise I cannot face the helper."

Tangkou was knocked down by Longmen, and Ling Zhantian's future was over.

"Nothing, it's a fire!"

At this moment, there was a burst of shouts outside: "Buildings 3, 4, and 7 are all on fire. Come and put out the fire."

Hearing the panic cry outside, Ling Zhantian turned around with Diao Wudi and rushed to the edge of the balcony to scan the surrounding environment.

The night looks vast and deep in the light, and because of the darkness before dawn, the flames rising from the roof are particularly striking.

These three blazes spread instantly by the wind, and the flames burst into the sky.

In the turquoise night that was set by the fire, you could see Ling's nephew carrying a bucket and a fire extinguisher, rushing to fight the fire from all directions.

It's just that despite their hard work, in the face of the monstrous fire, they have little effect.

The tongue of fire rose and jumped, and twisted and stretched with the wind, and gradually the whole garden appeared.


Diao Wudi moved the corners of his mouth: "How is this possible?"

Ling Zhantian's face sank: "The Dragon Gate is here."

When Ling's nephew was fighting the fire, the rest of the place also burst into flames, soaring like stars in a prairie fire, and the garden was plunged into flames.

Moreover, a few night winds slowly blown in the darkness, and the wind raised the fire even higher.

The fire, in just five minutes, was like a wave rolled in the sea.

Uncontrollable, turbulent, even Ling Zhantian standing on a high place could smell the smoke and dust, and felt the scorching heat waves on his face.

Obviously, the fire-fighting operation of Ling's nephew did not achieve much.

"Tell all members of the Ling family to give up fighting the fire, and all concentrate on going to the front gate to be ready."

Ling Zhantian decisively ordered: "As long as we are not distracted, the Dragon Gate will not be attacked. This garden will be burned to them in advance as paper money."

"Abandon the fire fighting, withdraw to the gate, hurry!"

Diao Wudi quickly conveyed the order, and the Ling family immediately discarded the bucket of fire extinguisher, and instead drew out the weapon to rush towards the gate.

Ling Zhantian put on his clothes and moved down the stairs. When he walked to the hall downstairs, thirty-six youths flashed out of the shadows.

One by one, they hid their guns and held their blades, posing as if they were facing an enemy, and walked towards the door close to Ling Zhantian and Diao Wudi in the dark.


As Ling Zhantian and the others approached the door, as the house was rising, Diao Wudi found that Ling Zhantian's decision was correct.

Because the door had already heard the sound of screaming and killing, followed by the sound of weapon collisions and fighting, it was obvious that the two sides had started a close fight.

If not, Ling Zhantian decisively ordered the abandonment of the garden, the nephew of the Ling family, who was looking after the fire, would have followed in the footsteps and be attacked by the Longmen children.

At that time, the guards were unable to fight the enemy, and they were unable to support them. There was still a big fire in the garden, and the situation might be quite difficult.

Thinking of this, Diao Wudi uttered a sincere admiration: "Hall Master Ling is really wise."

Turning his head and glanced at the building in the fire, Ling Zhantian also had a trace of dismay on his face, but he quickly returned to coldness.

The three hundred Longmen children have formed a solid line of defense, and they are indifferent to stop the Ling's children from charging.

Pieces of knives poured down, smashing the lonely children of the Ling clan to the ground. When they encountered a large number of Ling clan guards rushing, they stepped back to resist.

What is shocking is that the Longmen children actually have explosion-proof shields, and after the strong shields block the opponents, the Longmen children behind take the opportunity to move forward.

The saber stabbed and slashed forward.

They attacked and defended properly, and easily killed a large number of elite Ling clan. When Ling Zhantian came out, the Ling clan fell down fifty people, and Longmen only injured eight people.

The purpose of the Longmen children is very simple, that is, to press the Ling children back into the garden and burn them to death. Even if they can't be burned, the smoke will choke them to death.

Therefore, after a small attack, they fought steadfastly, Diao Wudi looked at the shields, and his scalp was numb.

I have to admit that Longmen is more professional than them.

"court death!"

Seeing that his side was firmly suppressed, Ling Zhantian was so angry that he grabbed a knife, kicked it on his companion, and dodged three machetes at Longmen before falling.

Ling Zhantian stepped on a shield, and with his speed from high to bottom, he kicked out with his feet in a chain, splitting up, middle and down, attacking the three people almost indiscriminately.

One had his head burst, one had his chest collapsed, one had his throat spotted with blood and blood, Ling Zhantian fell to the ground, and the three fell to death.

Five or six Longmen children were taken aback.

At this moment, Ling Zhantian, who was half-squatting on the ground, held a machete, kicked his toes on the ground, and his body straightened in an instant, venting the huge strength that had accumulated for a long time.

He flew towards the crowd like a preying cheetah, and a sharp arc of light cut the three throats.

The light of the knife dissipated, and scarlet blood gushed.


The ten Longmen children slashed out the machete like wolves and tigers, and the ten people cooperated in a tacit agreement to make a fierce move. Ling Zhantian snorted, and the backhand was a knife.


There was a sound of metal collision, and the Dragon Gate boy felt his hand light, and then he saw that all the blades were cut by the machete.


When they were shocked, Ling Zhantian had already rushed over.

The knife flashed, and the four fell to the ground again.


When the Longmen children gathered around, Ling Zhantian moved his body and moved back quickly.

The children of the Ling clan yelled in response and prevented the children of Longmen from chasing after them.

Diao Wudi praised: "The hall master is invincible!"

"Stay on the spot and call for support."

Ling Zhantian, who had recovered a little bit of money, screamed: "I don't believe it, we can't consume them."

Even if each hall was exhausted, Ling Zhantian believed that he could gather hundreds of reinforcements.


At this moment, Diao Wudi's mobile phone vibrated, he turned on the mobile phone and glanced, then handed it to Ling Zhantian and said:

"Hall Master Ling, the jigsaw puzzle that killed Mr. Ling last night is finally figured out. This is the kind everyone in the audience said is more similar."

He zoomed in on a photo.


Ling Zhantian was directing his subordinates to confront the overwhelming Longmen children, and when he heard Diao Wudi's words, he glanced at it. It was okay not to look at it, and he was shocked.

"Is this **** who killed the uncle?"

Ling Zhantian couldn't believe it, he recognized that the guy on the puzzle was Ye Tianlong.

Diao Wudi nodded: "That's right, this person killed Mr. Ling. People in the twenties have confirmed that the similarity of this photo is as high as 90%."

Ling Zhantian clenched his fists instantly, his eyes filled with anger and murderous intent, and then he remembered another thing, and his heart was twitched.

"Find me where Miss Mo is."

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