Talented Genius

Chapter 2159: Who's guarding?

Ye Tianlong did not confuse the messenger of the Thirteen Leagues. One was that the injury was not healed and he did not want to get involved, and the other was that the Shangguan had dealt with it enough and there was no need to intervene.

So when Shangguan Xiaozhi went to see Concubine Chen Xiu, Ye Tianlong took the dinosaur out for a walk and slept for two days. It was really a little dull.

When he came outside, Ye Tianlong found that the whole world had changed. The branches were covered with fluffy, shiny silver bars.

The evergreen pine and cypress trees in winter and summer are piled with fluffy, heavy snowballs.

A gust of wind blows, the branches sway gently, silver bars and snow **** rustle down, and the snow end like jade shavings flutters in the wind, which is very beautiful.

"Unexpectedly, the snow fell."

Although he felt cold all over, Ye Tianlong was very happy to see the different scenery. He tightened the hat on his head, and then tilted his head towards the dinosaur:

"Go, go for a walk in the park opposite."

The place where Ye Tianlong healed was originally a hallway of the 13th League, which was cleared out as a place for Ye Tianlong to recuperate, so the environment was fairly quiet.

There is a small medicinal park opposite Tangkou, which is covered with snow but exudes tenacity.

The dinosaur exhorted: "Ye Shao, you are not in good health, and in this troubled autumn, let's just go around here."

Ye Tianlong glanced in the distance, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "Although the environment at the entrance is good, there are just too many high walls and iron nets that affect the vision."

The dinosaur touched his head: "I'm worried that someone will attack you, but it's actually not peaceful these days."

"Come on if you want to."

Ye Tianlong laughed: "I even killed all five of them in Lishang, so would they still be afraid of calculations? It should be them who saw me run away."

"Go, go to the opposite park."

"You see, there are two restaurants there, beef pot and lamb pot, you call Tianmo and go have lunch together."

After speaking, Ye Tianlong smiled and walked to the opposite park. The dinosaur rushed to protect him, and at the same time sent a text message to Tianmo.

Along the way, whether it is the patrolling Longmen children or the guards guarding the key points, they all pay tribute to Ye Tianlong, with absolute respect in their eyes.

This is a passion for the strong.

Ye Tianlong nodded to them, then smiled and walked out of the gate, leading the dinosaur to the park across the road, sniffing the smell of meat in the air.

At this moment, Snowflake appeared around them with fierce murderous aura.

A large number of snowflakes fell from a few trees, covering Ye Tianlong and the dinosaurs, endlessly cold, endlessly killing.


The dinosaur's face changed, his hands shook, and the coat on his body jumped out to block the snow that covered it.

"Pump pound!"

Hundreds of silver needles were blocked by the coat, making a dense and crisp sound, piercing each pinhole, and then slowly landing with the coat.

Ye Tianlong gently stretched his right hand, pinched a needle that slipped through the net, looked at the faint blue on it, and smiled faintly: "Poisonous needle?"

The words fell, and twelve men and women in white clothes fell from the tree, with twelve murderous faces and twelve shining samurai swords.

The air-conditioning on them is no less than the snow flying in the sky.

The dinosaur stood in front of Ye Tianlong, and his eyes instantly became ruthless.

A leopard-eyed man stepped out, shakes the samurai sword in his hand and yells: "Ye Tianlong!"

Gritting his teeth, like a poisonous snake, his eyes full of spite.

Ye Tianlong took a few steps disapprovingly, looked at the group of people and smiled: "The tomb guard?"

The dinosaur was taken aback for a moment: "Ye Shao, what is a grave guard?"

"There is a ghost place in the East where people who are full of evil like the'Reaper' are buried, but the East is not ashamed, but proud of it."

Ye Tianlong smiled and explained: "Not only does he pray every year and festival, he also cleans and adds sesame oil every day, so that the spirit of those people will live forever."

The dinosaur opened his mouth wide: "Is it the Toyo Ghost Company?"

When a murderous look shot into the eyes of the twelve, the leopard-eye man shouted angrily: "Insult us and seek death."

They didn't do it right away, they wanted to sense Ye Tianlong's true strength, so that it would be easy to kill by Thunder later.

Ye Tianlong chuckled again: "The dinosaurs are right, you are the Toyo Ghost Society."

He continued to explain to the dinosaurs: "The people who serve the ghost club are called grave guards."

"They are all descendants of extremism, as nervous as their parents and grandparents."

Ye Tianlong attacked his opponent unceremoniously: "Not only likes to invade others, but he also likes to destroy the good things of other countries and kill the elites of other countries."

"These rubbish, I don't want to practice martial arts well, knowing that I am promoted to the 9th rank, worrying that I am getting stronger and stronger, and still working for China."

He looked sharply at the leading man: "So he came to kill me before my injury, of course, and avenged death by the way."

Hearing the words "Reaper", the twelve Orientals were very sad, and they waved their samurai swords almost at the same time: "Reaper, please!"

The twelve figures flashed, and slowly rushed towards Ye Tianlong and the others.


At this moment, a sharp howling sounded in the air.

A bamboo spear pierced through the heart of the eastern man in front of it like a broken bamboo, and pulled his body into the pale snow with unabated speed.

The scene was particularly shocking. The end of the bamboo spear was soaked with blood in the body of the Oriental man, and the tip was pointed at the snow to support the huge corpse.

The blood flowed out like a waterfall to clean the bamboo gun, and the blood exploded on the way was even more than ten meters red, which looked very eye-irritating.

In the wind and snow, the blood mist rising up made people look confused!

"Swish swish!"

Just as Ye Tianlong looked around curiously, five tiger-wolf-like figures burst out and shot across, like a rock, in front of Ye Tianlong.

Five Chinese men blankly separated Ye Tianlong from the tomb guard, holding a bamboo spear that was folded down in their hands.

The Dongyang tomb guards who regarded death as home, not only stopped the pace of rushing towards Ye Tianlong for the first time, they also rarely adopted a defensive posture.

In his eyes, there is even more waves.

The dinosaur knew what that wave meant, and was afraid, yes, these grave guards were afraid.

Ye Tianlong narrowed his eyes: "Who are these people?"


When the eleven Oriental men and women could not bear the tremendous pressure from the five, they unavoidably avoided and never ran away, roared and rushed towards them.

The sharp arrows fired like a full bow, the afterimages were killed on the way before they were completely dispersed, and the samurai sword exuded a monstrous sharp killing intent.

Although they are fast enough, the five Chinese men are faster.

When the eleven Orientals rushed over, the five of them shook their bodies at the same time, and then they heard a superimposed sound of ‘Dang’.

The five bamboo spears slammed into the samurai sword, stabbing the abdomen of the five Orientals in front of them like a rainbow.


After the bamboo spear was pierced into the abdomen, the five Chinese men instantly let go, their figures flashed, avoiding the five Toyo swords, and brushing their bodies.

Just when they missed each other, the five Chinese men peeked their left hands, grabbed the bamboo tip that was stuck in the back, and slammed forward with the momentum.


The bamboo spear was dragged straight out from behind the five Orientals, with blood flowing from beginning to end.

The three-and-a-half-foot long bamboo spear walked across the abdomen of five grave guards, and it was dyed red and terrible.

The Chinese man who was running with the tip of the gun kept his speed and rushed to the five people behind.


When the oriental people's eyes were blinded by the blood, the bamboo spear was pierced into their abdomen again, and then they continued to brush past, pulling the tip of the spear from behind to move forward.

"Swish swish!"

In the next second, five bamboo spears moved forward, piercing the mouth, heart, throat, abdomen, and eyes of the leopard-eye man.

Five blood bursts at the same time.


The leopard-eye man wielding a katana with a desperate face, spraying blood to death

Suddenly, the dinosaur felt a chill spread all over his body, and subconsciously lifted a button to take a deep breath.

He also killed countless people, with a lot of blood on his hands, but it was the first time that Dinosaur Dragon saw such a direct power and speed confrontation.

These five people are completely killing machines.

Twelve guards of the tomb died, five Chinese men turned their bamboo spears and turned to salute Ye Tianlong:

"China, Dragon Soul, I have seen Shao Ye!"

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