Talented Genius

Chapter 2164: Eagle strikes the sky

"This invitation is actually not for you."

Seeing the three words Song Chunqiu, a smile flashed across Ye Tianlong's face, and then rubbed his fingers against the edge of the invitation: "He is for me."

Song Chunqiu had a close relationship with the Ling family, and the Ling family was destroyed. It was normal for Song Chunqiu to be in the early days, but if you invite a pasqueflower to dinner, it means that the drunkard is not drinking.

Everyone knew that Pasqueflower was not capable of destroying the Ling family, and they could all see that the patron behind Pasqueflower was Ye Tianlong.

So this invitation was given to Ye Tianlong by the pasqueflower.

"I think so."

The Pulsatilla nodded lightly and replied with a wry smile: "Although he is a waste of the Song family, he still cannot be equal to me."

"He sent an invitation to me to have dinner, but he actually asked me to transfer it to Ye Shao."

He looked very sincere: "So I brought it to Ye Shao to make a decision."

Hearing the conversation between the two, Shangguan Xiaozhi and Dinosaur were both curious. When they looked at them, they saw the three words Song Chunqiu, and they were taken aback.

Shangguan Xiaozhi's pretty face became solemn: "Ye Shao, I'm afraid this is a Hongmen Banquet."

"We cleaned up the Ling family and sheltered the Bai family group. Song Chunqiu suffered a great loss of interest, which can be said to have broken a lot of money for him."

Shangguan Xiaozhi reminded Ye Tianlong: "He can't wait to kill you, how could he kindly invite you to dinner?"

The dinosaur also nodded: "Yes, it's uneasy and kind."

The White-headed Weng also squeezed out a sentence: "Ye Shao, should I turn him down? Now you have the confidence and strength to refuse."

Although Pasque Weng is a legitimate businessman, too far away from the underworld and martial arts circles, it does not mean that he does not know what happened these days.

"Roasted whole lamb is such a good meal, how can I waste it?"

Ye Tianlong scanned the address on the invitation: "Old Bai, I will go to this dinner for you."

Shangguan Xiaozhi whispered: "Ye Shao, this meal is too dangerous."

"I always have to touch Song Chunqiu."

Ye Tianlong threw the invitation on the table: "If you don't touch it today, you will touch it tomorrow, and you will get Mr. Bai into it. It's better to just go and eat this meal."

"And if you don't eat this meal, Song Chunqiu will only think that I'm afraid of him, and I'll be even more intolerant in the future."

Shangguan Xiaozhi frowned slightly, and then sighed faintly. Ye Tianlong's words made sense. The two sides will touch each other sooner or later. It is better to touch early.

Ye Tianlong said softly and relieved: "Don't worry, all five of Li Shang can't kill me, Song Chunqiu can't hurt me even more."

Shangguan shook his hand: "The five of Li Shang didn't know you were great. Song Chunqiu knew that you were great and invited you to dinner. The risk is even greater..."

"Don't worry, he won't want my life."

Ye Tianlong has confidence on his face: "For a Ling's family and me, he hasn't got any water in his mind."

At 6:30 in the evening, the sky was dim, and the whole medicine city was lit up. Some people were walking and some were returning home. The lights illuminate everyone's journey.

Ye Tianlong also appeared on the streets of Yaocheng Nationalities, Song Chunqiu entertained at the Sun's roasted sheep at the end of the street.

Although the 50-meter-long street has been cleared, the whole food street still smells of food, especially the cumin smell of roasted whole lamb.

Extraordinarily rich.

Ye Tianlong looked up at the Sun's roasted lamb with bright lights at the end of the street, and he could vaguely identify a lamb standing in the hall.

A man in Tsing Yi was sprinkling the ingredients skillfully, and looking like that, the lamb seemed to be almost cooked.

The appearance of the man in Tsing Yi is 1.75 meters tall. His appearance is not handsome, but his eyes are gentle and his smile is gentle, giving people a feeling of spring breeze.

When he looked at Ye Tianlong, Ye Tianlong felt a sharp aura that passed away in a flash.

There is no doubt that the man in Tsing Yi is Song Chunqiu.

"Ye Shao, good evening."

Song Chunqiu greeted like an old friend: "It's better to come early than to come by coincidence. The lamb will be cooked in five minutes."

"I heard that the freshly cooked mutton, cut down and eaten, is more pleasant than a fairy."

Song Chunqiu smiled meaningfully: "I hope Ye Shao will not miss this first bite."

"five minutes?"

Ye Tianlong smiled faintly: "Enough for me to walk around this street for two rounds."

Song Chunqiu laughed: "There are still four minutes and thirty seconds..."


Ye Tianlong smiled noncommitantly, and then walked towards the end of the street unhurriedly. When he stepped onto the blue bricks of the food street, he found himself being stared at by countless pairs of eyes.

It seems that this street is not so easy to cross. Ye Tianlong made a judgment, but he didn't care to move on.

At this time, the bustling and noisy, crowded Minzu Street is not seen at this time, not only there are no tourists and diners, but even the owner's stalls are all closed.

The streets over fifty meters were extremely deserted.

"Swish swish!"

Ye Tianlong had just moved more than a dozen meters away, and he saw the top of the "Er Niu BBQ" shop, and suddenly three long arrows flew out, forming a character shape and shooting over.

The arrows are sharp.

There was no emotional ups and downs on Ye Tianlong's face, he kept moving forward without retreating or avoiding, and at the same time his left hand peeked at the arrow that was shot.

Sanjian was instantly caught in his palm.

Before the opponent could react, Ye Tianlong waved his backhand, and the three arrows reflected back, flashing, and in the next second, three screams sounded at the same time.

The three black-clothed women fell from the top of the shop with arrows in their chests, covered in blood, and their eyes were astonished.

It seems that the three of them never thought that Ye Tianlong was so domineering and so thunderous.

The three of them twitched for a while to extinguish their vitality.

Ye Tianlong didn't even look at it, walked past them directly, and continued to walk towards the end.


When passing by the "A Niu Hot Pot" shop, the shop lights suddenly lit up, a big lamp shone into Ye Tianlong's eyes, and two people rushed out at the same time.

One swung a knife from upstairs, and the other stabbed it straight from behind the door.

Quick and ruthless, and unexpectedly.

Although Ye Tianlong, who was attacked by the light, closed his eyes, his steps were not slow, and his right hand did not stagnate.

He blocked the dagger that pierced his abdomen, twisted it, grabbed the knife in his hand, and then slashed into the air.


The body of the enemy who rushed down in midair was shocked, and he fell to the ground with a knife, with a blood stain on his neck, spurting blood, and seeing that he could not live.


In the next second, Ye Tianlong threw a dagger and nailed it into another person's throat.

Ye Tianlong continued to move forward. On the way, three rainwater manhole covers burst and three people ejected at the same time.

They attacked Ye Tianlong like a Goshawk and Botu, with the saber in their hands on the manhole cover to take the key of the latter.

Ye Tianlong still kept smiling, his right foot exploded in an instant, and after three consecutive clicks, the three rainwater manhole covers bounced back and hit the heads of the three of them.


The screams screamed, and the heads of the three gray-clothed men broke and fell to the ground like dead dogs.

"It's all waste!"

The contempt of words and the intrepid skills caused Song Chunqiu's gesture of roasting the whole lamb to stop slightly, and then he returned to calm and turned the lamb.

When he let the lamb exude a stronger aroma, eight people threw out the "Leizhou Baiqie Dog" and "Axiu Braised Pig".

Holding a shield in their left hand and a short spear in their right hand, they attacked Ye Tianlong.

Cold light shines.

Facing the eight shields pressed against him, Ye Tianlong directly ejected, and the eagle hit the sky.

Seeing Ye Tianlong bounce, the shield changed, and all of them were lifted flat to seal Ye Tianlong's fall. At the same time, a short spear pierced Ye Tianlong's feet.


Ye Tianlong laughed, shook his body, avoiding the short spear, then sank suddenly, and his body fell like a cannonball.


Ye Tianlong fell directly on top of a shield, making the enemy holding the shield unbearable. He spouted a mouthful of blood and knelt on the ground.

Ye Tianlong fell into the gap, grabbed a short spear, and turned around. The seven screamed and threw out, all of their abdomens were cut.

The shield also fell around, making a mess.

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