Talented Genius

Chapter 2171: Will count (five shifts)

"Undergraduate brother, I want to study undergraduate!"

When Song Chunqiu made the decision, Shaqiang was also in the Longmen Recuperation Area, pulling Ye Tianlong's sleeves solemnly and said, "I want to study undergraduate."

"Okay, okay, you will stay here for a few days, at most one week, I will arrange for you to study undergraduate, OK?"

Seeing the obsessive Silly Qiang, Ye Tianlong's head hurts. From last night to now, as long as Silly Qiang is awake, he will come to find himself.

Every time I find myself, I say he wants to study undergraduate.

Ye Tianlong felt that he couldn't hold it anymore, so he patted the silly shoulder: "You get familiar with the book first, then I will send you to an undergraduate course."

He asked the dinosaurs to bring a few accurate versions of the Hong Kong City Mark Six Lottery, and then put them in the arms of the silly strong: "Prepare well."

"Great, great, undergraduate."

Silly Qiang became happy when he heard this, as if he was jumping with a book, and then ran to the Houyuan to study: "I can go to undergraduate."

"I really regret saving him."

Ye Tianlong looked exhausted, rubbing his ears that were still ringing: "It's not a problem to stay by your side, you can send him to study."

He looked at Shangguan Xiaozhi with a sweet smile: "After all, I gave the Ling family a ride. One day he wakes up, he will probably hack me to death."

"Don't worry, although you ruined the Ling family, Silly Qiang will not hate you. Even if he wakes up, he will only be grateful."

Shangguan Xiaozhi held a tray with a bowl of warm bird's nest on it: "He is stupid, not born, but stimulated by his father."

Ye Tianlong sat down on the sofa, raised a little interest and asked, "Is there a story in this?"

"Silly Qiang used to have a childhood sweetheart girlfriend. The two are very close. They are all in the same class in elementary, middle and high schools."

Shangguan Xiaozhi said what he had found out: "The two have also made an appointment to take an undergraduate university together, and plan to get married after graduation."

"Later, the stupid girlfriend's father developed the most beautiful Xiaofang, and Ling Yun wanted to take it for himself, so he killed his future in-laws."

"Ling Zhuang didn't stop doing it and rushed to kill him, causing the stupid girlfriend's family to die unexpectedly..."

A cold light flashed in her eyes: "Silly Qiang's girlfriend was also insulted by Uncle Ling Qi, who is not as good as a beast."

Ye Tianlong also squinted his eyes: "The old guy thinks that he will be killed anyway. Enjoy it before he died... It's a beast."

"Silly Qiang was greatly stimulated when he knew this, especially when he accidentally heard Ling Qi's feelings about his girlfriend, he was full of hatred."

Shangguan Xiaozhi told the second half of the story: "So he took a shotgun to explode Lingyun and Uncle Ling Qi, and he wanted to avenge his girlfriend's family."

"As a result, he was too nervous and shot it missed. It only hit Ling Yun in the ear. Ling Yun was furious and kicked him from the third floor."

"Silly Qiang hit his head on a car and suffered a severe concussion. With stimulation, he went crazy."

"He can't remember a lot of things, especially the memories of his girlfriend, which were all blocked because of pain."

Shangguan Xiaozhi sighed faintly: "He only wants to study undergraduate now, because he thinks that after graduation, he can marry his girlfriend."

Ye Tianlong nodded lightly, lowered his head and took a bite of bird's nest. He understood Shaoqiang a little better, and he was less resistant to "I want to study undergraduate".

"It seems to be a bitter child."

Ye Tianlong exhaled a long breath: "The Ling brothers are really inferior to animals. They killed all future relatives for a secret product."

He felt more and more that it was the right thing to take off the Ling brothers.

Shangguan Xiaozhi smiled: "Ling is indeed a beast."

"Make arrangements."

Ye Tianlong raised his head: "It's best not to donate an undergraduate degree to Silly Qiang in China, so that he can fulfill his college dream.

Shangguan Xiaozhi nodded: "Don't worry, I will arrange it properly."

Ye Tianlong asked again: "Is there any news about the black hands behind the four monsters of Liaodong?"

Shangguan replied: "There is news from Bailihua in the morning. It is not difficult to find the people behind the four monsters of Liaodong. It is Song Chunqiu who ate with you last night."

"They are thugs raised by Song Chunqiu."

She added the last sentence: "Old Fairy Changbai is not the Jin family or the Rong family, but the dogs of the Song family."

"It's also the Song family?"

Ye Tianlong was taken aback for a moment, then joked, "Song family fighting?"

"Yes, Bailihua's intelligence shows that Old Fairy Changbai and Song Donghua's little mother are sisters of the same family."

Shangguan Xiaozhi told Ye Tianlong of the situation: "So the old Immortal Changbai is probably doing things for Song Donghua, but unfortunately you killed him just after he showed up."


Ye Tianlong laughed: "I understand now, I said last night that I was standing in Song Donghua's camp, why Song Chunqiu's expression changed drastically."

"It turns out that Song Donghua really regained his strength and really threatened Song Chunqiu. This coincidence is really wonderful."

He vaguely found a line to contain Song Chunqiu.

Shangguan Xiaozhi remembered something: "Ye Shao, Chen Xiufei asked again today, when will you see her?"

Ye Tianlong smiled and replied: "Arrange for dinner tonight, always see you."

"Aren't you sure that Song Chunqiu said there is no water? Then why see Concubine Chen Xiu again?"

Shangguan Xiaozhi was puzzled: "Just drive her out, stop the peace talks, and the two sides continue to fight."

"The peace talks are now like a sugar-coated pill. Let's swallow it directly, and we will be poisoned alive."

Ye Tianlong lowered his head to eat the bird's nest: "But it's too cheap to go back as it is."

"So we can eat the icing, throw the poison pill back, and let Zhao Wuji break his wife and pay the soldier."

Shangguan Xiaozhi's eyes lit up: "Are you going to scheming?"

"Now I can't talk about tactics, and I will make arrangements after I have contact with Chen Xiufei and probe her."

Ye Tianlong spoke meaningfully: "No matter what Zhao Wuji plans, I won't let him succeed."


At this moment, Ye Tianlong's phone rang, and he put on his earplugs to answer, and Song Sanpao's hearty voice soon came:

"Ye Shao, hello, hello, I am Sanpao."

Song Sanpao reminded Ye Tianlong: "The one who danced the pole dance yesterday."

Ye Tianlong was slightly surprised, and then smiled: "Mr. Song, good morning, I remember your pole dancing, but why do you have my call?"

Song Sanpao happily replied, "It's Song Shao...Master Song Chunqiu gave it to me. You left him the number last night."

"He originally wanted to call you in person, but he caught the wind and chill after staying up all night and his voice became hoarse, so he asked me to call you."

Ye Tianlong smiled: "I don't know what's up with Young Master Song?"

"Song Shao has something to do, I hope Ye Shao can help..."

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