Talented Genius

Chapter 2181: What a pity (five shifts)

At 7 o'clock the next morning, Chen Xiufei left Villa 16 with the wall, and then went directly to the airport back to Harbin.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Concubine Chen Xiu was out of the Zhao Family Mansion in Hacheng. When she got off the car, several familiar guards found that she was more moisturized than before.

It's just that walking seems a bit inconvenient, walking cautiously, it seems a bit painful, and the red lipstick is not erased on the lips for the first time.

You must know that when Concubine Chen Xiu entered Zhao's palace before, she would wipe the lipstick on her lips cleanly, showing the greatest respect for Zhao Wuji.

Although the guards of the Thirteen Leagues were curious, they didn't dare to ask more, especially Hong Xiuqing's gloomy expression, which made them stay away.

Everyone can tell that Hong Xiuqing wants to kill at this moment.

The appearance of the guards was naturally seen by Concubine Chen Xiu. She didn't react on the face, but in her heart she scolded Ye Tianlong for the individual.

It was as if I had eaten him six dollars Mala Tang, which not only exhausted her tossing and exhausted, but also made her legs aching until now.

She vowed to take revenge if she had the chance.

"Xiufei, are you back?"

When Chen Xiufei walked into the building where Zhao Wuji was located, Shentu, with her straight hair, smiled and appeared again: "Is everything going well?"

Chen Xiufei coughed, cleared her throat and smiled: "Everything is going well, everything is done. I also saw Ye Tianlong last night."

"It's fine, the leader has been waiting for news."

Shentu's smile was as kind as ever: "I have lost my appetite these days, and I have lost half a catty of meat every meal."

Chen Xiufei smiled and said: "The leader will soon regain her appetite." Then she turned aside: "Isn't you awake after nap?"

"The leader woke up a long time ago, but an old friend came, and he is meeting, so you need to wait a while."

Shentu said softly, "It is Tarshonlev's adjutant who has arrived, and the leader is preparing to purchase a large number of heavy weapons."

"Buy a lot of heavy weapons?"

Chen Xiufei's pretty face was surprised: "This is in China, playing with shotguns and pistols is not a big problem, but heavy weapons are a problem."

Shentu smiled mildly: "We have always lived with our heads up."

"This is different, the nature is completely different."

Chen Xiufei shook her head: "Without heavy weapons, it is at best facing the forces of the arena. Once you have heavy weapons, you may be suppressed by the authorities."

"Although the Thirteen League has a great family and a wide range of contacts, the Jin family and the Song family are also good friends, but once the officials turn their faces, it will only be destroyed in three to five days."

"How powerful Tianmen was at the beginning, and its strength ranks among the top three in the world. Hasn't it been destroyed by the official?"

There was a trace of anxiety in her eyes: "In China, heavy weapons are not self-defense weapons, but suicide weapons. Is the leader confused?"

Shentu hesitated and said, "Xiu Consort, I know what you mean, but you still don't want to mention it later."

"Although the lord's face is calm and calm, in fact, I know that he is angry, and Li Shang is equal to his children."

"It's sad enough to die one, five deaths at once, the spirit will inevitably be extreme."

"So at this time you have to follow him, find the right opportunity and then advise."

Shentu reminded Chen Xiufei: "Otherwise, it will not only bring you harm, but also let the leader go to the end."

The corner of Chen Xiufei's mouth moved, and then nodded: "I understand, thank you Mr. Shentu for reminding."

"You're welcome."

Shentu was always polite, and then he moved his ears and listened for a moment. He smiled and cocked his hands slightly: "Xiu Fei, please come inside."

Concubine Chen Xiu nodded slightly and followed Shentu into the hall where Zhao Wuji was.

Before entering the door, she wanted to wipe off the lipstick on her lips, but in the end she didn't do it, otherwise the wounds made by Ye Tianlong would be exposed, which was too embarrassing.

"Mr. Zhao, goodbye."

"Mr. Shekov, goodbye."

When Chen Xiufei walked in, three burly Xiongguo men were standing up to say goodbye to Zhao Wuji. When she turned around, she saw Chen Xiufei's eyes bright.

The three of them stared at her red lips and swallowed their saliva subconsciously. One of the men with cheeks let out a breath of heat.

They looked at Concubine Chen Xiu for ten seconds, and then reluctantly left, but the light in their eyes did not disappear until the door.

If they were not at the scene, there were Zhao Wuji and Shentu, and the three of them would have rushed to swallow Chen Xiufei.

"Xiufei, are you back?"

Zhao Wuji had something in his heart. He didn't see this scene. He took a cup of hot tea, took a sip and looked at Chen Xiufei: "Is everything going well?"

"Leader, everything goes well."

Chen Xiufei nodded: "Longmen agreed to our request. As long as the money is in place and the handover of the site is completed, they will immediately sign a peace agreement."

"I got the promise from Shangguan Xiaozhi and Ye Tianlong. As long as the 13 Leagues have enough sincerity, Ye Tianlong is willing to give up revenge against you."

"They hope that the money will be in place within a week, and that one-fifth of the site will be handed over within a month."

Chen Xiufei added the last sentence: "By the way, they also returned Lishang's ashes to us."

A smile bloomed on Zhao Wuji's face: "Xiu Fei, you have done a good job, this is the result I want."

Concubine Chen Xiu hesitated for a while: "Leader, although the task is completed, I am still at a loss. I don't know why I want to cede land for peace?"

"We still have the strength to fight again, and there are a lot of foreign aid, plus years of management, life and death battles, don't know who wins and who loses?"

"If you are worried about Ye Tianlong's revenge, this mansion is invaluable, and there are still many institutions. Ye Tianlong will not be able to enter even the 9th grade."

Her pretty face was blank: "I can't understand the game of the leader."

"Xiu Fei, you don't need to understand or understand."

Zhao Wuji took a sip of tea and waved Shentu out of the hall: "You just need to follow my plan and complete the task well."

"It's not that I don't believe you or question your abilities. It's just that Lishang's five sons have hatred. I want to avenge myself."

Zhao Wuji explained: "I hope you can understand."

Concubine Chen Xiu's mouth moved, trying to say something, but finally sighed faintly: "Understand."

Zhao Wuji sat up straight and asked, "You met Shangguan Xiaozhi and Ye Tianlong. Do you have any comment on them?"

"Shangguan Xiaozhi is ambitious, capable, familiar with the rules of the underworld, and knows how to control his subordinates. He is a very powerful opponent."

Chen Xiufei sighed slightly: "As for Ye Tianlong...I can't see through."

Zhao Wuji smiled: "Can't see through? Can't see through at this age? His scheming is as powerful as his skill?"

Chen Xiufei gave an evaluation: "He is really strong in his mind, and he is like a cloud of warriors around him, and he has a long-term vision..."

"In short, it feels unfathomable."

Concubine Chen Xiu expressed her thoughts: "If I go against him, I will definitely prepare properly before starting."

"It seems that Ye Tianlong is not easy to get such a high evaluation from you."

Zhao Wuji smiled brightly: "By the way, did Ye Tianlong accept the gift from me?"

Concubine Chen Xiu had a dry mouth and wanted to avoid discussing this topic, but Zhao Wuji's authority pressed her down, and she struggled to squeeze out: "Accept it."

Zhao Wuji didn't have the slightest surprise: "Is he still satisfied?"

Chen Xiufei's cheeks flushed: "Satisfied."

"That's good, as long as he is satisfied."

Zhao Wuji expressed pride: "No matter how powerful he is, he won't know that you have murder tricks all over your body, let alone think that you have let him get caught."

"Beauty is the tomb of heroes. When Ye Tianlong dies in the future, he will definitely not know that you are his gravedigger."

He was slightly regretful: "It's just, it's a pity that your first time..."

Concubine Chen Xiu had a hot face and wanted to say that she had been cleaned by the sulfur of the hot spring, but she couldn't say how to say it to her lips, she could only be silent.

Zhao Wuji was extremely happy on his face. He looked up at his capable man: "Xiu Concubine, you will work hard for a few more days."

"Transfer 2 billion to Shangguan Xiaozhi, and then remove one-fifth of the site, and finally finalize a day for signing a peace agreement."

His eyes became cold: "I hope this day, I can be faster, earlier..."

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