Talented Genius

Chapter 2189: Fulfill the promise

Seven days later, at Villa No. 16, Ye Tianlong was soaking in the hot spring, looking at the distant view, very comfortable.

After these days of recuperation, his injuries were completely healed, and the hostility in his heart was suppressed by Tou Xin Guo, making him more and more peaceful.

During this period, Lin Chenxue flew to Medicine City to check him, and confirmed that his body's killing gene activity had decreased, so there was no need to worry for at least one year.

Ye Tianlong originally wanted to return to Mingjiang to recuperate, but Ning Xiaozhu and Luo Feicui who accidentally ran into him made Ye Tianlong decide to stay for a while.

He personally directed Ning Caiwei and Baitouweng to trade with Ning Xiaozhu and his wife.

"You like hot springs more and more."

As Ye Tianlong was enjoying the scenery below the mountain, a quiet and soft voice came from behind, and then Shangguan Xiaozhi walked behind him:

"Do you like the hot water impact of the hot spring, or do you miss that night of spring love?"

Shangguan smiled and mentioned Chen Xiufei: "Would you like me to call her from Hacheng in the name of handover? Let you enjoy another 100 million service?"

"You think too much."

Ye Tianlong tilted his head back, looked at Gao Tingjiao and smiled: "I put medicinal materials in this hot spring. Soaking it comfortably is good for your body."

"So take a dip if you have time."

Ye Tianlong stretched out a finger and gently drew a circle on Shangguan's calf: "If the master doesn't believe it, you can take off your clothes and soak in."

"Not only can it make you feel comfortable all over, but it can also make you more energetic."

Ye Tianlong regrets that in winter, Shangguan Xiaozhi wore long pants, which affected his visual enjoyment.

"is it?"

Shangguan Xiaozhi smiled: "Listening to you, I am a little interested in the hot spring where you put medicinal materials, but I don't have time to soak now."

"And I won't soak with you, lest you eat it."

Then, she sat on the floor and gave Ye Tianlong a massage: "I came here today to tell you that two billion has already arrived, and the handover of the site is complete."

"Sixty halls, 60 large and small sites, an average of 1,000 people guarded each hall, and the number of handovers alone was 60,000."

"I have almost overwhelmed the entire elite of the Dragon Gate, and the truth must be guarded by the most elite children, otherwise the local gang will cause trouble."

Shangguan Xiaozhi told Ye Tianlong his exhaustion this week: "The situation is pretty good now, and all sixty halls have gained a firm foothold."

"Now wait a week for the agreement to be signed."

"Zhao Wuji chose Taicheng as the place. I am a little worried. After all, we have no influence in Taicheng."

Shangguan expressed his concern: "Besides, Taicheng officials have always been unfriendly to us. Once something happens, it is estimated that we have to take care of it all by ourselves."

Taicheng is considered to be the territory of the Song family and the Cai family. Although Ye Tianlong's ninth-rank skill is a deterrent, it is still more dangerous to penetrate into the enemy camp.

Ye Tianlong closed his eyes and smiled: "Taicheng does have risks, but..."

Before he could finish speaking, Shangguan Xiaozhi whispered: "Should we let Zhao Wuji change places? Go to Mingjiang or Medicine City."

"Taicheng is a dangerous place for us. Isn't the south the abyss of Zhao Wuji?"

Ye Tianlong felt Shangguan Xiaozhi's massage, and his tone was calm: "Zhao Wuji will not agree to change places."

"Although both sides have signed the peace talks under the banner of armistice, no matter it is him or me, there is a string of vigilance in my heart."

"We can't go to the north to sign an agreement, and it's impossible for Zhao Wuji to come to the south, so we can only find a more neutral place."

"Looking at China, there is no Longmen, no Taicheng of the Thirteen Leagues, so theoretically it couldn't be more suitable."

"Furthermore, Zhao Wuji gave 2 billion and gave up 60 halls. If we can't even choose a place, it seems that we are deceiving too much."

Ye Tianlong smiled brightly: "So it is almost impossible to change this place in Taicheng."

Shangguan Xiaozhi said that he was worried: "It's just that I'm worried that Zhao Wuji would use the knife to kill people. After all, the Cai family and the Song family have blood feuds with you..."

Ye Tianlong's smile became playful: "It's okay, I can handle it, and this trip to Taicheng may not be successful."

One of Shangguan’s filial piety was stunned: "What do you mean? No need to go to Taicheng?"

Ye Tianlong came back to his senses and chuckled lightly: "It's meaningless, you continue to contact Chen Xiufei and digest the money and the site as soon as possible."

"At the same time, you don't need to familiarize yourself with the environment or manage the official account for the brothers who handed over the ground. It is imperative to contact the local gang."

"Let them get acquainted with the local gangs for a total of weeks, invite them to eat, drink, and play with them, by the way, grasp the economic strength of these gangs."

Shangguan Xiaozhi was startled slightly: "Is Shao Ye trying to incorporate those gangs? Or is he going to kill him?"

"No, I want Longmen to get acquainted with them, and before the peace agreement is signed, I will sell them the sites and properties given by the 13th Alliance at half price."

Ye Tianlong's eyes flickered: "If you can't sell at half price, just calculate their economic strength and sell as much as they can."

Shangguan Xiaozhi's face was astonished: "What? You want to transfer the sixty halls and properties that the 13 Leagues have ceded to the local gang on the spot?"


Ye Tianlong laughed and said: "Change hands, and after the change, let the sixty thousand brothers sent out to return to Medicine City or Mingjiang as soon as possible."

"Ye Shao, why can't I understand?"

Shangguan was puzzled: "The land we finally occupied was half sold and half given to the local gang after changing hands? Doesn't this mean that we are in vain?"

"And also making wedding dresses for others."

"Furthermore, the sixty thousand children just arrived at the entrance of the new hall, and each of them wanted to do something like chicken blood. At this time, let them come back..."

She couldn't help but reminded: "Morale will be low."

Ye Tianlong exhaled a long breath: "The morale is low, it's better than losing his life."

"In any case, you do their ideological work well. The day before you go to Taicheng to sign the peace agreement, all properties will be sold at low prices."

Ye Tianlong made a decision: "Sixty thousand children withdrew to Yaocheng or Mingjiang."

What did Shangguan Xiaozhi's image capture: "Is there really a conspiracy here?"

"Although I don't know what Zhao Wuji's calculations are, but I know that I can get away with it in time to make a fortune."

A smile flashed across Ye Tianlong's face, and he whispered to Shangguan Xiaozhi: "We said yes, just eat sugar-coated, and throw the poison pill back."

"Two billion, and the properties that will be transferred at low prices in the future, are very sweet icing, we can taste it."

"But if we reluctantly eat it, we will be poisoned to death by poison pills."

Ye Tianlong shook Qianqianyu's hand: "filial piety, don't be greedy..."

Shangguan Xiaozhi's expression hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded and sighed, "Okay, I'll make arrangements."

"In the near future, you will find this choice is correct."

Ye Tianlong smiled calmly: "By the way, has Caiwei finished the transaction with Ning Xiaozhu and his wife?"

Shangguan Xiaozhi replied, "I completed the formalities two hours ago and loaded the plane to Xiong Country."

"I hope they have a safe journey."

Ye Tianlong's eyes have a ray of light: "Let Caiwei keep in touch with them. All Bai's group medicines will be given priority to Ning Xiaozhu."

Shangguan Xiaozhi nodded: "I understand." Then he smiled: "You said, will Taxionglev thank you?"

"It doesn't matter if I thank you or not, the important thing is that he can rest in peace."

Zhao Wuji was alive within a few days, and Ye Tianlong's eyes fell on Xiong Country.

He wants to fulfill his promise to King Yan.

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