Talented Genius

Chapter 2193: The show has begun

Yan Pobei was tall and strong, and when he rushed towards Shekov, Shekov felt that a mountain was pressing against him.

To make Shekov feel that the other party is a mountain, Yan Pobei's powerful momentum can be imagined!

Yan Pobei looked a little clumsy, but the next moment he yelled, he had already arrived in front of Shekov.


His left hand swept across and grabbed Shekov.

It's a fist like a wind.

Yan Pobei's moves were generous and simple, but she had a spurt of deterrence, which made Shekov feel inexplicably terrified.

Shekov looked at Yan Pobei's sweeping hand, and endured the pain and slammed a punch, moving as fast as lightning.


The fist hit Yan Pobei's swept arm, and also hit the elbow joint.

However, Shekov's face was not happy, on the contrary, it changed drastically.

He just felt that a punch hit the iron plate, and the bones in his fingers were shattering every inch.

And because Yan Pobei's arm was swept, the powerful impact force was even more terrifying.


With a crisp sound, Shekov's hand was broken.

Shekov let out a scream, took three steps back subconsciously, and tears were about to come out.

In the next second, Yan Pobei cast his arm unabated and hit Shekov's chest hard.


Shekov's body shook suddenly, a blood spurted out of his mouth and nose, then he fell straight and flew out, and then hit a van heavily.


The van sank and the windows were all shattered. Shekov spewed blood and fell to the ground with a sullen expression, looking very painful.

The vodka that I drank in the evening was all vomited out, very unpleasant.

Yan Pobei drew out a gun, calmly came to Shekov, who was lying on the ground covered in blood, and put the gun on his forehead without saying a word:

"Shekov, you should be on the road."

The hotness of the muzzle penetrated Shekov's heart.

"who are you?"

Shekov stared at Yan Pobei and coughed: "Why come to ambush us?"

Yan Pobei sneered: "You are going to die, so much nonsense?"

Shekov struggled to squeeze out a sentence: "We are members of the ‘death squad’. If you kill me, Tarshonlev will kill you for revenge."

He felt that the guy wearing the mask in front of him was a bit familiar, but he couldn't remember his facial features.

Yan Pobei frowned deliberately: "Taxionglev..."

Feeling Yan Pobei's jealousy towards Taxionglev, Sekov's eyes suddenly shined, and he caught a chance to survive:

"That's right, Tarshonlev is our boss. How powerful he is, you must know in your heart that those who are targeted by him will undoubtedly die."

"Even if he escapes to the end of the world, he will kill you."

"You take the weapon and five million euros, let me go, I assume nothing happened tonight."

Shekov made the last effort: "You ambush us for money, there is no need to kill them all."

"What you said makes sense."

Yan Pobei said indifferently: "I want to believe you and let you go, but Taxiong asked about this change, how would you explain it?"

"I can say that the Thirteen Leagues want to eat black."

In order to survive, Shekov hurriedly squeezed out: "I put the responsibility on the 13th League. Fat Dogs took the money and arms."

"And I played dead and barely survived."

Shekov found a good reason: "In this way, Taxiong will only find the Thirteen Leagues and the fat dogs to seek justice."

"The Fat Dogs are dead again. No matter how Taxionglev looks for it, there will be no results. The matter will inevitably end."

Shekov expressed his thoughts to Yan Pobei: "You don't have to worry about Ta Xionglev's revenge."

"This is a good idea. You call Taxionglev right now and tell them that the 13th League fat dog swallowed your goods."

Yan Pobei hummed, "I didn't hear you tell him this excuse with my own ears, I wouldn't believe you let us go."

"Okay, okay, I'll call right away."

Shekov hurriedly took out the satellite phone, endured the pain and dialed out a series of numbers: "I will never lie to you."

Yan Pobei stepped forward indifferently and pressed the record button on the phone to record all of Shekov's conversation.

Shekov was stunned slightly. He didn't expect Yan Pobei to be so careful, but he didn't care about anything. He first survived before talking, turning on the hands-free:

"Mr. Taxiong, this is Sekov."

At this moment, the call happened to be connected, and a rough roar came from inside: "Shekov, what is going on? Who ambushed you?"

Shekov heard this voice and yelled at the other end of the phone:

"Mr. Taxiong, it's not good, it's not good, the deal was attacked, and the fat dogs were blackmailed. They caught us by surprise..."

"Brothers are all dead, just pretend to be dead, you come to support..."

While yelling at the phone, Shekov watched Yan Pobei slightly nodded, and he cursed inwardly:

I now say that the Thirteen Leagues eat black. When you go back to be safe, I will stab you out immediately. You are really well-developed and simple in mind.


It seemed that Sekov’s calculations were captured, but Yan Pobei suddenly raised his hand, pulled the trigger, and exploded Sekov’s head with a shot.

Shekov shook his body and fell heavily on the snow, his head was splashed with blood, his eyes widened, and he was shocked.

He didn't seem to expect that Yan Pobei would kill himself like this.

There was a silence on the other end of the phone, and then he shouted sharply, "Hey, hello, Shekov, what's the matter? What's the matter?

Yan Pobei stepped forward, hung up the yelling phone, and then shot Shekov in the heart:


Except for Chen Xiufei tonight, if one does not stay, how can he give Shekov a living?

"You should also say goodbye."

At this moment, a cold voice came, Yan Po looked north, and saw a short fat man squatting behind the tires of a truck.

He carried a rocket launcher that was finally assembled in his hand, and the warhead shone with a breath of death in the fire.

It is a fat dog.

He grinned: "Let's die together."

Before the words were finished, a Qianqianyu hand suddenly appeared in the back of Fat Dog's head. The Yu hand was holding a short gun, and the muzzle was staring at Fat Dog's head.


A shot exploded, the fat dog shook his body, and his head was splashed on the snow...

The last silhouette of his eyes is Chen Xiufei's firm and pretty face...

Thousands of miles away, Ye Tianlong was massaging Shangguan Xiaozhi's whole body, so that she could relax after being busy.

At this moment, a text message flooded in, and Ye Tianlong wiped his left hand with a tissue, clicked on the message and glanced at it, and then burst into a smile.

Shangguan Xiaozhi, who had been enjoying with his eyes closed, opened his beautiful eyes when he felt the strangeness, and smiled slightly when he saw Ye Tianlong's expression:

"Laughing so happy, has King Yan finished the task?"

Ye Tianlong smiled and replied: "The task is completed, Shekov and Fat Dog are dead, and a large number of heavy weapons have been recovered."

Shangguan Xiaozhi red lips lightly said, "Is Chen Xiufei okay?"

Ye Tianlong sighed softly: "It's okay, she also killed the fat dog."

"Is a not-so-simple woman who knows how to hand in a certificate."

Shangguan Xiaozhi raised his slender left leg and slowly fell on Ye Tianlong's shoulder and pressed it down: "It's really a good show."

Ye Tianlong held the woman's ankle, his smile became intriguing:

"The show has just begun..."

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