Talented Genius

Chapter 2197: Spartan Warrior

The morning after Song Sanpao was taken down, Zhao Wuji convened the core meeting of the 13th League.

In the huge banquet hall, there were more than a dozen men and women with extraordinary momentum, one by one, standing upright, quietly looking at Zhao Wuji in the middle.

Seven of them are even more conspicuous.

The seven men and women are huge, not only about 1.9 meters tall, but also explosively bulging muscles, as if wearing a layer of armor.

Each of their fists is bigger than the sea bowl, which makes people feel like they can punch through a single wall.

Compared with the beast bodies of these seven people, the originally strong Simon looked as weak as a child.

These seven people are the leaders of the "Death Team" of the 13th League.

The death team is the pioneer team that Zhao Wuji used to fight the world back then. It is also a death squad that is not afraid of death, all desperadoes and diehards.

There are seven teams, each with only sixty people, but each team is very fierce. The Thirteen League respectfully call them "Spartans".

Although it did not have the strength of the 300,000 Spartan warriors in history to defeat 300,000 enemy troops, there is no big problem for the death team with one enemy ten.

They are another trump card for Zhao Wuji.

Zhao Wuji has been raising them all these years, but hasn't used them for almost five years. It is obviously a big deal to let them participate in the meeting today.

Ximen Shu and a few of his cronies flashed this thought, and at the same time they felt that Ye Tianlong and Shangguan Xiaozhi were going to die.

Zhao Wuji scanned the familiar faces and looked at the position of the eight heavenly kings in the past. His eyes flashed with distress, and then he recovered coldly:

"Tomorrow is the day when the Thirteen League and Longmen signed an agreement."

"For the signing of this peace agreement, the Thirteen Leagues spent 2 billion yuan, and Chen Junshi's body was 60 times."

"We have fed Ye Tianlong's appetite to his fullness, and let him get overwhelmed, feeling that we are weak to be bullied."

"I also received a message that Longmen sent more than two hundred people to Taicheng yesterday to confirm whether Taicheng is safe."

"As a result, the Longmen spies were very satisfied. Taicheng and Negotiating Building were safe, and Shangguan Xiaozhi believed that the 13th League was really scared.

"She even called me in the morning and told me that I remember to be there on time tomorrow, and bring a few more beautiful women by the way. Ye Tianlong is good at this."

Zhao Wuji looked around at the indignant participants: "It can be seen that Shangguan Xiaozhi and they have swelled."

As soon as the voice fell, everyone present immediately fryed the pot:

"Assholes, it's crazy to take money from us and ask us to give it to women."

"Yes, it's extremely presumptuous, Ye Tianlong, the bastard, was caught by me, he must go to death."

"This is simply the great shame of the Thirteen Leagues, it can't be washed away without Ye Tianlong's blood."

"We have to catch Shangguan Xiaozhi alive, and in front of Ye Tianlong, let her pick up guests for seven days and nights before killing her."

The hatred of everyone at the meeting against Ye Tianlong skyrocketed, and they couldn't wait to catch him right now.

The leader of one of the death teams, a man with a scar on his face, even squeezed the stainless steel thermos with a bang.

He let out a breath of heat: "Leader, give an order, let me kill Ye Tianlong. Either he die, or I die, or die together."

Zhao Wuji was very satisfied with the effect. He waved his hand to calm everyone down and continued the topic just now:

"Tomorrow's peace agreement is signed, Ye Tianlong and Shangguan will be negligent. We must take this opportunity to solve the problem once and for all."

"Only when Ye Tianlong and Shangguan are dead, our contribution is meaningful. Only when Longmen is hit hard can our patience have value."

Zhao Wuji's voice was deep and deep: "The dead Lishang and they can rest in peace."

A bald man stood up and said, "Leader, what do you need us to do, please do not hesitate to go through fire and water, and you will die."

A woman with strong pretense also echoed: "Yes, Longmen deceived people too much. If you don't show him a little bit of color, you think the 13th League is a soft persimmon."

The rest of the people also said: "We are dead men who have been raised by the lord for many years, and the lord gave an order to let us die."

"Don't worry, everyone!"

Zhao Wuji waved his hand to silence everyone, then watched everyone speak loudly:

"Let everyone have a meeting today, not for anything else, but to arrange for tomorrow's battle. Among those present here, one of them counts as one, and all of them will participate in the action."

There was a ray of light in his eyes: "Assault Ye Tianlong and Shangguan Xiaozhi, everyone in the 13th League is responsible."

Ximen said softly: "Leader, you order the arrangements. We must complete the task, even if we sacrifice this life."

The others also nodded one after another: "Yes, you can kill and not be insulted."

"Tomorrow we will negotiate in the Taicheng Building. The Longmen children have checked it out yesterday."

Zhao Wuji opened the map of Taicheng's buildings in a quick gesture: "Although the Shangguan will send people to stare at the Taicheng Building, the spies will definitely not be too serious."

"Moreover, our hound team has locked their positions and can take corresponding measures to bypass the surveillance of the Longmen spies."

"The death team flew to Taicheng in batches tonight, sneaked in with the cooperation of the hound team, and hid in the upper and lower floors of the negotiation floor."

"Before the death team arrives in Taicheng, Ximen's weapons team will assemble the guns and then hand them over to the death team."

"At the same time, everyone destroys their identities. You are freedom fighters and Ye Tianlong's enemies. You have nothing to do with the 13 Leagues."

Having said that, he turned his gaze to Simon Book: "Are the weapons ready?"

"Leader rest assured, the weapons have been split a few days ago, and they entered Taicheng into pieces. The weapon team will also arrive in Taicheng at noon."

Ximen hurriedly replied: "As soon as they arrive, they will assemble it. The weapons will be assembled before twelve o'clock tonight."


Zhao Wuji nodded in satisfaction, and then looked at the seven team leaders and confided his plan:

"Seven, after Ye Tianlong and Shangguan arrive tomorrow, I will find an excuse to leave the meeting room just before the signing."

"Once I get out of the gate, you immediately use explosives to blow down the stairs, and then attack up and down at any cost."

"I'm not afraid to tell you that in the first battle tomorrow, you will die for a lifetime. In addition to Ye Tianlong's ninth grade skill, there will be official suppression."

He told everyone the risk: "You will use heavy weapons tomorrow. Regardless of the final result, the Taicheng military and police may kill you."

"I don't want to use heavy weapons, but there is no way. Ye Tianlong is too powerful. Cold weapons can't fight at all, so I can only fight with hot weapons."

"Your vitality is very slim, so you can consider whether to participate in World War I tomorrow."

"Whoever is willing to fight for the Thirteen Leagues, regardless of life or death, Zhao Wuji will give your family a lifetime of wealth."

Zhao Wuji glanced sharply at the seven team leaders: "The body is already delicate, and I understand that I will never force you to die."

Standing behind Shentu, his right hand was lowered, and there was a firearm in his palm.

Without any hesitation, the seven stood up and shouted, "War!"

"Good brother, good brother!"

Seeing all the seven stand up, Zhao Wuji's face was hot, he got up and walked over and patted them on the shoulder:

"It is the honor of my Zhao Wuji and the blessing of the Thirteen League to have your diehard loyalty. I thank you for the 300,000 brothers."

Zhao Wuji made a promise: "No matter what the outcome of this battle is, I will raise all your wives and children."

Shentu took the gun back inconspicuously.

A burly man with a scar on his face straightened his chest and stared at Zhao Wuji.

"Leader need not say much, killing Ye Tianlong and defending the dignity of the 13th League is the responsibility of our death team."

"And the leader has raised us for so many years, eating the best, drinking the most expensive, and playing the best, we have no desire in life."

"The battle in Taicheng was also our final fame."

He has the madness and enthusiasm of desperadoes in his eyes:

"Leader rest assured, in the battle tomorrow, we have to drag Ye Tianlong to the funeral even if we die..."

After the core meeting was over, the seven death teams moved away quickly and returned to the camp to prepare for a battle with Ye Tianlong tomorrow.

When Ximen was about to go out to make arrangements, Zhao Wuji suddenly stopped him: "Has the last batch of weapons arrived?"

"Leader rest assured, Taxiong has already transferred the goods through other channels. Bazooka and Gatling are all available, and they will be shipped to us in the evening."

Hearing Zhao Wuji's question, Ximen Shuh respectfully replied: "It's completely in time to take it apart and send it to Taicheng."

Zhao Wuji flashed a smile: "Very well, it must be delivered in time. Without these things, there will always be a hint of uncertainty in the battle of tomorrow."

"In addition, we must tell the combatants to destroy all identities, and no one can find evidence that the 13th League has done it."

His eyes were cold: "At least, you can't be scratched by someone's feet."

Simon nodded slightly: "Understand, I must let them not leave anything related to the Thirteen Leagues."

"It's just in the style of China's official government, such a large-scale gun battle, if the impact is bad, even if there is no evidence, as long as the official determines..."

He is worried: "They will not hesitate to take action against the 13 Leagues, and even if they don't eradicate us all, they will teach us blood."

Although the 13th League is known as 300,000 children, it is still not enough compared to the state machinery.

"Of course I know the risks, but if Ye Tianlong is not dead, the Thirteen League will die sooner or later."

Zhao Wuji saw it well: "If Ye Tianlong and Shangguan Xiaozhi are killed, even if the 13th League is severely damaged by the authorities, it will be worthwhile in the long run."

"As for destruction, it is impossible. The Thirteen Leagues have **** a lot of power and interests. We are destroyed, and they will pay a lot less tribute every year."

Ximen nodded: "That's true."

"One more thing, we gave Song Donghua such a generous gift, why should he reach out and help us?"

Zhao Wuji's scheming look: "So in this battle, you can take a gamble."

Ximen smiled: "Leader is farsighted."

Zhao Wuji remembered something: "By the way, when will Song Donghua arrive in Harbin?"

Ximen responded with one sentence: "I will arrive in Harbin at four o'clock in the afternoon."

Zhao Wuji looked up at the sky outside the window, snow covered the sky...

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