Talented Genius

Chapter 2199: Assembly fingerprint

At five o'clock in the afternoon, Zhao Wuji stood in front of the map of Taicheng, looking sharply at the environment near the negotiation building.

He is perfecting the details, once Ye Tianlong breaks through, where should he deploy the second murderous intent.

At this moment, there was a noisy footsteps outside. Before Zhao Wuji could react, Ximen had pushed Shentu away and rushed in.

"Simon, what's the matter? So panic?"

Zhao Wuji's face sank, he didn't like this kind of non-entry, even if it was a cronies like Simon, it would make him feel a little insecure.

A trace of apology showed on Shentu's face: "I'm sorry, I said to inform you, but Simon didn't care."

Zhao Wuji didn't respond or blame, but just took a sip of tea on the table. Although he didn't like this episode, he knew it in his heart.

Ximen must have important things, otherwise he wouldn't break in like this and would not listen to Shentu's advice.

Ximen was still gasping at the moment, out of breath, as if running in from the door: "Leader...Leader..."

Zhao Wuji kept calm and said: "Speak slowly, the sky won't fall down, don't be so anxious."

Simon Shu rushed to the table, poured a cup of tea and drank it. After suppressing the surging emotions, he struggled to say:

"Leader, the sky is falling."

Ximen had unspeakable dignity in his eyes: "Song Donghua's motorcade was attacked by a rocket. Song Shao was seriously injured and was sent to the Red Cross Hospital for rescue."

"What? Song Donghua was attacked? Seriously injured?"

Zhao Wuji stood up violently, with a shocked expression on his face: "How is this possible? Simon, are you in the head?"

"How can anyone dare to kill Song Donghua? He is the nephew of the Song family and still uses a heavy weapon like a rocket."

Zhao Wuji couldn't believe it: "Did the murderer eat the leopard's gall? This double provocation of the official and Song family nerves?"

"Leader, it's true."

Ximen Shu exhaled a long breath: "Song Shao got off the plane at about four o'clock and got off the airport expressway and drove into the separation lane leading to us."

"At the big arc of the toll booth, someone suddenly launched a rocket and directly blasted Song Shao's Rolls Royce."

"If the murderer is not nervous, Rolls Royce is stable, and Liu Shengyu pounces on Song Shao, Song Shao is afraid that he will die on the spot."

The book of Ximen finished with a cannon: "This is the case, the driver and the bodyguard in the front passenger seat were also seriously injured, and Liu Shengyu only breathed."

"Someone really attacked Song Shao with a rocket?"

Zhao Wuji took a step forward and grabbed the collar of Ximen Shu and shouted, "You are not kidding."

He still couldn't accept it, and set out this kind of thing on his own.

Ximen can understand Zhao Wuji's feelings: "Leader, how dare I lie to you? And this kind of thing, you can't joke."

"Asshole! Asshole! Asshole!"

Zhao Wuji roared three times. Song Donghua came for Song Sanpao, and he also called him. If Song Donghua dies, he will also peel off his skin.


At this moment, Simon's cell phone rang again, and he hurriedly picked it up to answer. After a while, his face changed drastically, and his hands trembled.

The phone fell to the floor with a snap.

Zhao Wuji's voice sank: "What's the matter? Song Shao can't save him?"

If something is important, Simon will not be so gaffe.

Ximen Shu's face was completely solemn, and he stepped forward to report: "Leader, Song Shao is still in the rescue room and doesn't know the situation yet,"

"We heard from the police inside that when Song Donghua was rescued, the Song family elite also led the military and police to search the mountain."

"They found a rocket launcher on the hill, and there were a lot of **** fingerprints on the barrel."

The book of Simon struggled to squeeze out the last sentence: "After the fingerprints were identified by professionals from the Song family, it was finally found to have a criminal record...Fat Dog."

"What? Fat dog?"

Zhao Wuji, who was taking a sip of tea, was shocked and squirted out directly after hearing the words. The old face was even more shocked: "Is the rocket fired by the fat dog?"

"The evidence is so."

Simon's mouth was dry: "And I heard the model and coefficient of the rocket launcher, it is the batch that Taxiong sold to us but was robbed."

"How is this possible?"

Zhao Wuji almost jumped up: "Someone must have been planted and framed?"

"How could the fat dog betray us? How could he have the courage to kill Song Shao? That is the consequence of killing his whole family."

There was a flash of anger in his eyes: "Ninety-nine percent of the fat dog died, and then he was used to frame us behind the scenes."

He has absolute confidence in Fat Dog's loyalty, even if he holds a gun on Fat Dog's head, he will not betray the Thirteen League, let alone be used as a gun.

"Bad son, too shameless, too despicable. He took our arms and used them to kill Song Shao and stabbed us."

Zhao Wuji felt extremely aggrieved: "I found the man behind the scenes, and I must strip him alive."

"Leader, I also think we were calculated, but the Song family would not think so."

Simon opened a collar and breathed: "Because the bazooka is not a simple fingerprint."

"Identified by professionals from the Song family, there are not only fingerprints emitted by the fat dog, but also fingerprints of the assembled rocket launcher."

Zhao Wuji was startled: "Assemble the rocket launcher?"

"Yes, the bazooka was assembled by Fat Dog."

Ximen had a look of anxiety: "Judging from the fingerprints to determine the assembly steps, it is still the most agile assembly."

"So there is a high probability that this bazooka was assembled on the initiative and voluntarily by the fat dog, and was not forced to complete by someone holding a gun."

He gave the last bad news: "The Song family therefore determined that the probability of that shell was shot by a fat dog 80%."

"Leader, the Song family and the police have set up a task force. They have issued a wanted for Fat Dog and a reward of 50 million yuan."

"Director Li also said that the Song family is very angry, and they know that Fat Dog is ours. It is estimated that after Song Shao's operation, he will be guilty of the Thirteen League."

Ximen added: "Director Li hopes that the leader will find the fat dog as soon as possible, and understand the cause of the matter, so as to reduce the anger of the Song family."

"Otherwise, the Song family will think it was the leader who trapped Song Shao, and Mrs. Song will fix the Thirteen League to death."

There is concern in his eyes: "By the way, the source of the rocket launcher must also be concealed by some means, otherwise it will be more troublesome if we know that it is the arms we traded."

At this moment, Shentu's phone, which had been silent, also rang. He put on earplugs to answer for a while, then his face was ugly, and he walked to Zhao Wuji:

"Leader, all 30 guards guarding Song Sanpao have been killed, and Song Sanpao's track is currently unknown."

Zhao Wuji suddenly felt cold all over, he felt that he was not only planted and framed by others, but also the kind that was calculated to his bones.

Zhao Wuji carried his hands on his back and walked around the room four or five times before making a decision:

"Get your car and go to the Red Cross Hospital."

Zhao Wuji's eyes flickered with a cold light: "I want to explain to the Song family in person..."

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