Talented Genius

Chapter 2206: This world, I'll come (six more)

The trend is over.

Zhao Wuji, who spit out another mouthful of blood, completely felt the end of his life. It was not that he was not strong, but that the opponent was too enchanting.

Judging from his years of experience, there are not many men in this world who are not greedy for money and not lustful, and once the desire is opened, it is almost uncontrollable.

Zhao Wuji once conducted investigations on corrupt officials arrested in Harbin. If they ran at the peak of their official career, 90% of them could retreat.

But all corrupt officials do not give up until the last moment. It is not that the money they have made is not enough, but the box of desire cannot be closed voluntarily.

Familiar with this, Zhao Wuji is always against allies and enemies.

Facing Ye Tianlong who had killed the five heavenly kings, Zhao Wuji adopted this same method, trying to use beauty and money to get Ye Tianlong into it.

However, he did not expect that Ye Tianlong could actually control his desire, and he changed his hands sixty times, letting Longmen escape the catastrophic disaster.

Similarly, when Ye Tianlong faced the beauty that Chen Xiufei gave to the door, instead of rushing forward, he resisted his desire and cleaned it carefully.

Let Ye Tianlong escape again.

At this point, Zhao Wuji has been unable to say, the original unwillingness has also turned into helplessness:

"Heaven is going to destroy me..."

There is no way to survive, no way to retreat, Zhao Wuji is not depressed, but instead laughs wildly, and is replaced by a tyrannical will to fight.

"Ye Tianlong, let's die together."

Zhao Wuji issued a long scream, and then stalked like a dragon, his indomitable fighting spirit approached Ye Tianlong.

Ye Tianlong smiled faintly: "Sorry, I don't want to die yet."

At the same time, Canshou stepped up silently from the side, and disappeared from Zhao Wuji's abundant fighting spirit.


In the next second, Can Shou took the initiative, moved his steps, and shot Zhao Wuji.


With a sharp sound, the leaf knife turned, and a dazzling brilliance threw out, the sharp edge of the knife pierced people's pupils, mixed with frenzied momentum.

With a fierce coming, Zhao Wuji could only move his footsteps, a few inches away, to pass the first blow of the remnant hand, and then his left hand blasted and hit the knife.


The fists and knives collided with a muffled sound, and the two of them shook their bodies, and each stepped back, tumbling blood, regardless of the outcome.


When Ye Tianlong took a few steps back while biting the lollipop, Zhao Wuji rushed to Canshou, like a running cheetah with sharp fangs.

On the way, a black dagger flashed out of his right hand.


Canshou didn't say a word, and the leaf knife in his hand flicked, facing up straight.

The two were extremely fast, narrowing the distance, and then waved their right hand and slammed with two knives.


With a loud noise, the dagger slammed on Canshou's blade, and a torrent of energy surged into Canshou's mouth.

Canshou's face changed slightly, with a loud shout, and his feet moved to calm his body, which could stand the strength of Zhao Wuji's invasion.

During the confrontation between the two of them, Canshou suddenly saw Zhao Wuji sneer.


Afterwards, Zhao Wuji's free left hand blasted out, and the point was taken directly on the right shoulder of the broken hand, which was extremely fierce.

Canshou's brows couldn't stop frowning, and his left hand came out like an iron rod.


There was a loud noise, and the two retreated in a fist collision.

When the two of them regained their feet, they found that their arms were a little sore, but no one showed it. Zhao Wuji looked at Canshou with sharp eyes:


Canshou's eyes flashed with cold light, and he snorted, moved his toes, and greeted him without retreating.

After sideways dangerously avoiding Zhao Wuji's stab, without any tricks, the can hand slashed towards Zhao Wuji's waist.

A vigorous momentum followed, and when the masters met, they naturally knew its depth.

Even if Zhao Wuji was sturdy and resistant, he still didn't dare to be careless in the face of a surging killer.

He knew that if he was stabbed by this knife, his waist would be severely injured and even killed.

Therefore, Zhao Wuji stagnated in the air, and his dagger flicked against the disabled hand. He was huge, but he was still agile and agile than a monkey.


After the weapons of the two sides came into contact, there was a muffled sound.

The corner of Canshou's mouth moved back half a step, and then his usual calm was restored.

Zhao Wuji, who was in the air, jumped back two steps in succession. He felt that his attack just now was pushed back by a powerful and abundant force.

This made Zhao Wuji feel for the first time that the opponent's mind was terrifying, and his calmness was unfathomable.

He secretly cried out that Ye Tianlong was also like a cloud, and he was only one step behind his Eight Heavenly Kings camp. The waves behind the Yangtze River pushed the waves forward.

After that, he glanced at Ye Tianlong again, and Ye Tianlong retreated to the shelf, still holding the slap-sized lollipop in his hand.

And beside him, there are dinosaurs and Tianmo, one more difficult to deal with.


Zhao Wuji laughed loudly, then he slid and shot at Canshou: "I'm going to die, I have to pull a few backs!"

Canshou didn't give in a little bit, and directly came head-on.

This stimulus of facing a powerful opponent with life hanging by a thread made the blood in the chest cavity of the two completely boiling, and their bodies became more and more excited.

This kind of excitement and boiling until the death of Fang Xiu formed two completely different feelings from a clear mind.

This made both of them feel that their fighting spirit was roaring.


The two quickly moved closer again, with the remnant hands preemptively, and Ye Dao severely cut out.

Zhao Wuji sprinted, clenching the dagger with both hands, and directly blocked it, abruptly blocking the attack of the remnant hand.

After that, he let go of his left hand and pointed to Canshou's heart.

The elbow of the disabled hand was raised to seal the opponent's fist, and then the two men spit out and separated.

"Swish swish-"

After retreating four or five steps each, the two rushed up to each other again. At the same time, they shot and waved their weapons. The faster the battle, the more courageous the battle.

The two figures continue to separate and merge, showing profit and strength, Zhao Wuji, who is huge in size, staring at a gap, and slaps his hand on the chest with one palm.


After suffering from the remnant hand behind Zhao Wuji's palm on his chest, the corner of his mouth moved slightly, suppressing the pain and tumbling blood, and roared.

He stepped on the ground with his legs, bends his knees and suddenly exerted force, hitting Zhao Wuji's chest.

Zhao Wuji thumped back, a pain in his ribs, and his dagger fell to the ground.

The faces of the two changed almost at the same time, blue and red, and then pale.


Just when Canshou was about to fight another battle, another huge figure rushed over, with an aura like a rainbow.

"I come!"

A familiar voice uttered to Canshou.

Immediately, he saw the dinosaur leaping in front of him and rushing towards Zhao Wuji not far away, with a flash of warfare in his eyes.

The dinosaur fist blew.


The sound was like thunder, and the momentum was overwhelming.

At this moment, Zhao Wuji's pupils were condensing in an instant, he was not surprised that the dinosaurs came out, and Ye Tianlong would never let him harm the Longmen warlord.

Zhao Wuji was just surprised that the dinosaur had such a majestic and terrifying aura.

If Zhao Wuji is described as a fierce wolf, the dinosaur is a dinosaur.

"Good job."

It's just that despite the strong opponent, Zhao Wuji didn't have the slightest nonsense. With his footsteps moved, the whole person disappeared in the next instant.

Where the figure passed by, the wind screamed, and the piercing sound exploded, and the two of them moved closer in the blink of an eye.


When the dinosaur saw that his opponent didn't retreat, he went in and killed him, his eyes were cold, and his right fist smashed at Zhao Wuji.

Zhao Wuji's eyes widened in an instant, and the dinosaur's punch seemed simple, but in fact it concealed extremely terrifying turbulent power.

His scalp exploded instantly, and he would have such an instinctive reaction only when facing extremely dangerous moments.

He spit out a mouthful of blood, retracted his palms without hesitation, and defended against the punch of the dinosaur.


The palms of the fists collided fiercely and made dull noises. The bodies of the dinosaur and Zhao Wuji shook at the same time.

Afterwards, the two fell back and flew out uncontrollably as if they were hit by a high-speed car.

As soon as they landed, the two rolled up again, shaking their arms fiercely, and the numbness disappeared.

In the next second, the two ran into their opponents again, and Zhao Wuji flashed like an ape.

After rushing out seven or eight meters, his body jumped up suddenly, his legs stirred and kicked like a hot wheel, sweeping his legs majesticly and kicking at the dinosaur.

The dinosaur raised his hands and blocked it.

"Boom boom!"

The hard bump between muscles and muscles burst into a deafening sound, and Zhao Wuji's leg sweep was fierce and fierce, but he was still easily blocked by the dinosaurs.

Zhao Wuji roared even more when he saw it, his whole body was like a furious beast, roaring and attacking continuously.

The dinosaurs had wrong hands and held the opponent one by one to attack.


The legs and feet couldn't work, Zhao Wuji pushed the ground with one hand, and stood back to the ground.

Afterwards, he rushed to the dinosaur with a punch, the momentum was like a stormy sea.

The dinosaur shrivelled, fists blasted out, and powerfully intercepted Zhao Wuji's attack, his arm muscles bulged, and shocking explosive power surged.


The two confronted each other again, both of them were destructive forces. This also caused the two of them to spew out a mouthful of blood at the same time, each falling back more than ten meters.

The dinosaur slammed into the iron door of the rolling shutter and directly smashed the iron door and fell out, looking very painful.

Zhao Wuji also knocked over a shelf and a refrigerator, and fell to the ground in embarrassment, bleeding from his mouth and nose, and his whole body fell apart.

Dozens of bags of potato chips still cover him.


When Zhao Wuji was about to struggle to get up, Ye Tianlong had already flashed in front of him.

Smile like an angel, and act like a devil.

Ye Tianlong lightly lifted his right hand, and the bamboo stick of the lollipop pierced his throat.


Zhao Wuji's body shook, blood gushing, and then beautifully spilled.

Zhao Wuji shook twice, then lay back on the floor with a bang, his hands and feet twitched uncontrollably, his smile was bitter, but there was a touch of relief in his eyes.

That is a relief from the grievances of the arena.


Ye Tianlong faintly said, "I will come to this world."

Zhao Wuji smiled, then his head crooked, and his vitality went out.

Zhao Wuji, die!

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