Talented Genius

Chapter 2215: Eventful autumn (five shifts)

"Cui's national defense forces surrounded the presidential palace, the parliament building and the administrative building in the morning."

"At noon there were at least five explosions in the inner city, tanks and military vehicles appeared in the inner city, and the military headquarters seized control of the national television station."

"At two o'clock in the afternoon, the military claimed that they had detained President Babu."

"Earlier witnesses said that hundreds of gunshots were heard in the direction of Babu's residence. The time was around 7 o'clock in the morning and the gunshots lasted for five or six minutes.

"At four o'clock in the afternoon, the commander of the National Defense Forces claimed on TV that the military did not intend to harm the president, but only to eliminate corrupt elements around him."

"The military department promises that normal order will be restored within three days."

At six o'clock in the evening, Bailihua informed Ye Tianlong of the information she had in her possession: "Now the entire Cui Country is under martial law, and no entry or exit is allowed."

Ye Tianlong rubbed his head and smiled helplessly on his face: "Countries with bigger eggs also have coups all day, so I'm really full."

He is still familiar with Cuiguo. The entire country has 30,000 regular troops and 20,000 reserve and militiamen. But for this strength, he likes coups from time to time.

"Moreover, it doesn't pick a time for the coup. Xiaolan has just discovered 30 billion jade veins. The person in power is about to change. It's really depressing."

Ye Tianlong knew in his heart that the so-called agreements and contracts are inherently weak in binding these countries, and after the change of those in power, the contracts become waste paper.

So there are big variables in the 30 billion jade veins.

"The military department said that the Babu family is too corrupt, and he can't even eat food if he doesn't get rid of it, so the National Defense Force violently put Babu under house arrest."

Bailihua said: "But I heard that the five-thousand-man National Defense Force originally didn't dare to make a second, but only after receiving strong assistance did it let it go."

"Strong assistance?"

Ye Tianlong squinted his eyes: "Which western consortium will bet on the mob?"

Bailihua shook her head gently: "It's not clear for the time being, but there will definitely be assistance from outside forces, otherwise the National Defense Forces will not dare to do something like this."

"After all, the Bab family also has five or six thousand diehards."

Bailihua added the last sentence: "Without oppressive forces or weapons, a coup of five thousand people is equivalent to giving away heads."

"Forget about this powerful foreign aid, think about it and let the employees of Tianlong Antiques return to China."

Ye Tianlong stretched out his hand for a cup of hot tea: "In addition to the local workers, there are more than 30 key antiques and the children of the Dragon Division."

"Little Lan can helplessly change the jade veins, but she will never sit back and watch that she is in danger."

He exhorted: "So as soon as possible to clear the relationship and let the staff come back."

Although the staff has nothing to do with the Cuiguo official, and nothing to do with the coup d'etat yesterday, Ye Tianlong is worried about the discovery of the jade veins.

Once the jade is discovered by the Wehrmacht, they will absolutely destroy the entire mine, and then find an excuse to re-occupy the jade vein.

Moreover, the backbone of the antiques and the children of the Dragon Division did not come back safely, and Ye Tianlong worried that Zheng Xiaolan would voluntarily run back to Cuiguo to rescue him, which would be even more dangerous.

Bailihua nodded: "I understand, I will pick them up as soon as possible."

After Bailihua left the arrangement, Ye Tianlong drank a sip of tea and rubbed his head to wonder what could be used, when the phone vibrated.

He glanced and smiled, Bai Shikang...

The next morning, as the sky just lit up, with a chill, Ye Tianlong appeared at the Shuiyunjian Clubhouse and then came to the golf course.

When he walked into the VIP area, Ye Tianlong saw two huge figures at a glance, swinging his clubs to practice golf into the hole.

It is Kang Shiraishi and Confucius.

Around the court, there were more than a dozen companions and subordinates from the Bai Kong family, who were chatting and laughing while watching the two playing, occasionally chatting in a low voice.

When they saw Ye Tianlong appear, Qi Qi respectfully shouted: "Ye Shao."

Ye Tianlong nodded to them, and then walked to Confucius and Bai Shikang: "Shao Bai, Shao Kong, good morning."

At this time, Confucius and Bai Shikang had also turned around, laughing and greeted Ye Tianlong: "Ye Shao, good morning, we have met again."

"Come, come, let me see what a Nine-Rank master looks like."

Confucius leaned in first, and after a heavy hug with Ye Tianlong, he laughed and said, "This is the first time I have seen a Nine-Rank master."

"Still alive, still so young."

"At the beginning, I heard Ye Shao single out five eighth-ranks, showing his mastery of the ninth-rank, I was shocked and worshipped endlessly."

"I wanted to fly to Medicine City and hug your thigh, but I felt that it was too blatant to fawn, so I had to put up with pretending nothing happened."

Confucius grinned: "Actually, I can't wait for it in my heart. I hang a sign on my chest. The 9th-level master Ye Tianlong is my brother."

"Today I was looking for you while Lao Bai had something to do, so I came to hug my thigh."

He hehe smiled: "Let's talk about it, you are so awkward now, you have the capital to establish a school, let us brothers hold thighs?"

Ye Tianlong laughed loudly when he heard the words: "Kong Shao, what you said has broken me. We said, Brother, brother for the first time."

"Furthermore, I am only a Ninth-Rank, not a 10-Rank. I am still in the realm of a martial artist.

Ye Tianlong patted Confucius’ thighs: “If you want to hug your thighs, I also hug your thighs. How could you let you hug my thighs?”

"Hahaha, good brother."

Confucius was very happy: "Although you are a little modest about this, I just like to hear it, at least I don't have any nostrils upright, and I disdain me."

Bai Shikang also came up and hugged Ye Tianlong to congratulate him: "Ye Shao, congratulations, the martial arts breakthrough, the underworld dominates, and the business is the best."

Ye Tianlong patted Bai Shikang on the shoulder: "Thank you, Shao Bai."

"Yes, yes, I also want to congratulate you."

Confucius laughed again: "You brat bull, the 9th-Rank breakthrough, you also killed Zhao Wuji."

"Don't tell me, Zhao Wuji has nothing to do with you."

He knows Ye Tianlong very well: "Five eighth ranks besiege you, if you don't kill Zhao Wuji, there will be a ghost."

"Young Master Kong, don't talk about it in advance. It's not convenient here. Find a good place later and talk slowly."

Bai Shikang glanced at the golf course and smiled: "When you are sensitive, don't trouble Ye Shao."

"It's okay, if I do it, I can hold it, let alone there is no evidence."

Ye Tianlong smiled, and then asked Bai Shikang: "Young Master Bai, you said yesterday that you asked me for something. I don't know what it is?"

"Young Shao Bai, Shao Ye, Shao Kong!"

At this moment, a young man with a flat head ran over from the entrance and stood in front of the three people respectfully and said:

"Yu Hongmen flew back from Cuiguo overnight, and brought his concubine and children here."

"They knelt outside the stadium, holding the Saints share transfer contract, and want to see you and Ye Shao."

The flat-headed youth added: "The stock of Saints fell 30% last night."

Ye Tianlong was taken aback, and then smiled: "Really sincere, Young Master Bai, your person?"

"Trash one."

Bai Shikang faintly said: "Ye Shao, ignore them, go, play a few games first, let them kneel down."

Confucius also smiled: "Yes, let them reflect on it, or else they will be domineering for a long time and really regard themselves as king."

Thinking of Yu Hongmen flying back from Cuiguo overnight, Ye Tianlong's eyes narrowed slightly, and then he smiled:

"Young Master Bai, it's okay, let them come over."

He smiled playfully: "If there are advantages, don't take the bastard."

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