Talented Genius

Chapter 2223: bet

Tired of dealing with Ye Tianlong's rogue, Ye Qiuqi stopped talking to Ye Tianlong along the way.

Just handing a tablet to Ye Tianlong, it contains Ye Tianlong's personal relationships, hobbies, taboos, etc., so that Ye Tianlong can better deal with others.

Before Ye Tianlong came, he was familiar with a lot of information. At this moment, he knew all the details with a little supplement, and then he deleted it quickly.

Ye Qiuqi didn't say much, stepped on the gas pedal and rushed to the Ye Family Villa. After a while, the car stopped in a villa area called Tanghu.

The villas here are located in the city center, with an inch of gold, a total of 18 villas, the first seven, four and the last seven, the environment is quiet, green grass.

Eighteen villas are also surrounded by tall walls to separate the Tanghu villa area from the busy traffic outside, which can be regarded as quiet in the chaos.

According to Ye Qiuqi, this is considered to be a rich area in Taicheng, and many businessmen with good looks have villas here.

Ye Tianlong was also very satisfied with the environment here, and at the same time he cried out that Ye Weiguo is indeed a character, and it is not easy to become a loyal Ye family in Taicheng.


Three minutes later, the white BMW came to a white steel door. After the system sensed the license plate and Ye Qiuqi's facial features, it quickly opened the steel door.

As soon as Ye Qiuqi stepped on the accelerator, she crossed a fifty-meter driveway and quickly stopped in front of the two connected three-story villas.

Villa Nine.

When he got out of the car, Ye Tianlong took out the bug, pinched his finger somewhere, then took out a little powder and applied it, and finally glued it back to the bottom of the seat.

Ye Qiuqi frowned, wanted to speak, but was stopped by Ye Tianlong shook her head, and then asked her to drive to the garage to park in person.

"Miss, Master."

When Ye Qiuqi and Ye Tianlong walked back to the entrance of the hall, several servants greeted them respectfully: "You are back."

Ye Tianlong nodded gently: "Mother Wu, hello, why did you catch a cold? Did you take medicine?"

His mind had already digested a lot of the Ye Family's information, including several servants who had followed Ye Weiguo for many years.

An old woman in her fifties smiled and said, "Thank you, Master, for your concern. I accidentally caught a cold, but I have already taken medicine and I will be fine soon."

At the same time, she felt a little bit of surprise in her heart, feeling that the young master was a little different. She used to be dull and silent, and she would not take the initiative to care about the servant's body.

But even though she felt that the young master had changed a bit, Wu Ma was still very happy. After all, this was better, and she felt that her head hit the wall and opened her up.

Ye Qiuqi was also slightly surprised. He didn't expect that Ye Tianlong had done enough homework with his servants, and the worry in her heart was reduced by half.

"Mother Wu, now you take someone to clean up the bedroom on the south side of the second floor."

Ye Qiuqi exhaled a long breath, and then issued an instruction to Wu Ma: "I told you that Tianlong accidentally hit the wall with his head while abroad."

"Foreign doctors said that Tianlong not only has a bad memory now, but his eyes cannot see too much of the sun, so he needs to change his room."

She added the last sentence: "At the same time, the curtains are thicker."

Mother Wu nodded hurriedly: "Understood, I will go and clean up now."

After speaking, she took two people quickly upstairs to clean.

Ye Tianlong gave Ye Qiuqi a white look. Although hitting his head against the wall could conceal some amnesia, he also pushed himself in the direction of waste.

Ye Qiuqi ignored it and looked at the other woman: "Aunt Zhou, you go to prepare dinner. It should be lighter. Tianlong can't eat too oily."

Aunt Zhou also nodded quickly: "Understood, I will go to prepare dinner immediately."

Wu Ma and the others were very fast, and the room was cleaned up in less than half an hour.

Ye Qiuqi took Ye Tianlong up to the second floor, and came to the bedroom on the south side, a 50-square-meter room with tables, chairs, bookcases, washing machines, and bookcases.

At first glance, it looks like a high-end apartment, but without any clothing.


Ye Qiuqi turned back and went out. Not long after, she pushed two large suitcases over and opened them. They were all brand-name clothes and new ones.

Ye Qiuqi hung the clothes in the closet: "Ye Tianlong's clothes were secretly taken and burned. I know you certainly don't like wearing his clothes."

"So I bought you new ones in his size, and you will wear these clothes."

Ye Qiuqi thoughtfully: "If it's really inappropriate, you can buy it another day."

"Sister, thank you, you are so thoughtful."

Ye Tianlong was happy, and he was about to give Ye Qiuqi a hug, only to be glared by her, and she had to shrug her shoulders.

"Ten suits, five pairs of shoes, three belts, two ties, one dozen socks, not bad."

Ye Tianlong flipped through the closet, then remembered something, and looked at Ye Qiuqi sideways: "Sister, you seem to have forgotten to buy something."

Ye Qiuqi was taken aback for a moment: "What did you forget to buy?"

Ye Tianlong replied solemnly: "Underpants, should I only wear clothes, not underpants?"

Ye Qiuqi blushed, and coldly squeezed out: "I can buy clothes as soon as I can. How can I buy something as private as underwear for you?"

"Furthermore, I don't know your size."

Ye Tianlong opened his mouth and replied: "The average is ninety, XXL is fine."

"Buy it yourself!"

Ye Qiuqi's pretty face sank, and at the same time she was ashamed that Ye Tianlong said the size, making her mind involuntarily show the number:

"I'm your sister, not a girlfriend."

"Also, I want to remind you that the clothes of the Ye family are all washed by themselves."

"Each room has its own washing machine, so after you take a shower, you throw your clothes into the washing machine and wash them, and then dry them on your own."

She told the Ye family a rule.

Ye Tianlong was taken aback: "This is what the dude did?"

"This is the rule set by my grandfather. You can ask a servant to help you with anything, but you must wash your clothes as long as they are not damaged or dead."

Ye Qiuqi reminded: "If you ask a servant to help, and grandpa knows, you just wait for the keyboard."

"Sister, washing separately like this is too wasteful of water and too much waste of resources. Now the whole world advocates economy, we can't waste it either."

Ye Tianlong looked sincere: "In this way, we will wash our clothes together in the future."

"Either you wash it for me, or I wash it for you and do something good for the world."

Ye Qiuqi's pretty face was cold: "You wait for the keyboard."

"Hey, I thought I came in to be a young master, but I didn't expect to wash the clothes myself."

Ye Tianlong looked depressed, and then his eyes lit up: "Sister, am I going to work with you in the group tomorrow? Is there any beauty in the group..."

Ye Qiuqi attacked Ye Tianlong unceremoniously: "Sorry, you don't need to accompany me to work, and your main task is not to protect me."

"The most important thing you should do right now is to do Ye Tianlong well. Before everyone can believe it, the rest of the things are imaginary."

"So you should go to school tomorrow. The final exam is about to come. Don't take the same dozen or more exams as before."

Ye Tianlong opened his mouth wide, and said in surprise, "Going to school? Is there any mistake? I'm going to school?"


Ye Qiuqi flashed a smile: "You are a senior, and you are about to graduate, take it easy. After all, this university sponsors more than ten million."

"If you can't even get your diploma, grandpa's ten million will be lost."

Ye Qiuqi hit Ye Tianlong very happily: "But I don't think you can graduate smoothly. After all, you have passed more than a dozen subjects."

Too much behind, no matter how to catch up, it is impossible to turn things around in the remaining six months.

"Look at me?"

Ye Tianlong rolled up his sleeves: "Don't you just hang up a dozen subjects?"

"I'm telling you, I will not only get good grades in the final exam, but I will also pass all the missed subjects to pass the exam and graduate successfully."

Ye Qiuqi disagrees: "Although you seem to be a little capable, you don't think you can graduate. After all, there are so many subjects, even I am not sure."

Ye Tianlong slapped the table and roared: "Then take a gamble."

Ye Qiuqi snorted: "How to bet?"

Ye Tianlong stood up straight: "I graduated successfully. You buy me underwear, dare you bet?"

Ye Qiuqi blushed, then hummed: "Okay, bet with you, what if you lose?"

"I buy for you……"

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