Talented Genius

Chapter 2236: Highway of death


After getting on the white BMW, Ye Qiuqi stepped on the accelerator, and navigated the "Death Highway" in the city of the navigation platform, choosing a road that was not blocked.

Ye Tianlong sat in the passenger seat, leaning against the car window to admire the roadside scenery. He admired street beauties more than the cars and motorcycles passing by.

Although this season is a bit cold, the shadows on the road are all dressed thinly, showing the graceful figure, and Ye Tianlong's eyes are bright.

"Have you never seen a woman?"

Ye Qiuqi couldn't stand it anymore, and when she stopped at the crossroads, she said: "Retract a little, don't lose the face of the Ye family too much, you are the Ye family now."

Ye Tianlong turned his gaze back: "Of course I have seen women, and I have seen many beautiful women, but that doesn't prevent me from admiring them."

"Furthermore, women wear fashionable and sexy, isn't it just for men to appreciate?"

He turned his head to look at Ye Qiuqi and smiled: "Without an audience, they will be very depressed."

"My mouth is crooked."

Ye Qiuqi murmured, and then remembered something: "By the way, I'll reach the destination later, stay back a bit, don't mess up my business tonight."

Ye Tianlong asked curiously: "Sister, where are you taking me tonight? Is it to eat, meet guests, or fight?"

"A major customer, Kongshi Group, placed a large order three months ago."

Ye Qiuqi hesitated for a while: "It can make the True Color Group make a fortune and even survive for a year."

"Because the order volume is huge, and because Kong has a head and face, and the two have a little friendship, only a small deposit was charged."

Ye Tianlong smiled and took the topic: "As a result, the True Color Group was ready for everything, but Kong suddenly regretted not wanting this shipment."


Ye Qiuqi rubbed her head, then sighed faintly, "Kong called today and said that she has no money in her hand, no more goods, and no deposit."

Ye Tianlong secretly cried out that this was another trap, and then asked, "How much deposit did the Kong family give?"

"One billion goods, five million deposit."

Ye Qiuqi's pretty face has a touch of helplessness: "Intrinsic Group has basically paid for the goods, and now it is waiting for the other party to accept the payment."

"Now that the Kong family doesn't want goods, it's a big blow to the True Color Group. After all, this is equivalent to taking out the Ye family's one billion working capital."

"I have been negotiating with the Kong family for a long time today, and finally Kong Feixiang, who is in charge of the business of the Kong family, is willing to give me the opportunity to sit down and communicate tonight."

"That guy has a bad reputation. He and Chen Wangbei are all the same. I am worried that there will be moths tonight, so I will bring you over."

There is a softness in her eyes: "With you, I feel a little more peaceful in my heart, but don't mess around...

Ye Tianlong took the opportunity to grab Ye Qiuqi's hand: "Sister, don't worry, with me, you will definitely not be troubled."


Ye Qiuqi's pretty face was cold, and he glared at Ye Tianlong's hand.

Ye Tianlong held it tighter, and pulled it into his arms: "Sister, are your hands cold? Come, get warm in my arms."


Ye Qiuqi was speechless, so she pulled her right hand back hard, and then slammed a pink fist on his shoulder.

She has discovered a truth, don't beep if you can deal with Ye Tianlong.

Ye Tianlong protested and shouted: "The gentleman doesn't talk!"

"I am not a gentleman, I am a woman! What can you do with me?"

Ye Qiuqi also played a rogue unceremoniously. She had the upper hand with a sense of accomplishment: "You have the ability to bite me?"

Ye Tianlong straightened his upper body and took a bite directly in Ye Qiuqi's ear.

"Son of a bitch!"

Ye Qiuqi was startled slightly, and then he was ashamed and angry. The bitten ear didn't hurt, but it made her feel a little strange, spreading like electricity throughout her body.

"Sister, I didn't expect you to like being bitten."

Ye Tianlong smiled: "This hobby is really bad."


Ye Qiuqi punched Ye Tianlong in the chest again...

Ten minutes later, Ye Tianlong, who was beaten wildly, leaned on the seat with a snort, Ye Qiuqi looked like a winner, and drove to the destination with great pride.

The Death Highway is a dangerous seaside road in Taicheng. It is about ten kilometers away. On the right is the vast sea, and on the left is the mountain of kilometers.

This section of the road is at the vent, not only often waves hit the road, but the top of the mountain also rolls down from time to time, and the entire section is flooded during typhoon season.

So it is called the highway of death.

It is rumored that since its establishment in the 1980s, 30 to 50 people have been killed or injured each year, either by being overturned by a rock on the top of the mountain or sucked by the sea.

Although it is dangerous, many people pass by it every day, because it can shorten the distance between the north and the south of Taicheng, saving an hour of time.

Therefore, the highway of death has been running for decades.

In the 21st century, the government used a lot of money to open up six mountains to form a southern tunnel, making it safer to open to traffic from north to south, and it is also more time-saving than the death highway.

With the tunnel on this day, vehicle owners traveling between the north and the south began to diverge.

However, although the death highway is less accessible by ordinary car owners, it has a group of rich second generations who are seeking excitement.

They regard this death road as a place of leisure and a holy place for racing. All the dear drivers in Taicheng must pass through the death road.

Before reaching the core area of ​​the Death Highway, Ye Tianlong could feel a madness.

There are many special signs of racing cars, crashed parts of cars, and blood stains that have not been cleaned up along the way. It is indescribable.

The sea also roared from time to time, as if it was about to swallow this highway of death at any time.

Ye Tianlong wondered if these rich second generations were really fed and supported, and they would come to die without enjoying their lives.


As his thoughts turned, Ye Qiuqi had already stepped on the accelerator and rushed to a corner on the beach to stop, where three tents were illegally set up.

The car door opened, and a sea breeze blew over. Ye Tianlong tightened his clothes and looked at the light above him. He saw dozens of people gathered in front of him.

All of them were dressed in bright collars and dazzling fashion. Among them, one of the white-haired youths, even the stars holding the moon, was surrounded by people with a smile on his face.

Behind these people, there are more than twenty luxury cars.

The loud voice and the roar of the car made the night seem even more irritable.

Ye Qiuqi led Ye Tianlong forward and said hello politely: "Kong Shao, good evening."

Seeing Ye Qiuqi and Ye Tianlong appear, dozens of people fell silent at first. It seemed that outsiders appeared unexpectedly. After seeing Ye Qiuqi clearly, they joked again.

The white-haired young man's eyes lit up, the cigar in his mouth crackled, and then he greeted him with a laugh:

"President Ding, are you here?"

The white-haired young man looked playful: "I'm really sorry to ask you to come to such a place to talk about business, but there is no way, I am a little empty at this time."

Ye Tianlong made a judgment, this guy was afraid that it was Kong Feixiang.

Ye Qiuqi is neither overbearing nor overbearing: "It doesn't matter, as long as Young Master Kong is sincere, it will be the same everywhere."

Kong Feixiang laughed, "I have sincerity, but I want to know, is Ye always sincere?"

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