Talented Genius

Chapter 2238: Road to hell

A dozen people then remembered Kong Feixiang, and then swarmed towards the slope, dragging the Ferrari, which was almost rushing into the sea.

Then, someone smashed the airbag with a knife and dragged the swollen nose out.

"Oh my god, it hurts me to death."

Kong Feixiang was helped out, and then he walked to the tent while covering his forehead and said, "What's the matter? What's the matter?"

He didn't react at all, only remembering that when he was about to show his skills, the car was hit by a brute force and then rushed down.

A companion hurriedly responded: "Kong Shao, you were hit by someone, and Ye Tianlong knocked you off."

"Ye Tianlong knocked me off?"

Kong Feixiang was furious upon hearing this: "Bad son, dare to hit me? Is that waste wood looking for death?"

When the first group nodded, Kong Feixiang was furious: "Asshole, bastard, where is he? Where is he?"

He asked Ye Tianlong to settle accounts.


At this moment, the white BMW drove back from the front whistling again, swish horizontally in front of everyone, with a breath of sea water.

In the next second, the car door opened and Ye Tianlong got out, his head held high.

"Sister, I won!"

Ye Tianlong held his hands up and smiled: "You have won, you have won, thank you for your support."

Ye Qiuqi looked speechless...

Dozens of people are also covered with black lines, don't know how to speak...

Kong Feixiang was so angry that he rushed forward and shouted at Ye Tianlong: "Ye Tianlong, did you hit my car?"

He never thought that Ye Tianlong dared to hit himself.

"Shao Kong, sorry, my driving skills are too bad, I accidentally stepped on the accelerator too much, so I knocked you out."

Ye Tianlong looked innocent and extremely sincere: "Don't worry, I am responsible for repairing your car. It will definitely satisfy you."

"But now let's announce the result of the game. I am the first to come back. I won."

Ye Tianlong happily added: "Thank you Kong Shao, remember to pay the purchase price tomorrow."

"Win an egg."

Kong Feixiang pointed at Ye Tianlong's mouth and shouted: "You hit my car and made people almost fall into the sea. What counts as a win? This round, not count."

"Shao Kong, how can you be like this?"

Ye Tianlong took the agreement and shook it: "We have won or lost the game, but it is okay, one back and forth, whoever is the fastest, wins the game."

"I have run a round trip now. You didn't even finish the two hundred meters. According to the rules, I will win."

"Our agreement does not say that a crash is not a win or loss."

He looked at Kong Feixiang with unhappy eyes: "If my car hits a mountain or falls into a pit, can it be said to be negligible?"

Kong Feixiang was speechless for a while: "You--"

"Kong Shao, according to the agreement, my brother really won."

Although Ye Qiuqi did not agree with Ye Tianlong's behavior, she knew that this was the best opportunity: "He did not violate any provisions of the agreement."

"Of course, if you can't afford to lose, then we have nothing to say."

Ye Qiuqi hid the needle in Mianli: "It's just that you will become a car god, but it will be greatly reduced."

When the voice fell, dozens of Chinese-clothed men and women were filled with righteous indignation, and one by one they criticized Ye Tianlong:

"Asshole, your siblings are too shameless. It's really shameless to work together to calculate Kong Shao and want Kong Shao to bite the cat."

"That is, although you didn't violate the rules, you took advantage of Kong Shao's kindness and loopholes, which is too mean."

"Young Master Kong, this round is definitely not to be counted, what kind of car is this, it's just a fraud."

They all felt unhappy, unhappy, if Ye Tianlong desperately wins, they may not be so, but such a victory is unacceptable.

"Kong Shao, if you lose, I don't admit it, I will poke the agreement to the racing forum, and then put the video on it."

Ye Tianlong remained unmoved, he smiled and said, "Some people will support you, but there are also people who will support me, such as your competitors."

"In the future, they will be as shameless as Kong Shao, or people who lost to Kong Shao before will also run back to void their previous bets."

He smiled and reminded: "At that time, Kong Shao will be sad."

"In this round, I admit defeat."

Kong Feixiang's face changed. He still cherishes the name of the car god. He doesn't want this to become a stain on others' attacks on him.

And if he is found to be shameless, his previous defeats will be a big fuss, so he simply admits defeat, and then changes the front:

"I will pay the purchase price by five o'clock tomorrow afternoon."

He stared at Ye Tianlong and shouted: "However, I want to have another round with you. If you refuse, then you will shoot and break up."


Before Ye Qiuqi could speak, Ye Tianlong smiled and said, "But I still have 500 million chips. You don't seem to have any bets."

"Just bet 500 million."

Kong Feixiang yelled: "One more game, you have won me. In addition to paying the purchase price, I will give you 500 million."

"If you lose to me, I will still pay for the goods, but you have to give me 500 million."

Ye Tianlong clapped his hands: "Okay, that's it."

Kong Feixiang asked people to get another agreement: "Come on, then..."

Ye Qiuqi wanted Ye Tianlong to accept it as soon as she saw it, but seeing Ye Tianlong's confident expression, she bit her lip again to remain silent.

The agreement came quickly.

Ye Tianlong glanced at it, straightened his body and smiled: "It is not a problem to bet on another round, but I want to change the content of the game."

"Now in the 21st century, this kind of racing is boring and not exciting."

He said softly: "I want to change the way."

Kong Feixiang sneered: "How to change it? You seem to understand racing."

"From end to end, the visible section of the death road, and the normal road in the back, a large arc that can see each other."

"Almost seven kilometers."

Ye Tianlong raised a smile: "You and my car are at each end. I will take my sister in the car, and you will take a female companion in the car."

"Then drive in opposite directions, walk the middle lane together, and step on the accelerator to 100 within one kilometer."

He said softly: "Whoever brakes first to slow down or deviates from the middle lane, who loses the game, how about it?"

Kong Feixiang's face changed dramatically: "The road to hell?"

Dozens of companions also changed their faces when they heard this. They looked at Ye Tianlong in surprise, as if unexpectedly that Ye Tianlong knew the road to hell.

Ye Qiuqi's eyelids also jumped. She knew that this was a death game in racing, and it was not only about car skills, but also courage and courage.

"Kong Shao is really knowledgeable, yes, it is the road to hell, heaven goes to the left, **** goes straight."

Ye Tianlong let out a hearty laugh: "Kong Shao just said that after playing all the tricks, don't play if it's not exciting, don't play if it's not crazy."

"So let's play a big game and take a look at the last moment, whether you dodge or I dodge."

Ye Tianlong said softly: "Kong Shao, don't you dare? You are an old driver, and you are afraid of me as a novice?"

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