Talented Genius

Chapter 2242: Great villain

In the next ten minutes, Canshou not only informed Voldemort, but also reported that Yu Hongmen had brought back all the key antiques.

This last thing gave Ye Tianlong a sigh of relief, no longer worrying about the safety of the antique backbone, and no need to worry about Zheng Xiaolan running to Cuiguo.

After hanging up the phone, Ye Tianlong turned the steering wheel down the viaduct, and chose a path that was not very blocked but not easy to walk to school.

At the same time, he pondered Voldemort's intention to come to Taicheng.

Although Bailihua asked him to be careful, Ye Tianlong knew that Voldemort's target was unlikely to be himself.

In addition to being a Ninth-Rank skill and difficult to kill, there are few people know that he is in Taicheng, let alone know that he is a waste of the Ye family.


While the thoughts were turning, the Audi car drove to the last section of Saints University. Ye Tianlong was about to turn into the intersection and his eyes jumped.

In his field of vision, he saw five locomotives constantly winding around on the road, turning around a girl like drunk, and the humming made people irritable.


On the locomotive, there were eight gangsters wearing sunglasses. They chewed betel nuts while laughing wildly, playing with the girl like a cat and a mouse.

The wheels kept rubbing against the ground, making a sizzling sound, and the exhaust pipe rumbling, hitting the girl's leg with white smoke, very arrogant.

The car brushed past her several times, hitting her bag and body, and the tires touched her shoes twice, making her almost fall.


The girl kept avoiding, but did not scream, and then was forced to hide in a corner, her pretty face had a touch of dignity, but there was still a touch of toughness.

Ye Tianlong drove the car closer and looked at the girl further. She had a nice face and did not lose to the stars on TV.

The figure is even worse, the front is convex and the back is warped, and it stands tall and ‘jade’.

The most terrible thing is that the chest is proud, standing tall in the thin school uniform, and he will get out of his clothes when he looks at it.

Ye Tianlong sighed secretly: No wonder the calendar said that there was a big murder when going out today, and it was indeed a ‘big one’.


When the girl was forced to hide in a corner, five motorcycles also stopped, fanning the girl and not giving her any way back.

In Ye Tianlong's condensed eyes, a red-haired young man got out of the car, chewing betel nuts and laughed:

"Run, run for me, let me see if your feet are fast or my locomotive is fast."

"Keep on, keep on running, Brother Nan, I like to watch you run, how attractive you are when you run."

The seven companions burst into laughter, with a touch of evil in their eyes, as if they were about to pounce on this girl at any time.

The beautiful girl couldn't help it, and she yelled, "What are you going to do?"

"Tsk tut, what are you doing?"

Nan Ge laughed and said, "Beauty, we are all like this, you said, what are we going to do?"

He stood with his arms around his chest very imposingly: "What can we do?"

Although he can't be like a big boss at this level, his gestures are depressing, but his posture is still somewhat arrogant.

The delicate girl is tough and unyielding: "If you dare to touch me, I will call out indecent assault, and then call the police to arrest you."

"Indecent? Call the police? Okay, you hurry up and see if we are afraid of the police."

Nan Ge snorted and smiled: "I can tell you for sure that the police will never take care of our affairs."

The delicate girl said coldly, "Why?"

"It's very simple. Repaying debts is justified."

Nan Ge licked his blood-red lips and smiled: "You owe us 20,000 yuan. If you don't pay it back, let's find the door, shouldn't it?"

The delicate girl's face sank: "When will I owe you money?"

"Agou, take out the IOU."

Nan Ge took out a glued IOU from a companion, and a smile was drawn from the corner of his mouth:

"You borrowed 20,000 yuan from Wang Zhentian last month, the handling fee is 20%, and the deadline is one month, right?"

The delicate girl's eyelids twitched, and she said in surprise: "Yes, why is the IOU in your hands?"

Nan Ge recently evoked an arc: "Wang Zhentian owes me money, so I transferred your debt to me, and the IOU will also be in my hands."

"How I borrowed from Wang Zhentian has nothing to do with you people. In short, you owe money and the IOU is legal."

He stepped forward and stared at the delicate girl: "You have to pay the money on time."

Upon hearing this, the delicate girl's anger subconsciously dissipated, and her pretty face felt exhausted.

"Wu Xinran, beautiful girl, 20,000 yuan, a month ago, today is the time to pay back."

Nan Ge smiled softly: "You now have two choices, one, take out 20,000 yuan, get back the IOU, and we will cancel it all."

Wu Xinran's mouth was dry and her voice weakened, "I have no money today and I am raising funds. Can I take it off for two days?"

"Do you think you will have a two-day delay? What's more, why should I delay it for two days?"

A gleam of light flashed in Nan Ge's eyes: "If you don't have the money to pay it back, then take the second way, reopen an IOU, and the same 20% interest."

"There is no interest of 4,000 yuan. You are allowed to write on the IOU. A total of 24,000 yuan is owed to us, which will be repaid in one month."

The delicate girl bit her lip, thinking it will owe more and more, but at this moment there is no way but to compromise: "Okay, I will change the IOU for you."

"The money will be returned to you next month."

Nan Ge's smile became playful: "Of course it's okay to change the IOU, but since you can't repay this time, you have to change the IOU this time."

Wu Xinran said coldly: "What way?"

"Take off your clothes."

Brother Nan's voice sank: "Then read it again with the IOU and ID card, and let me record it well, so that you won't fail to pay it back next month."

The seven companions laughed and laughed: "Yes, yes, you must write the IOU like this, or you will shame again next month."

As long as she takes off her clothes and writes an IOU, it won't take long before Wu Xinran will walk into the hotel obediently, lying on the bed waiting for them to be ravaged.

Wu Xinran was taken aback for a moment, then shouted in shame, "Rogue."

"Rogue? Now you owe money and don't pay it back, saying that we are hooligans. Wouldn't it be too shameless?"

Brother Nan twitched on his face and shouted fiercely, "I tell you, no matter who we ask for reason, we all have a clear conscience."

"If you don't take off your clothes and read the IOU, then you should repay the money as soon as possible, otherwise, we will go to Saints University and say you will not pay the money you owe."

He threatened directly: "Let the school expel you."

Expulsion from school is a killer deal with students.

Wu Xinran yelled: "I won't take off my clothes. I will pay you back as soon as possible. If you want to make trouble at school, go to school."

Brother Nan frowned: "You really don't care about expulsion from school?"

A companion grinned: "Brother Nan, don't play vain, just take her on the spot, strip her naked, and take a few videos."

Another companion also smiled wryly: "That is, as long as you take off, shoot, and **** her, she won't dare to be stubborn again."

"Nobody in this place anyway..."

When Wu Xinran's pretty face showed a touch of fear, Nan Ge's smile became exuberant: "It makes sense, come here, hold her..."

Several companions grinned and rushed to catch Wu Xinran.


At this moment, a stack of banknotes slammed over and hit Nan Ge directly with a crisp sound, which made Nan Ge very painful.

Before he could stand firmly, another stack of banknotes slammed in, hitting Zhongnan Ge in the nose, making him scream.

Ye Tianlong rushed forward and shouted:

"Let go of that girl and let me come."

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