Talented Genius

Chapter 2250: Maid (five watch)

Until he returned to the Ye Family Villa, there was still Voldemort's shadow in Ye Tianlong's mind.

Although he only glanced at Voldemort's information yesterday, and just glanced at it through the car window, Ye Tianlong locked his identity with a glance.

The pale skin color of a dead person, the face with almost no hair, and the eyes that seemed to be permanently filled with blood all gave Ye Tianlong a huge message.

Some people will stay in people's hearts forever as long as they are seen.

Voldemort is such a role.

Ye Tianlong didn't expect that he would deal with Voldemort in this way. He had the idea of ​​catching up and destroying the other party.

Because he felt that this was an extremely dangerous person, and only destruction could wipe out the threat he brought, but he didn't do it in the end.

In addition to his current disguised identity, there is also that the nanny car is not Voldemort alone, there are at least four people, including the man in black.

Ye Tianlong couldn't figure out the situation, so he put up with it for a while, even he didn't let the oriole track down to avoid danger.

"Tianlong, what's the matter with you? Is the food not tasty?"

While Ye Tianlong was drinking soup in silence, Ye Qiuqi, who was sitting across from him, looked at Ye Tianlong and asked: "Where did the car crash?"

"No, it's delicious, but I just thought about something, so I got lost."

Ye Tianlong turned his attention back and looked at Ye Qiuqi's pretty face with a smile: "By the way, there is one thing to say hello to you."

"One of the servants left at home, and the manpower is a little short. Mother Wu introduced a relative."

He asked: "I am going to let her in and take care of the cleaning work. What do you think?"

Ye Qiuqi's pretty face didn't change much: "I didn't want strangers to enter, but I believe in Ma Wu's personality, and I believe in your eyes."

"This matter, you have full control."

She simply gave an opinion: "If it is reliable, it doesn't matter if the salary is high, you can also clear out the utility room on the first floor for her to live in."


Ye Tianlong slapped his thigh and said aloud: "You are really a good sister, I know, you will agree."

Ye Qiuqi said softly: "The main reason is to believe your eyes."

Ye Tianlong smiled and said: "That is, my eyes are always great." Then he changed his words: "Kong Feixiang wants you to get the money tomorrow?"

Ye Qiuqi nodded gently: "Yes, I just called and confirmed to get the payment at ten o'clock. He also transferred 50 million yuan."

"Be careful tomorrow. That guy is sly, and today he is dragging his promise to fail to fulfill his promise, and he still uses 50 million as a sweetness. It feels like a conspiracy."

Ye Tianlong raised his head: "Or tomorrow I will go with you to ask for money."

"No, I can do it. You will be in class tomorrow. I talked to Zhou Zhenxing and he spoke highly of you."

Ye Qiuqi burst into a nice smile: "So you have to work harder and try to get good results in a few subjects at the end of the term."

Ye Tianlong smiled: "Don't worry about this, I will definitely get all the best, after all, we still have a bet."


Ye Qiuqi was taken aback for a moment, and then she was ashamed and angry: "You, you always think about something messy, can't you be a little more clear-headed?"

Ye Tianlong said aggrieved: "Sister, I am in my twenties. I am at the age when I am full at seven and hungry at eight. How can I be pure and low in desire?"

"I don't care, think less about scheming in the future."

Ye Qiuqi remembered Ye Tianlong's pants last night again, her pretty face became more ruddy: "Otherwise you just stay away from me."

"Sister, how can you do this?"

Ye Tianlong’s ‘distressed’ accusation: "People who are sisters want to hold their younger brother in their hands and in their mouths...


Before Ye Tianlong could finish speaking, Ye Qiuqi kicked off a cotton mop and gave Ye Tianlong a kick, which happened to be between Ye Tianlong's thighs.

Caught off guard, Ye Tianlong quickly closed his legs: "Sister, why are you getting more and more barbaric? Do it without saying a few words?"

Ye Qiuqi made an unceremonious blow: "When dealing with people like you, you won't beep if you can."

While speaking, Ye Qiuqi's toes still instinctively pressed, trying to break Ye Tianlong's tenacious defense.

Ye Tianlong only clamped Ye Qiuqi's feet, but she didn't expect her toes to be so flexible that she accidentally hit sensitive areas with a sneak attack.

The collision of the soles of the feet and non-foots, there is no spark, and no explosion sound, but it is like a violent chemical reaction.

The bodies of both of them stiffened at that moment.


Ye Tianlong's mouth opened and he couldn't speak. The foot didn't make him feel uncomfortable at all, just the strangeness that he couldn't tell.

Ye Qiuqi's pretty face instantly turned red, and the red ones were almost dripping.

She was taken aback for a moment, and hurriedly retracted her feet, not daring to look at Ye Tianlong's eyes.

Ye Qiuqi lowered her head, took the chopsticks and ate the rice, completely unaware of the taste of the food, but couldn't help feeling the moment of recollection in her heart.

It seems to be the wonderful feeling of electric shock.

Ye Tianlong whispered: "Sister..."

Ye Qiuqi blushed and did not respond, and then pushed the bowl and chopsticks: "I'm full, I went to the study to see something."

After speaking, she didn't wait for Ye Tianlong's reaction, put on cotton drag and ran quickly.

Only Wu Ma, who came oncoming, found that the young lady was shy like never before...

Ye Tianlong saw the messy dishes on the opposite side, rubbed his head and smiled helplessly. This elder sister was as strong as a queen at the time, and as shy as a girl at the same time.

There is nothing to hide from this, so he didn't say anything he wanted to say tonight.

Ye Tianlong shook his head, then picked up his chopsticks and continued to eat.


At this time, Mother Wu tapped on the screen lightly, moved up and walked up, cautiously saying: "Did you tell the lady about asking someone?"

"Say, she agreed."

Ye Tianlong nodded gently: "You can let her come to work at any time, and you can even make a nanny room for her."

Mother Wu was extremely happy: "Great, Master, thank you, you did me a great favor."

"Oh, by the way, my niece has already come, and she will go to school tomorrow. I'll let her come over to you when she is free tonight."

Mother Wu whispered, "She is outside the door, would you like to take a look?"

Although she has faith in her niece, she always has the Ye family to pass her eyes on.

"Okay, let her in."

Ye Tianlong originally wanted to say no, but after thinking carefully about sailing the Wannian Ship, a stranger came in and he had to check everything.

Otherwise, I would be sorry to the Ye family.

"Good Le."

Wu Ma turned around with a smile, and then quickly led a girl in.

The girl walked up from behind Wu Ma with a calm smile: "Ye Shao, good evening."


Ye Tianlong almost spit out soup: "Wu Xinran?"

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