Talented Genius

Chapter 2255: Actually there is still one


The cold wind blew by, swept up a **** breath, making the night terrible.

Jiang Yangdao fell to the ground, his eyes widened, shocked and unwilling, but he didn't expect that Ye Tianlong would kill him with every gesture.

He was favored by the Mingyue Group. In addition to a loyal heart, he was also very skilled, and there was no difficulty in one dozen fifty.

But with this kind of strength, not only could he not avoid Tianmo's knife, but also the titanium thorns that Ye Tianlong shot, Jiang Yangdao couldn't believe it until he died.

He just dies no longer, he still loses his vitality and becomes a cold corpse.


When Ye Tianlong got into the car, Wuhumen Main Hall also burst into flames, devouring the buildings and corpses that were doused with gasoline.

The wind assisted the fire, and the fire took advantage of the wind, and seven or eight old buildings quickly burned, and in a blink of an eye they fell into a dazzling sea of ​​fire.

The unpleasant anxious breath spread rapidly, adding a little more heat to the cold night sky.


The oriole turned and glanced at the fire, then stepped on the accelerator and quickly left.

Canshou and Tianmo waited and watched for a while, confirming that they were not alive and disappeared quickly.

On the main roads leading to the Wuhumen Main Hall, the Feng Group had also scattered a lot of puncture nails, preventing the fire engine from entering to extinguish the fire.

As the car was driving on Taicheng Avenue, the oriole turned the steering wheel while turning on the heating, and then handed a thermos to Ye Tianlong:

"Ye Shao, Jiang Yangdao is just the white glove of the Mingyue Group, an obedient and obedient dog. Killing him will not have much impact on Wuhumen."

He has a hint of worry: "But it will anger the Mingyue Group and the Taicheng officials. When the time comes, we will investigate tonight in black and white. I am afraid you will expose it."

Ye Tianlong didn't have the slightest dignity on his face, on the contrary, a smile bloomed. He shook the thermos twice, and then faintly said:

"If I didn't bump into Voldemort tonight, I would definitely not dare to do this cruelty, at least I wouldn't rush into the Five Lakes Main Hall like this."

"But I saw Voldemort tonight, and Voldemort's companions also killed six policemen, so I won't be in big trouble if I kill Jiang Yang Dao."

Ye Tianlong took out another titanium thorn from behind the seat, staring at the sharp thorn, and said: "It can even force Voldemort out."

The oriole suddenly realized something, and his eyes were brighter: "Understood, you are letting Voldemort and the others carry the black pot."

"Voldemort's companion assassinated six police officers with titanium. Jiang Yangdao also died under the titanium stabbing tonight. The police will definitely merge the two cases into one."

He now understands why Ye Tianlong told them that they must use titanium thorns to attack the entrance of the Five Lakes Gate. It turned out to be for Voldemort to swallow the dead cat.


"Although I don't know why Voldemort came to Taicheng, judging by his merciless killing of the police officers, he has no good feelings for the official."

There was a gleam in Ye Tianlong's eyes: "It can even be said that he is hostile to Taicheng officials, otherwise he will kill him if he doesn't meet him."

"Similarly, the Taicheng officials must also want to get rid of Voldemort quickly."

"So throw the pot to Voldemort tonight. It is impossible for the two parties to verify and find out the truth. It will only escalate the conflict between them."

Ye Tianlong put the titanium thorns back on the seat back: "So I am safe, and nothing will happen."

The Mingyue Group is the helm, the police officers are its people, and Jiangyangdao is its dog. If they die under the same weapon, they naturally recognize the same group of forces.

Ye Tianlong is not worried that the Cai family will look at him.

"If the two cases are combined into one case, Taicheng believes that Voldemort is provoking authority, and it is bound to conduct a carpet search and go all out to track down the murderer."

The oriole flashed a smile: "Voldemort and the others will be in danger by then. It's really a good show to cross the river and the dragon and the earth snake."

Ye Tianlong nodded: "What I want is this effect. No matter which side of them is damaged, it is a good thing for me."

The situation in Taicheng is too solid, and the Mingyue Group is too entrenched. If this pool is not stirred up, where does the Ye family have a chance to rise?

The oriole suddenly became curious: "Ye Shao, why did you say Voldemort came to Taicheng?"

Judging from Voldemort's attack on the police officer, he did not come to Taicheng to come at Ye Tianlong, otherwise he would not kill with such a high profile.

"Who knows..."

Ye Tianlong thought of the taxi driver Kang Ruchun's gossip: "But it should be related to the seized weapons of the 13th League."

"The Thirteen Leagues are almost falling apart, Zhao Wuji is also dead, and the Thirteen Leagues have paid for it. What can Taxiong have to worry about?"

A touch of puzzlement flashed across the cardinal's face: "Do you want Voldemort to **** the weapon back?"

"Taicheng, like Cuiguo, is a weapon dumping and transit point for Taxiong. His weapons once became the standard equipment for the second generation of Taicheng Quanfu."

Ye Tianlong deduced the whole incident in his mind: "Just like the powerful men in the Middle Ages, they all wore long swords around their waists."

"Besides, Taicheng used to have relatively loose gun management, so Ta Xiong often used this place as a transit point."

"But not long ago, the large-scale exposure of the Thirteen Allied arms stimulated the nerves of Taicheng officials, so the military and police came to a city-wide inventory."

"It is estimated that this investigation cut off Taxiong's financial path, so he asked Voldemort to come to the public relations, and the public relations failed, so he turned his face and swordsmen."

Speaking of this, Ye Tianlong let out a hearty laugh: "Of course, this is just my guess. It depends on the Feng Group's investigation."

The oriole drove the car on the side road: "I feel your speculation makes sense."

"Just say it casually."

Ye Tianlong opened the thermos, it was Wu Xinran's tea, and took a sip: "Dongmen, Ximen, Wuhumen, I have put on the rope."

"When the time is right, you can pull the rope and inflict a heavy blow on the three major powers."

"Next, it's time to dig a few holes for the Chen Family and the Kong Family, turn them over, and the Mingyue Group will be injured."

He exhaled a long breath: "Finally, stab the Cai family again, and the mission will be basically completed."

"But things are simple to say, but it is very difficult to operate. After all, Mingyue Group controls the legal power of harm."

"As long as the Cai family has a breath, it can tear its skin and kill us at any time."

Ye Tianlong sighed softly: "In Taicheng, when we hit the Cai family hard, we are completely looking for death. We must find another force to suppress it."

He knew in his heart that there were 400,000 regular troops in his hands, and he would definitely not be able to hold his wrists openly. He had to pull a few more people into the water.

The oriole whispered: "The enemy's enemy is an ally..."

Ye Tianlong rubbed his head: "There are many enemies in the Cai family, but there are almost none that can suppress the Cai family."

The oriole thought for a moment: "Almost none... Actually there is one..."

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