Talented Genius

Chapter 2267: Lose both

Neither Ma Qing emperor nor Voldemort expected that there would be people watching nearby.

They shot back and forth, recruiting blood, and more than forty people died at the scene. How far did they go when they were replaced by others? How far would they be watching?

Therefore, the existence of Ye Tianlong caused both Emperor Ma Qing and Voldemort to squint their eyes.

"Sorry, I don't know if you are making movies."

Smelling the murderous intent emanating from Voldemort, Ye Tianlong hurriedly shouted: "I'll get out of here."

The gloomy Voldemort did not speak, but slightly tilted his head to a bear country man, beckoning him to solve Ye Tianlong's life.

"He is an ignorant passerby and can't threaten you at all."

Emperor Ma Qing took a step forward and said faintly: "You don't need to kill him."

"Of course I know that he can't threaten me, but I don't like being known, I killed you."

There was no emotional ups and downs on Voldemort's face: "I am not afraid of Ma's revenge, but I don't want to deal with your headaches every day."

When the voice fell, the bear country man pulled out a dagger, and ran to Ye Tianlong's position neatly.

Emperor Ma Qing frowned slightly, and moved his steps, as if to block the opponent.

When he moved, Voldemort also moved, shooting at Ma Qingdi like a sharp arrow.

"Boom boom!"

Seeing Voldemort rushing forward, the four Ma's children who were waiting in battle rushed out, and the four short guns were shooting wildly at Voldemort.

Voldemort's body stretched out, running like a civet, all the bullets shot past missed, wiping his hair, clothes, and heels.

Occasionally there were a few bruises, leaving **** marks, but Voldemort still didn't blink his eyes, just kept on running at speed.

He instantly narrowed the distance between himself and Ma Qingdi.


The four Ma children shot the bullets in their guns, pulled out a saber with their backhands, roared, and at the same time covered Voldemort.

Such a distance, so fierce, it is difficult to resist.


With a wave of his left hand, Voldemort seized the knife in an instant, then slashed forward.

A faint cold light flashed, and with his move, all the attacks disappeared without a trace.

The clothes of the four Ma's children broke in an uproar, their armor fell to the ground, blood shot, and they staggered back to the ground, all seriously injured.


Voldemort looked at Emperor Ma Qing not far away, and with a wave of his right hand, the saber flew out like a meteor.

Emperor Ma Qing didn't retreat, but moved in instead, with a shake of his fist, he burst out and hit the blade hard.


The saber burst and the pieces fell to the ground

Voldemort shot past this gap, and the Phantom clung to Ma Qingdi.

"Good job."

Emperor Ma Qing lifted his foot up, Voldemort pressed his left hand to block it, and then shrank the cat's waist, avoiding the opponent's iron fist that could smash the head, and pressed against the latter's body.

His skinny fists burst out again and again, and raindrops fell on Ma Qingdi's abdomen, surpassing the lightning, endlessly, and forced Ma Qingdi back.


When his body stood upright and flew, Ma Qingdi, who was bleeding from his mouth, kicked out and hit Voldemort's chest.

Extremely overbearing.

Although Voldemort had tried his best and leaped off his strength, Ma Qingdi's kick still made him fly backwards, visually stunning, comparable to movie special effects.

The two fell to the ground one after another, stumbled back a few steps, and almost fell, blood was dripping from the corners of each other's lips.


Emperor Ma Qing got up again, moved out of his footsteps, let out a low growl, his voice burst instantly, and he approached Voldemort again.

With a sudden force, an elbow hit hard.

Voldemort narrowed his eyes and stretched out his palm.


Voldemort came out of his palm and blocked Emperor Ma Qing's violent elbow, making a shocking and terrifying crack.

Without a hit, Ma Qingdi's left leg was suddenly lifted, and his knee slammed into Voldemort's side waist.

This move was one of Ma Qingdi's big killer moves. The elbow hit was just a feint, and the real killer move was on his hard knee.

Moreover, he was attacking one of the fragile parts of his body. If he was hit by him, Voldemort was afraid that he would spit blood on the spot.

Just on the way to his knees, Voldemort's whole person suddenly turned into an afterimage and disappeared in place.

Emperor Ma Qing fell to nothing.

The feeling of losing his center of gravity was quite uncomfortable, Ma Qingdi's expression changed, and he withdrew from the danger.

Voldemort rounded back in front of Emperor Ma Qing from the side, his fists burst out with amazing power, his black windbreaker swelled, and a whistling wind blew all over his body.

"Boom boom!"

The storm of fists is unstoppable!


Emperor Ma Qing's eyes burst into light, and his hands were shot continuously to block his fists with a quick hit.

Fists alternately switch, instantly dazzled.

"Boom boom boom—"

A series of collisions sounded, neither side was a bit fancy, venting speed and strength.

Only as time passed, their cheeks became pale.


After the collision, Voldemort, who had stepped back half a meter, took advantage of the situation to strike again, his fist suddenly changed, and his strength surged wildly.


Emperor Ma Qing laughed loudly, ready to explode, and the whole person took a step forward, going straight to the front.


The fists collided, and the sound was dull, and the two of them backed back together, dragging a deep foot mark on the ground, which could stabilize their figure five meters later.

Emperor Ma Qing knelt on the ground, panting with big mouthfuls, with a splash of blood flowing from the corner of his mouth, which seemed to have suffered a lot of injuries.

Voldemort stood, clutching his chest, a touch of dignity, but not the slightest panic. There is no doubt that he took advantage of this round.

Voldemort said coldly: "You are very good."

Emperor Ma Qing stood up shaking: "You are not bad either."

Voldemort twisted his neck and continued to approach Ma Qingdi: "Unfortunately, you are our enemy, so you are doomed to die.:

Ma Qingdi laughed: "Don't worry, even if I die, I will also pull you back."

The eyes of the two interlocked, both admiring each other in that way.

"It's over."

Voldemort smiled strangely, and his figure swayed again. In the white light and shadow, Emperor Ma Qing saw a titanium thorn flying towards his heart.

The speed is unparalleled, and it is definitely too late to avoid.


Emperor Ma Qing yelled, bit his lip, tilted his body slightly, and rushed forward violently.

After rushing four or five meters, a sharp cold quickly entered his body and spread to the surroundings.

The feeling of Emperor Ma Qing turned into scorching heat at this time, as if being beaten into eighteen layers of hell, being mercilessly tortured by wild fire.


A titanium thorn penetrated his body and dinged on the Mercedes Benz, shocking.

A stream of blood exploded from Ma Qingdi, and with a swish, the blood blossoms were very spectacular.

Emperor Ma Qing also screamed sternly: "Ah--"

Voldemort believed that Emperor Ma Qing's heart had burst, and Cat and Mouse looked at the figure of Emperor Ma Qing who fell forward.

Unexpectedly, Ma Qingdi jumped out weirdly to the side, bounced off after touching the ground, and fell on Voldemort's body with an electric flash.

His left hand was in a row, and he stabbed Voldemort's abdomen hard.


Voldemort let out a scream of exhaustion, and Ma Qingdi's entire palm was inserted into his abdomen.

The two of them fell to the ground with their **** pressed against their chests.

"I said, die together."

Emperor Ma Qing squeezed a smile, finger gestures to tear Voldemort's intestines.

Voldemort, who felt the danger, was sure. He could still be calm after suffering such a heavy blow. When he gathered his strength, he slammed Ma Qingdi.


The foreheads touched.

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