Talented Genius

Chapter 2288: Lang Cai Nv appearance

For the next half day, Ye Tianlong and Ma Qingdi didn't talk about cooperation. The two sat on the sofa while drinking tea while admiring the horses outside.

The two had similar temperaments and similar tempers, so they talked very happily. They talked about each other, and then Ye Tianlong got up and left.

"Sao Ma, do you really want to cooperate with Ye Tianlong?"

Seeing Ye Tianlong's disappearing back, Uncle Bai stepped forward and stood beside Ma Qingdi and whispered: "This kid...I can't see through."

Uncle Bai has also seen countless people, and has seen a lot of big winds and waves, but he can't see through Ye Tianlong, can't see that he wants or see what he thinks.

Emperor Ma Qing asked indifferently: "Why don't you cooperate with him?"

"He is young and has a weak background. The Ye family is only a second-rate family. It might be a bit difficult for him to get up."

Uncle Bai hesitated and squeezed out a sentence: "We might as well support the other powerful children."

"It's a bit difficult... but he will climb up eventually, right?"

Emperor Ma Qing looked at the horse farm outside: "A person like him, as long as his heart rises, will rise sooner or later, and no one can stop it."

"This kid is indeed a little capable, but will Master Ma's evaluation be higher?"

He admired Ye Tianlong's bones: "There is no eighth rank under thirty, but he is an eighth rank master. This shows that he is smart by nature and has extraordinary strength."

"He could have shown his sharp edge, but he had to bear the humiliation for the overall situation, and he was made fun of for many years. This shows that he is tenacious and not surprised."

"For the sake of the overall situation of the Ma family, I have been a human being with my tail clipped over the years, and I have not been exposed. I know the pain of hiding the edge."

Ma Qingdi's eyes fell on the horse No. 3 outside the window: "I'm just keeping a low profile, and he is pretending to be useless firewood. His ambition is better than me."

"If the mind is also divided into grades, I will count as an 8-rank, and Ye Tianlong is a real ninth-rank, I can't do the forbearance of being a waste."

"A powerful and ambitious guy, he decided to take the Ye Family to rise again. Sooner or later, he will emerge in Taicheng."

"Taicheng has such a large site, so many resources, and a population of 30 million..."

Emperor Ma Qing is very self-aware: "He has a head, I have a head, and sooner or later will meet."

Uncle Bai nodded subconsciously. This is also true. There are only a few places in the pyramid. Both of them climbed up, and it was easy to bump into each other.

"Instead of meeting him and breaking his blood in the future, it is better to invest in him now, and the two sides will work together to take the upper hand."

Emperor Ma Qing looked towards the capital: "And this is a signal to please the capital."

"I do my best to support the people of the Danxin Ye family, and the Ma family's attitude is obvious..."

He finished the cup of tea in one sip: "In the future, the two sides of the strait will be completely merged, and we will also be heroes, and we will be rich and rich."

Uncle Bai was startled slightly, then sighed: "Ma Shaoyingming."

Then, he remembered something again: "But Ma Shao and Ye Tianlong are close, don't you worry that Mingyue Group is angry?"

Ma Qingdi's face was not solemn, instead he straightened his back: "Before the power was not integrated, it was inconvenient to face them, and I needed to be a human being with his tail sandwiched."

"Now that I have gained 60% of the power through the ban on guns, I no longer need to make false claims to them."

There was a wave of iron on his face: "I am still waiting for the opportunity to collide with them and wash away all the previous shame."

Once the giant's iron fist is extended, it will never be retracted.

When Emperor Ma Qing showed his strength, Ye Tianlong was walking on the way to leave the racecourse. He didn't let Uncle Bai send him off, he wanted to walk alone.

I have to say that Emperor Ma Qing gave him a big surprise today, not only a reward of 880 million yuan, but also the Ma family's support for his decision.

Before today, Ye Tianlong had new ideas for Taicheng and changed his original intention of coming to Taicheng to support the Ye family through the difficulties.

The special circumstances of Taicheng and the 400,000 army gave Ye Tianlong another idea to squeeze into the core of China.

The five big families have almost infiltrated the major industries of China's major cities. It is too difficult for Ye Tianlong to become an equal force.

The cake is divided among the five people. If you want to eat a piece, it is equal to grabbing it from their mouths. This will cause the five people to be unhappy and even get revenge.

This is also the main reason why Ye Tianlong cannot enter Beijing temporarily.

Moreover, the five big family cakes that he barely grabbed may also be taken back by them with an excuse. Who told them to be the China rule-makers?

Now that Longmen can live well, it is also based on the protection of Zhao Ditian and the Wu family, otherwise it would have been eradicated by the Jin family or the Song family.

So Ye Tianlong was planning to let Longmen continue the Northern Expedition to unify the 13 Leagues, and he also regarded Taicheng as an extremely important bargaining chip for him.

He believes that if he takes advantage of the rules of Taicheng, he does not need to speak out himself, and the five people will also'sincerely' invite themselves to Beijing.

With this in mind, Ye Tianlong let Wu Xinran toss, and then considered controlling the Five Lakes at any cost.

It's just that he didn't expect that he lacked the most worrying part of the military, so Ma Qingdi sent it to the door, giving Ye Tianlong three more hopes.

Moreover, Ye Tianlong could see that Emperor Ma Qing was a magnanimous person, which meant that cooperation would not have too many variables.


Just as Ye Tianlong was walking slowly on the road, a red Yamaha whizzed sideways, and then blocked Ye Tianlong's path.

The rider is a woman, with slender legs, a thin waist, a straight body, and tight-fitting clothing, showing her proud figure.

Her perfect figure can make many women feel inferior. Even a combination of a shirt and trousers can't make her appear even a little dark.

And the streamlined Yamaha underneath her body is even more beautiful than her outstanding figure.

Ye Tianlong stopped slightly, wondering who was going to make trouble.

At this time, the rider took off the helmet, three thousand green silks bloomed, and a delicate and pretty face appeared. It was Pu Ziyuan who had met in the morning.

She rolled up her hair high, making her pink neck more slender, as noble and glamorous as a swan.

Ye Tianlong smiled and took the initiative to say hello: "Miss Pu, hello, see you again."

Pu Ziyuan nodded slightly, and then asked: "Ye Tianlong, where are you going? See you off!"

The high cold as always, but the tone is much softer.

Ye Tianlong was taken aback for a moment. He didn't expect Miss Gao Leng to be so friendly, and then shook his head: "No, I'll stop the car and go back later."

"This place is some distance away from the station. You have to walk at least four or five kilometers. You have to walk until dark?"

Pu Ziyuan's mouth revealed a touch of self-deprecation: "Are you worried that I might eat you?"

Speaking of eating you, Pu Ziyuan's pretty face swept across her shyness, as if she thought of the intimate contact on horseback.

Ye Tianlong smiled bitterly: "No, I just..."

"If you don't get in the car, when my second brother comes out to see you, you will have nowhere to hide."

Piao Ziyuan handed Ye Tianlong a helmet, and then reminded Ye Tianlong in a low voice: "He will entangle you when he sees you."

Ye Tianlong's body shook, he took the helmet and rolled into the car.


Pu Ziyuan smiled rarely, and then stepped on the accelerator to leave, staying in a scent of fragrance.

When the red Yamaha whizzed out several tens of meters, a jeep also stopped at its original place.

"Ye Tianlong?"

Park Zhanjun took off the sunglasses on his face, looked at Yamaha with only one tail shadow, and touched his bald head and murmured:

"It turns out he doesn't like Ciqiu, but Ziyuan, no wonder I told him to run away..."

Recalling the two figures, Park Zhanjun sincerely praised:

"A good pair of men and women with talents..."

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