Talented Genius

Chapter 2300: You come to tie me

Approaching six o'clock in the evening, Ye Tianlong's car arrived at the villa area.

When he slowed down and slowly drove to the guard box ahead, a tall figure appeared on the corner, and Wu Xinran rode a bicycle to the villa.

Looking at the braided braids and tight-fitting clothing, Ye Tianlong knew that she had done short-distance riding again.

Ye Tianlong slowed down again, preparing to drop the window to greet Wu Xinran.


At this moment, a harsh sound of tires rubbing against the ground exploded, and then a van was seen rushing out of the corner, very fast.

Ye Tianlong subconsciously braked to avoid collision, and was about to shout, but saw the van turn the steering wheel and insert it diagonally in front of Wu Xinran's bicycle.

The situation is crazy.


When Wu Xinran shook the brakes subconsciously, the van door opened sharply, and four men wearing artificial masks emerged from inside.

They grabbed Wu Xinran, and ignoring the latter's screaming, they yanked towards the van, while one of them kicked the bicycle away.

Wu Xinran subconsciously shouted: "Help, help—"

She shouted very hard and sharply, but only two shouts came, and then her mouth was blocked.

Then, the van stretched out his hands again and abruptly took Wu Xinran's hand.

Ye Tianlong also vaguely heard a curse: "Don't hurt her."

Wu Xinran was quickly squeezed into the van, struggling with his hands and feet but was no match for the crowd. Soon, the door closed with a clatter.

In the next second, the van roared and emitted black smoke, turned back four or five meters and fled.

A few passers-by were confused and didn't know what was going on. They thought for a while, pretending not to see, and continued on their own way.


Ye Tianlong's complexion changed drastically, and there was still a hint of shock. He didn't expect that someone would kidnap Wu Xinran and it would still be in the public.

He knew that Wu Xinran's family was really a mess. Without Ye Tianlong's 20,000 salary, Wu's family would have to drink Northwest Wind.

Therefore, Ye Tianlong believes that the kidnappers are definitely not for ransom, and the robbery is even more absurd, and the difference between the pay and the gain is too far.

"Is it directed at me?"

Ye Tianlong flashed a thought, but soon disappeared without a trace. Few people knew about his close relationship with Wu Xinran.

Besides, if you want to deal with Ye Tianlong, kidnapping him or Ye Qiuqi is the king. What is Wu Xinran doing?

It's just that Ye Tianlong can't figure it out, he still reacted as soon as he turned the car, stepped on the accelerator, and chased the car forward.


The van was so bad that it drove loudly, and the doors and body shook as if it was going to be scrapped at any time.

The black smoke that spewed out mistook Ye Tianlong's vision three times, but it still drove at a speed of 80 kilometers, which was simply desperate.

Seeing that the van was driving so fast, Ye Tianlong dispelled the idea of ​​catching up and blocking him now, worrying that someone would accidentally hurt a passerby or overturn the car.

Ye Tianlong slowed down, always biting the van and moving forward.


Half an hour later, the van came to a fruit forest on the outskirts. Two dirty puppies guarded the gate of the fruit forest. There was a row of tin houses in the forest.

The van did not find Ye Tianlong following. After staying at the door and opening the wooden door, the van roared in and stopped in front of the house.

Ye Tianlong didn't put the car into the fruit forest. He parked in a hidden place nearby, then opened the car door and got out, moving closer to the fruit forest.


When the two puppies saw Ye Tianlong appear, they wanted to cry subconsciously. Ye Tianlong kicked out two small stones and knocked them out.

After stunning the puppy, Ye Tianlong stopped to see if he found his whereabouts. Soon, he confirmed that no culprit had noticed any movement.

He also discovered that Guolin did not have a camera.

"Too unprofessional."

Ye Tianlong shook his head slightly, very disappointed with the kidnappers. Judging from their crime tactics, they were almost a mob.

This made Ye Tianlong breathe a sigh of relief, and there was a touch of interest in his eyes. What are these people doing to Wu Xinran?

While his thoughts were turning, Ye Tianlong quickly touched the front of the tin hut, and saw the van stop, the door opened, and six masked men came out.

Then, Wu Xinran was also taken out of the car and placed on a dilapidated sofa under the eaves.

A dozen pieces of bacon and five or six cured ducks hung overhead. It looked like it was not a temporary base, but a place of permanent residence.

Wu Xinran had a towel in her mouth and her hair was messy, but there was no injury, and she was not depressed.

At the same time, Ye Tianlong saw the iron house open, and two strong men and several small women and children emerged. One of them stepped forward and asked:

"Stone, are you back?"

He looked at a man with a bull's head mask off: "Is everything going well?"

"Soon, but not the eldest lady."

Stone touched his head: "The trace of the lady is too erratic, but there are always many people around, it is not easy to kidnap, I can only tie this girl."

The stone has a rough appearance, a strong physique, and strength surging all over his body, but his expression is simple and honest. At first glance, he is not a bad person.

A companion asked in a low voice, "Who is she from the Ye family?"

"Not sure."

Stone took out a cigarette and lit it: "But I see her going to and out of Ye's house every day, and she is still attending the Saints School. Ninety-nine percent of them are Ye's blood relative.

There was excitement in the companion's eyes: "I'll ask."


At this time, Ye Tianlong had confirmed that these people in the Tin House had no traps, so he stopped talking nonsense and hiding, and moved out.


Seeing Ye Tianlong's appearance, the stones were all startled, and subconsciously raised the weapons around them, shouting to surround Ye Tianlong.

"Have hands and feet, why don't you want to kidnap?"

Ye Tianlong let out a noncommittal hum, and at the same time moved quickly through the crowd, with a clear goal to take the last stone.


He easily pulled out a body weighing a hundred kilograms, and slammed it towards the crowd. The thick human wall was blasted into a gap by this human shell.

In the chaos, Ye Tianlong bullied his body and approached him, knocking on his knees in the air and a crisp sound, knocking a big man over several somersaults and tripping a whole group of people.

Then, he slammed into the crowd arbitrarily, overturned three people with domineering sweeping legs, and then bounced again, flying one person with a condescending elbow.

Seven hungrily men fell to the ground in pain and groaned endlessly.

Destroyed, mighty and invincible.

Stone stepped on the cigarette in his hand and shouted: "Who are you?"

"Aren't you trying to tie Ye's family? Why, don't you even know me?"

Ye Tianlong flicked blood on his fingertips: "But don't worry, I'm telling you, I am the Ye Family Master, and you kidnapped the Ye Family servant."

"I saw that you tied the wrong person, so I took the initiative to send it to the door."

His smile became cold and cold: "You come to tie me..."

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