Talented Genius

Chapter 2302: Suppressed by a meal

Ye Tianlong stood on the spot, quietly listening to the stone statement, staring at his expression, and judging whether he was lying.

Wu Xinran did not call the police, but opened the recording immediately and recorded clearly what Shishi and the others said.

"We were fired by the Yip Group. We accept our fate. After all, we are not as skilled as others, and we are not as good as others in controlling costs."

Stone took out a box of cigarettes, squeezed out one, and lit it: "It's just that Ye's dragging 8 million yuan will not give us a series of trouble and pressure."

"We didn't get a cent for the rest of the expenses except for the 500,000 yuan to purchase equipment."

Wu Xinran asked: "Didn't you guys work for three months? Why didn't you get a penny?"

"At that time, Huang Lili, the assistant to the president, personally told us that the Ye family was temporarily in difficulty, so that our monthly settlement became a March settlement."

Shishi sighed softly, "I also said that the Ye family is so big that it will not fall back on the bills, and that the long-term cooperation between everyone is convenient for others and for themselves."

"I read few books, and I didn't expect people in the city to have such deep routines."

"We believed her, so in the first three months we paid our own pockets and paid other security personnel basic living expenses."

"We also appease those brothers. I keep the wages and bonuses for them so that they won't be squandered."

There is a touch of self-deprecating on Shishi's face: "There is also a lot of money to go home during the New Year."

"After the contract was cancelled, we thought we could get 8 million yuan soon, but we haven't received any money until now."

"We asked Huang Lili's assistant several times. She just said that the Ye family had changed and the group was integrated. Miss Ye just took over. It will take some time."

When Ye Tianlong wrote down the assistant's name, Shishi had a look of anger on his face: "She told us to wait and wait."

"But we have waited until now and there is no news. Seeing the New Year, the 90-odd brothers can't sit still, and start looking for us for the rest of the salary."

"Many of them are our fellow villagers. If this money is not given to them, we dare not go back."

"We gave them a portion of the iron, but there is still a three million difference."

With a hint of apology on his face, he looked at Wu Xinran who was kidnapped by him:

"We were desperate, so we wanted to kidnap the Ye family, hoping to make Miss Ye repay the money, so we tied her..."

Wu Xinran said calmly: "I am not the Ye family, I am just a servant. My name is Wu Xinran."


Hearing that Wu Xinran was a servant, Shishi was taken aback for a moment, then lowered their heads and said, "I'm sorry, Miss Wu."

"Ye Shao, the situation is what I said."

The stone straightened his chest: "You want people to go to jail, I'll go, life imprisonment is fine, as long as you are willing to let them go."

"No, I'll go! I'm in good health, I can carry it in."

"I'm going! I've been to the detention center before, and going in is the same as going home."

"I don't have the skills. I just went in and had a mixed meal."

The seven companions rushed to stand out, one by one showing their true feelings, without pretending to be.

"No one needs to go!"

Ye Tianlong waved for them to calm down, and then took out his mobile phone to call: "Although the Ye family is tight on funds, they will never default on wages."

"I will ask my sister."

"If you are really in arrears of wages, today's affairs will be over, and you will be compensated. If you lie, I will send them all to the police station."

Ye Tianlong reminded them: "It's too late for you to tell me the truth."

Stone straightened his chest: "Ye Shao, you can call."

Ye Tianlong quickly got through, and Ye Qiuqi's voice came in her ears: "Tianlong, where are you? Not coming back for dinner?"

Ye Tianlong pressed the hands-free answer button and asked: "Sister, I will go back later, I will ask you one thing first."

"Does the Ye's Group owe the 8 million wages to the terminal security team? It is the previous Red Star security team."

Ye Tianlong asked: "The Ye's group opened them, has the payment been unsettled?"


As soon as the voice fell, Ye Qiuqi's voice came categorically: "When I take over the Ye Group, the first thing is to pay the employees' salaries."

"Whether it's internal staff or outsourced workers, all settled."

"I checked, the Red Star security team, with a monthly outsourcing fee of 2 million, has been paying on time and on time."

"Just the day before yesterday, the outsourcing costs for the seventh month, two million and 200,000 holiday expenses, were also sent to their corporate account..."

"and many more……"

Ye Qiuqi suddenly found the problem: "You just said that Red Star Security was fired, so why is my display here still Red Star Security?"

Stone subconsciously yelled: "Miss Ye, this is impossible. We have terminated the contract for almost half a year, so how come we still have money to call."

"And we didn't receive it either."

The others also nodded.

Ye Qiuqi's voice stopped, and she asked: "Who are you?"

Stone hurriedly responded: "I am the former Red Star manager, Chen Taishi, known as Shishi..."

Ye Qiuqi asked again: "Tianlong, what is going on?"

Ye Tianlong pondered for a while, and then told Ye Qiuqi the matter, but did not say that the stones were kidnapped, only that they found themselves asking for pay.

"I see, leave this to me to deal with."

Ye Qiuqi said straightforwardly: "Tell Chen Taishi, at most one day, at this time tomorrow, I will give them justice."

"The Yip Group will never lose them a penny."

After speaking, she hung up the phone.

"Thank Ye Shao, thank Ye Shao for your help."

Ye Qiuqi's attitude made Shishi feel a sense of hope, and then they figured out how could the Ye family rely on 8 million if they were afraid that a villain would make a ghost?

There was no need to wait for a day at all. In less than ten minutes, Ye Qiuqi called, her voice was cold:

"The matter is clear. Huang Lili took advantage of the group's power to replace the troubled waters and kicked out the Red Star company, which had an outsourcing cost of 2 million."

"I found a company with a price of 1.5 million yuan, but she still quoted two million yuan to the group. She pays a difference of 500,000 yuan every month."

"I have removed her and asked her to vomit the difference."

"Tell Chen Taishi that eight million yuan and five hundred thousand apology fees, a total of 8.5 million yuan, have been transferred to his original account."

Ye Qiuqi finished speaking neatly, and then said softly: "I'm sorry to say something to them for me, it's causing them trouble."

"Thank you Miss Ye, thank you Shao Ye."

Hearing these words, and seeing the bank text message reminder, Shishi all cheered and were extremely grateful to Ye Qiuqi and Ye Tianlong.

This solved their big troubles and also allowed them to get up from the abyss, not to mention worrying about being unable to confess to the fellow.

Ye Qiuqi quietly hung up the phone.

Stone flicked the cigarette in his hand, then looked at Ye Tianlong, and passed his hands directly: "Ye Shao, you can call the police to catch me."

"Report to the police, is this a stranger?"

Ye Tianlong pressed down the stone's hands, and then pulled a chair to sit down: "But you did scare me and Miss Wu."

"So I hope you will be shocked if you invite us to dinner."

Ye Tianlong pointed to the cured meat under the eaves: "You can have a few bowls of cured meat, cured duck, and sausage."

"Yes, it should."

Without waiting for Stone to respond to Ye Tianlong, several of his companions saw that Ye Tianlong did not call the police and shouted ecstatically: "Quick, quick, move the table and make tea."

"You guys, hurry up and get the lavender and make a good meal."

"Sankang, you go buy some fresh meat and wine..."

"Ye Shao is a distinguished guest, it's rare to come here..."

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