Talented Genius

Chapter 230: Exorcism (three shifts)

Chapter 230 Exorcising Demons and Demons (three shifts)

The waiter is simple and neat.

Her body rolled on the ground like a ball, and when she shot Ye Tianlong's figure, her slender body suddenly turned its head.

The whole person was like a tortoise with all four legs facing the sky facing Ye Tianlong, with a gloomy cold light in his eyes, and the muzzle in his hand was fierce.


Without a pause, the two short guns spewed out of fire. On the battlefield of gunpowder, the reaction that was tempered at countless moments of life and death made Ye Tianlong's reaction faster than consciousness at this time.

He rolled out to the side with all his strength, and at the same time swept out a few mahjongs and shot them at his opponent.

The sound of the two guns fired at the same time converged into a sound like thunder, and the warhead flew over Ye Tianlong's head.

The killer pretending to be a waiter also rolled on the floor, avoiding the mahjong shot by Ye Tianlong, and took three of them, one hitting his shoulder, which was very painful.

Then, holding two murderous pistols in both hands, the muzzle pointed at the direction where Ye Tianlong was avoiding, and two more shots were fired, causing fragments to splash.

Both eyes are cold and dumb, this series of movements are clean, quick and coordinated.

During this period, Han Qinhu and the others also avoided, daggers or sharp knives flashed out of their hands, and the windy ears even crawled into the kitchen to take kitchen knives.

The gunshots rang, and the two sides confronted each other. Although the killer had a gun, he knew that Ye Tianlong was powerful, and instead of rushing forward, he approached cautiously.

Ye Tianlong faintly said, "Michiko?"

Obviously he has recognized each other.

The waiter snorted coldly: "Yes, I still recognize me."

A ray of light flashed in Ye Tianlong's eyes, and his voice was curious: "We seem to have conflicted twice, once in the restaurant, and once in the hospital lobby."

"Although they dislike each other, but you and I don't seem to be facing each other, why are you suddenly interested in killing me?"

Michiko said viciously: "I can't wait to cut you thousands of times. You will abolish the three of Ida, Yokoyama, and Tanikawa. You will never be humane. Life is better than death."

"Let my child have no father before he is born, and he will be destined to be alone in the future. You say, should I seek revenge from you? Should I blow your head?"

When she said this, she gritted her teeth and was very bitter. Ye Tianlong not only destroyed her restaurant, but also her future hope.

"Indeed, it should be the most merciful to abolish your three concubines and kill me."

Ye Tianlong didn't change his face, and answered calmly: "It's just that you have to know that many people want my head, and the result is all dead, and you are no exception."

Michiko snorted coldly: "Maybe I am not as good as you in fighting, but I have a gun in hand, so you have only a dead end."

After the voice fell, she rushed out and pulled the trigger with her finger.

Ye Tianlong realized that this woman would rush up and shoot when her voice became sharp, so he rolled out without hesitation.

"Pump pound!"

The gunshots continued to sound, hitting Ye Tianlong's tumbling floor, with fierceness and desperation, Ye Tianlong temporarily avoided the front.


Not waiting for Ye Tianlong to counterattack, Han Qinhu who caught the opportunity roared and slammed the mahjong table, which smashed over.

Michiko dodged sideways, Han Qinhu took the opportunity to rush up.

The speed is extremely fast, like a whirlwind blowing out.

"Boom boom!"

Michiko's face changed slightly, and when she raised her muzzle, four or five bullets were fired. Han Qinhu knelt to avoid it, but there was a **** mouth in her ears.

The distance narrowed, and before Michiko's muzzle was lowered, Han Qinhu turned over and touched Michiko's chest with his right foot.


Don't look at the extent of Han Qinhu's movements, but this kick is a thunderous kick, and the force is incredible.

Michiko let out a muffled cry, feeling that she had been hit by a car, her legs suddenly lifted off the ground, and her whole body flew backwards.

He fell more than eight meters away.

After falling on the ground, she slid another three meters before finally stopping. The gun also fell. She lay on her back on the ground, breathing heavily.

The rib was kicked off.

She raised her head strenuously and coughed twice, spit out two mouthfuls of blood to the side, but after two breaths, Michiko took advantage of the last strength to get up.

She waved her fist and rushed towards Ye Tianlong.

Han Qinhu endured the pain of the cracking of the old wound, greeted him with a low growl, and rushed out with a punch.


Two fists met on the way!

With a loud bang, Han Qinhu just moved the corners of his mouth and rubbed his abdomen without moving, while Michiko fell heavily on the coffee table.

This smash not only smashed the dark glass of the hotel, but also consumed her last strength. Now she has no strength to fight back.

Ye Tianlong looked at Michiko, who was vomiting blood, and walked in front of her with his hands on his back: "For the three beasts, you are a strange flower."

"Do you have any last wishes for me to fulfill?"

The three of Zhao Feng Er closed the door and held firearms in their hands. Han Qinhu took out a sharp knife and walked to Michiko.

Michiko leaned her head on the ground, there was nowhere to hide, her spiteful eyes were full of fear, and she could feel that the sharp knife under her jaw was slowly piercing her throat.

The muscles on her face were convulsing uncontrollably, as if smelling the breath of death coming over her face.

Michiko gritted her teeth: "Ye Tianlong, I won't let you be a ghost!"

Ye Tianlong sighed: "Forget to tell you, I will exorcise demons and demons. If Zhenzi appears in front of me, it will definitely be destroyed."

He walked to the door: "Han Qinhu, don't kill in the hotel, trouble."

"After processing the scene, the four of you will return to Baishizhou and live on the seventh floor."

There is another murder case, and it is estimated that Qin Ziyi will strangle him.

Han Qinhu put away the sharp knife, and reached out to touch Michiko's head, pinch and pull.


Michiko's nose and mouth bleeds and his head is severely injured. This life is destined to be a vegetative.

Out of the door, Ye Tianlong got into Lamborghini, picked up the phone and dialed a number, smiling brightly:

"Honey, I want to tell you bad news..."

Qin Ziyi on the other end of the phone has a black line on her face.

To deal with the matter of Perfect Sophon, Ye Tianlong drove back to Baishizhou, and just returned to the big banyan tree, he saw laughter in front of the office building, and more than twenty people gathered.

The chartered wife, noble uncle, dinosaur, big dog, bobcat, and Wei Cheetah were all talking and laughing while eating in their mouths.

Ye Tianlong thought it was the car that was brought back, and a bunch of people gathered in the fun, but he looked around and did not see the scheduled BMW X5.

Ye Tianlong asked Han Qinhu to go to the seventh floor to avoid him, and walked to the office building by himself: "What's the matter? I'm so happy? Have you paid?"

"Ah, Tianlong, you finally came back."

Your uncle was the first to see Ye Tianlong and immediately shouted happily: "Your girlfriend has been waiting for you for a long time."

He has something glowing red in his hand. A closer look is a red envelope.

The dinosaurs also turned around and shouted loudly: "Big brother is back, big brother, sister-in-law have been waiting for you for a long time."

Ye Tianlong was startled slightly: "Girlfriend? Sister-in-law?"

The charter wife also looked sideways: "Boy, with such a beautiful girlfriend, still hooking up with my Xiaowu? Believe it or not to break your middle leg?"

Although the charter wife is fierce, her smile is very bright, and she holds a red envelope like her uncle in her hand.

Dinosaurs and others have similar things in their hands.

Ye Tianlong was in a trance again: "Girlfriend?"


When the dinosaurs gave way, a girl flutteringly ran out in white, holding pastries and red envelopes in her hands, cleverly smiling.


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