Talented Genius

Chapter 2310: Do you still have King Fa?

The high-end Alishan Clubhouse is in chaos.

Ne Win's group obviously came prepared, not only with a lot of staff, but also with a lot of sticks.

Ye Qiuqi yelled again and again: "Call the police, call the police."

Several assistants with blue noses and swollen faces reacted and took out their phones to call the police, but they were knocked off by Ne Win's hand, and then stepped on them.

They were also slapped a few times, and their pretty faces were completely bloodied.

"what happened?"

"Young Master Kong, they are all his own!"

Several club security guards who heard the movement came out were taken aback, and then pulled Kong Feixiang and shouted, the pain and helplessness on their faces were clearly visible.

Although the Ye family has fallen, Ye Weiguo still has a significant influence. If such a fight against Ye Qiuqi, the police will still be accused of incompetence by the public.

The clubhouse will also suffer a sharp decline in business due to poor security.

Kong Feixiang pushed the security guard away from the nearby clubhouse: "Get out, don't be nosy."

"Ye Qiuqi kicked Young Master Newen just now and hurt his head. You are babbling, be careful of your head."

He finally used Ne Win to destroy Ye Qiuqi, how could he allow these officials to make trouble? Wave people to stop them and persuade them.

In this gap, Ye Qiuqi shouted across the crowd: "Kong Feixiang, you will regret it."


At this moment, Ne Win pushed away the security guards who had advised the club, his left hand slammed to the front again, and more than ten people around him rushed up.

Several club security guards were also kicked out.

In the thought-provoking smiles of Ne Wen and Kong Feixiang, countless hunks narrowed their encirclement and compressed Ye Qiuqi and the others into one corner.

Several Ye members struggled to stand up to protect their lord, but they were unceremoniously knocked down by the group, and then dragged to the back and beaten one by one.

Yeh's men and women suffered heavy losses.

In the encircled circle, only Ye Qiuqi, a female secretary and the three brothers Dazhi, Dafu, and Daman were left.

The clothes of Dazhi in the front row are scattered, and his original hairstyle has become messy.

But he didn't have the slightest fear, clenched his hands, looked left and right, watchful of the movement before and behind him, his eyes fierce like a trapped tiger.

A little embarrassed, but more like a man, even if you are going to fall down today, you have to pull a few backs.


A 1.8-meter hunk man rushed over holding a chair, Dazhi quickly swung his arm around and swept back with a whimper of his left foot.

The black-clothed man who wanted to sneak attack from behind couldn't avoid it, and he was swept out with the chair and fell to the ground like a cannonball.


Then, Dazhi yelled again, tapped his feet repeatedly, and thundered the other two to the ground.

The next second, there was another volley, and with a ‘click’, it hit another person’s jaw.

Da Zhi easily knocked down seven or eight people between their gestures. They were incomparable with Ye Tianlong, but they were better than the black-clad macho.

A look of fear flashed in the eyes of the five big and three rough men who approached, and they did not dare to enter easily.

Dazhi and the others have been fighting with Chen Taishi over the years, and they have learned a lot about ruthless opponents. With their natural brute force, they can still deal with seven or eight fierce men.

It's just that the opponent is always crowded, and after falling down ten people, Dazhi's back is kicked by two boots, and several bones in his shoulders are painful.

He grunted, gritted his teeth and turned, his wrists spun, and his fists blasted out.


The sound of two jaws shattering, almost superimposed into one, looks extraordinarily long and creepy.

The two men who attacked behind, simultaneously covered their bleeding mouths and retreated, and crimson blood spilled between the fingers and spilled to the floor.

Only in this gap, five or six people rushed forward, spreading their arms around Dazhi's limbs.

Ne Win grinned and yelled: "Kill them, kill them all, I will be responsible for everything."

Dazhi wanted to smash his opponent with a kick, but he clung to the opponent tightly, dropped a punch, and hit the opponent's back hard.

A mouthful of blood spurted from the latter's nose and mouth, but the Kong's hunk still did not let go.

Dafu rushed over to help, but was hit in the calf with two wooden sticks, and then two more people flew over, and they rolled into a ball instantly.

"Boom boom!"

Taking advantage of this opportunity, more than a dozen Confucian men rushed up, punching and kicking at Dafu, and Dafu was immediately battered.


Dafu roared and pushed a few people away, trying to get up, but just got his upper body upright and kicked his feet from behind again.

He staggered and fell to the ground again and was slammed on the ground. There were a few more blood stains on his head and his clothes were in tatters.

Dazhi shouted to rush up, but was surrounded by more than a dozen hunks.

"Boom boom!"

Although Dazhi and Dafu were trapped by their opponents, they roared loudly, swept a dozen people forward with their chairs, and then covered the two brothers to retreat.

The three re-arranged their finished character formations and held up their chairs as weapons, shouting fiercely:

"Come on, come on!"

"Fuck you uncle, have the ability to rush to me."

"I smashed your heads, you beasts!"

"Dare to bully Miss Ye, I will kill you."

Seeing three huge figures standing in front of him, Ye Qiuqi felt relieved, and at the same time expressed gratitude to Ye Tianlong, who was the three of them sent by him.


Kong Wu, the three brothers of Manchuria, was powerful, with a chair in his hand, and they cooperated in tacit understanding.

Occasionally, a Kong-style hunk touched it, and was shot flying without any suspense. Two minutes later, the three of them stood upright, and a dozen black-clothed hunks fell on the ground.

Either a broken hand or a smashed chin, one by one wailed.


Kong Feixiang tilted his head slightly, and a dozen people picked up the clubs and screamed and charged, but they still didn't tear the gap, all of them fell to the ground by the Dafu trio.

The three of them didn't have any tricks, that was to keep watch and help each other, plus a brute force, to make all the opponents that were fighting fly out.

The chair hit Kong's hunky man's body, and he fell directly more than ten meters, just as exaggerated as making a movie.

"Oh shit!"

Seeing the three brothers of Daman so difficult, the beauty is within reach but unable to get close, Ne Win couldn't help it, and let people hold a silenced pistol.


He shot Daman twice.

Daman's legs trembled, and he leaned back like a heavy blow, his thighs were bleeding, and his eyes widened with anger.

He didn't expect that Ne Win would shoot in a crowd.

There was dead silence in the audience, Xiao Sha also invisibly stagnated, the flow of people who had been entangled together quickly separated, and the two camps were restored like dust returning to dust.

Dazhi and Dafu also retreated to Daman.

Ye Qiuqi and the others turned their gazes on Ne Wen, with anger and accusations in their eyes, obviously they did not expect the other to shoot.


Ye Qiuqi's pretty face showed a hint of chill and anger:

"Do you still have King Fa?"

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