Talented Genius

Chapter 2327: Hit the nail on the head

There is a sky outside the man, and a dragon outside the sky...

Together, it is the best of Tianlong.

Although Park Xuanwu hadn't read much, he also knew that Ye Tianlong had changed the old Chinese proverb without authorization, and couldn't stop cursing this **** for being extremely shameless.

It was just contempt for the contempt, Ye Tianlong's archery still convinced Park Xuanwu, so he didn't dare to resist the slightest bit of Ye Tianlong's lesson.

The woman in the long skirt also looked at Ye Tianlong with complex expressions, irritated that Ye Tianlong had shattered her pride, but had to be afraid of his unpredictable skill.

"Well, stunning archery, eye-opening."

At this time, Park Zhanjun was the first to break the silence, and praised Ye Tianlong: "I am convinced, and I am convinced."

Piao Ciqiu also shouted: "Tianlong, you are the best."


Everyone quickly reacted, clapped their hands and applauded, giving Ye Tianlong the greatest affirmation, and then they understood the importance of Park's attention to him.

Other than that, with this hand archery, Ye Tianlong can be rich and prosperous in the Pu family.

The woman in the long skirt and Park Xuanwu also clapped their hands and applauded, no matter how helpless they were, they still had to bow their heads in the face of powerful strength.

Ye Tianlong smiled and nodded: "Thank you everyone."

"Come on, Tianlong, have a drink, a drink, no white wine, fruit wine is fine."

Piao Zhanjun took advantage of Piao Ziyuan's not to come, and hurriedly had someone bring a bottle of fruit wine, poured two glasses and put it up: "Cheers to your exquisite archery."

Ye Tianlong smiled and took the wine glass: "Thank you, second master."

Park Zhanjun deliberately raised his face and hummed, "Tsk, what is the second younger brother, second brother, don't you want to be my brother-in-law?"

Ye Tianlong smiled helplessly: "Thank you, brother."

Although Park Zhanjun called his brother-in-law to embarrass him, he could see that this guy was arrogant and frank enough, which gave him a trace of appreciation.

Compared with those old foxes who are imaginary and unreasonable, Pu Zhanjun's carelessness is more in line with Ye Tianlong's appetite, at least the other party's unhappy will be clear.

Hearing Ye Tianlong's words, Park Zhanjun laughed: "That's right, come on, cheers."

Ye Tianlong touched him lightly, then took a sip of fruit wine.

"Ye Tianlong, hello."

At this time, another person came up, smiled and met Ye Tianlong, and did not forget to toast.

Ye Tianlong didn't put on airs, and he happily clinked glasses with them, and then chatted about it.

As Ye Tianlong merged into this circle, the atmosphere became more and more enthusiastic, and more and more people came up to toast, and Ye Tianlong was always there.

He was surrounded by people, and even Pu Xuanwu came over with his head down holding a glass of wine, admitting his mistake and punishing himself.

Ye Tianlong made a few jokes at the right time, and promised to have the opportunity to teach Piao Xuanwu archery, to resolve the festival, and also aroused everyone's excitement.

More than a dozen teenagers are surrounded by Ye Tianlong.

Gradually, the atmosphere became a little ambiguous.

After a brief period of restraint, more than two dozen beauties began to run to the tree to take a photo with Sijian, and then tweaked and asked Ye Tianlong to take a photo.

After a little familiarity, they gathered around Ye Tianlong and leaned against each other, even if Piao Ciqiu was staring at him, these beauties completely ignored them.

They seemed to devour Ye Tianlong alive.

Park Zhanjun and Park Xuanwu burst into weird smiles. They secretly cried out Ye Tianlong's charm is really powerful, and hooked up a bunch of cousins.

Park Zhanjun didn't care that Ye Tianlong was occupied by them. Anyway, they were all his cousins. Whichever Ye Tianlong wanted was also his brother-in-law.

Piao Ciqiu was a little stunned. He didn't expect Ye Tianlong to be so popular, and at the same time he was happy for Ye Tianlong. The whole family accepted him.

But Pu Ziyuan's face was ugly when she came.

A group of coquettish little bitches! !

Winter has not passed, one by one is like a cat in spring.


This **** has a very high vision, can you hook it up? Even if you can hook up, the old lady has kissed.

And this guy has a glib tongue and will lift his pants to deny people at any time, don't blame the old lady for not reminding you.

If you surrender and suffer a loss, then you cannot blame others.

Pu Ziyuan's heart kept surging with all kinds of small thoughts, but in front of dozens of people, she could not turn her face and could only endure it.


When Ye Tianlong dealt with Yingying Yanyan, Pu Ziyuan walked to him with a cold face, her voice was cold: "My father invites you over."

Ye Tianlong smiled and nodded: "Okay."

At this moment, he is just a waste of the Pu family. It is better to have a little tail in front of Pu Zhongjian, so he patted his hands and walked to the pavilion.

When he stepped into the pavilion, in his field of vision, a middle-aged man was standing in front of a stone table holding a writing brush, practicing handwriting unhurriedly.

The middle-aged man is not outstanding in appearance. At first glance, he doesn't look much different from the neighbor's uncle and uncle, but his calm temperament is particularly attractive.

When he held the brush to write, he also drew strokes and strokes, and it seemed that everything was under his control.

It seems to be Pu Zhongjian who represents the will of the West.

"Young people, with superb skills, excellent archery skills, cooking and soup, but also know how to win people's hearts, looking at Taicheng, few young people can compare."

Before Ye Tianlong could speak, Pu Zhongjian faintly said, "It's just that the edge is so sharp, why did it show up today?"

There was no wave on Ye Tianlong's face, and his voice came out smoothly: "The wood is beautiful in the forest, the wind will destroy it, and when it is piled up on the shore, the current will be turbulent."

"The edge that is not deep-rooted is self-defeating, so it is not strong enough to deal with foreign enemies, I chose to be a man with my tail sandwiched."

He added the last sentence: "It is better to be humiliated than to die early, even to be a waste."

"Now that you are sharp and radiant, do you feel that your wings are hard?"

Pu Zhongjian smiled: "However, compared to before, the Ye Family is in a precarious situation. When the two are superimposed, your edge is still rootless duckweed."

"If you showed your edge a few years earlier, coupled with your grandfather's prestige, your parents' achievements, and your sister's excellence, the Ye family is absolutely strong."

He expressed a trace of regret: "You can also stand higher, but unfortunately, you missed a good opportunity."

"But rootless duckweed is mature after all. Compared to its immature, it can withstand wind and rain."

Ye Tianlong smiled: "A few years ago, I could indeed have a sharp edge, but I won't have the sharpness now, let alone the current maturity."

"Three years ago, I was a stunned young man. Both my mind and skills are inferior to what I am now."

"The most important point is that although the changes in the Ye family gave me pressure, it also taught me the last lesson and gave me a qualitative growth."

His eyes became playful: "So now standing in front of Uncle Park is the best and most perfect Ye Tianlong."

Park Zhongjian was taken aback for a moment, the brush in his hand stagnated subconsciously.

"Just like Uncle Park, you are definitely not the sharpest you."

Ye Tianlong pointed directly at the Buddha's mind: "But now you must be the most suitable principal of the Pu family."

Pu Zhongjian raised his head and looked at Ye Tianlong, his eyes faintly gleaming, and he seemed a little surprised by Ye Tianlong's machine front.

"Hahaha, young man, you really surprised me."

Pu Zhongjian put the brush next to him, and looked at Ye Tianlong with his hands on his back, saying: "Hidden one's power and bide time, but there is no shortage of hits."

Ye Tianlong is humble and polite: "Thank you Uncle Park for the compliment."


Pu Zhongjian's name changed unknowingly:

"Do you know why I invited you over today?"

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