Talented Genius

Chapter 2338: Time to play the next card

These are a group of enemies that came out of the study, and they are also a group of powerful enemies.

These enemies totaled fifteen people, but one by one showed the desperate atmosphere of banditry, facing the surrounding of Longmen children without fear.

Standing in front was a large middle-aged man with thick eyebrows, black skin, height of two meters, and two mountain axes in his hand.

The momentum is amazing.

It is Kong Huaxiang's confidant, Hei Jingang.

He had just received Kong Huaxiang's phone call and was thinking about how to bloodbath the Ye family and deal with Jiang Yang Dao's tail, only to receive a report of an enemy attack.

Hei Jin just didn't take it seriously at first, thinking that his subordinates were enough to kill the opponent without him showing up.

Unexpectedly, it was a soldier approaching the city after receiving the report.

Beside Heijinggang, there is a Cuiguo man with a similar skin color. Although he is not as tall and mighty as Heijinggang, he is still upright.

It's just his hare lips that make him a bit funny.

With a cigar in his mouth, he stared at Tian Mo and them with hatred and playful eyes.

The leader of this group of Cuiguo veterans is also a close friend of Somchai, Aguta.

"Who are you?"

After a short silence, Hei Jingang roared: "How dare you come here to sneak attack here, do you know who we are?"

Although Hei Jingang is a martial artist, he also knows the inviolable status of the Kong family, and even the police dare not come and search casually in this place.

However, Tian Mo brought a thunderous impact and killed Brother No. 60 and 70, and even forced him in front of him. How could Hei Jingang not be angry?

Tian Mo stepped forward indifferently: "Kill your people!"

Agu snorted with a cigar in his mouth: "Killing so many of our brothers, do you know the consequences?"

"Those who are acquainted, don't worry about surrendering with weapons, then tell the master behind you, we can give you a way to survive."

Agu pointed his finger at Tianmo and shouted, "Otherwise, I will take you all down, so that you will die rather than live."

"Let me try your jinliang--"

Before Aguda finished speaking, the oriole moved, and the whole person rushed towards Aguda like a cannonball.


This was the idea in Aguda's mind. The oriole's body was directly close to it like a sharp arrow, and his hands punched out a combination of fists.

The fist cut through the resistance of the air and made a "swish" sound.

At this moment, Aguda felt the danger, but didn't care, just sneered, and kicked the oriole in the crotch.

Surround Wei and save Zhao.

The siskin narrowed his eyes and strayed his right foot, and slammed into Agu's leg.


The legs and feet of the two slammed into each other, and a dull voice blew up, and Aguda only felt his calf as if he had hit a rock.

A piercing pain came, and Aguda didn't have time to cushion the pain, but immediately flashed to the right.

It's a pity that the action was slow for the oriole.

The oriole rushed to Agu's chest with a punch, and Agu subconsciously protected with both hands.

There was a strong collision, and the two retreated, and Agu was bleeding.

Aguda was very clever to shed most of his strength when resisting, otherwise he could break his hand with a punch with the strength of the oriole.

However, before Aguta made any dodges, the oriole exerted force on his left leg, and his body suddenly rushed forward, and the whole person straightened up.


Aguda also yelled and rushed towards the oriole. The two quickly fought together.

"Boom boom!"

A series of sounds exploded, there was no interval between them, and most people sounded like a long roar.

In just two seconds, the two played against each other at least ten times.

The feet, arms, palms, five fingers, knees, and body were struck together at a jaw-dropping speed.

There is no space for breathing.

The oriole pushed forward fiercely, moving forward like a rainbow, but Aguda was retreating, retreating like lightning!

The oriole's hands, fists, claws, and palms were constantly changing, and they greeted Aguda's throat, facial features, chest, heart, and Tian Ling Gai.

Aguda did not let the wind fall in the slightest.

In just one minute, everyone present felt a hearty feeling.


Unprecedented pleasure.

This is the real match for the opponent! !


Suddenly, the oriole deliberately slowed down and opened a distance of two meters in an instant, and then accelerated and shot past.

A heavy side kick hit Agu's chest.

Amidst the shock of Hei Jingang and the others, Aguda's complexion changed slightly. Knowing that he could not dodge, he had to raise his hands to form palms.


The oriole kicked sideways fiercely on Aguda's palm. Aguda only felt a hot sensation from his palm, and his entire arm seemed to be numb.

At the same time, his body couldn't bear the huge strength of the oriole, and he flew sideways with a snorting.


Aguda's body hit the wall, and after a loud noise, the rebounding force bounced his body back.

The oriole did not stand still, and raised her foot with a sneer, this time it was a cheating!

Hei Jingang and his group subconsciously shouted, "Be careful!"

The bounce of the wall caused Agu's body to rush towards the oriole's split leg.

With a twitch of his eyelids, Agu suddenly pressed his center of gravity and slammed his feet on the ground.

The oriole's cheating rubbed the tip of Agu's nose, and the sharp leg wind directly scratched Agu's nose, and blood poured out instantly.

Contaminated on the chest, shocking.


When the oriole landed on both feet, Aguda endured the severe pain, and suddenly kicked his right leg, a powerful side kick hit the oriole's head.

A joking smile appeared at the corner of the oriole's mouth, freed his left hand, stretched out like a flash point, grabbed Agu's foot, and then pulled it hard!


Unable to support his son on one foot, Agu fell to his knees, and suddenly saw the oriole trying to twist his right leg.

If the right leg is broken, life will be worse than death.

A cruel color flashed in Aguda's eyes, and his hands on the ground suddenly exerted force, turning his left leg and swiping his leg.

The oriole gave a low cry and reached out to block Agu's kick. When his left hand was in severe pain, his right leg also clicked out.


Aguda couldn't defend at all, was kicked by the oriole in the ribs, and flew out, hitting the wall and crashing to the ground.

Three Cuiguo men rushed up to help, and two others raised their guns and pointed them at the oriole.


As soon as the left hand raised his right hand, Ye Dao flew out, and the two gunmen couldn't avoid it, and their throats hurt. Then they shot and fell to the ground.

The firearm also fell out of the palm.

The rest of the enemies who were about to draw their guns all stopped when they saw it, worrying that they would be killed by the hand with a knife.

The oriole didn't even look at the corpse, but sneered with patted hands, "But so..."

Aguda was furious, and he wanted to struggle again, but he was in pain, and blood kept surging in his mouth.

Tian Mo took another step forward at this time, despising the five-big and three-thin Black King Kong and shouted: "Kneel down if you want to survive."

"Go to hell!"

Seeing that Tianmo was so invincible, Hei Jingang was so angry that he roared and rushed up with two mountain axes.

Tianmo's eyes were cold.


One knife!

The cold wind stagnated.

The black knife plunged into Hei Jingang's throat.

Hei Jingang wielding a double axe felt danger, and his body was cold. As soon as he changed his attack, the axe went directly to block Tianmo's black knife.

The axe was blowing into the wind and whirring, Hei Jingang still tried his best, but only understood one fact and couldn't stop it.


When the axe cut off the clothes on both sides of Tianmo, the black knife also directly penetrated Heijinggang's throat.

A stream of blood shot into the air instantly.

Tianmo waved again, the blade flashed by, killing intently


Thousands of blood flowers all flew out with this sharp sound, and the head of Hei Jingang flew into the air like this...

The struggling Aguda, seeing this scene, spouted a mouthful of blood and knelt down uncontrollably...

Ten minutes later, Ye Tianlong, who was guarding Ye Qiuqi's rest, was playing cards alone. With a move of his ears, he quickly received news of the secret stronghold:

"Ye Shao, Hei Jingang is dead, Aguda surrendered, and there is still a large amount of ammunition in the stronghold..."

Hearing the oriole's report, Ye Tianlong didn't have much ups and downs on his face. He just threw a card and dropped it, and then faintly said:

"It's time to play the next card..."

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