Talented Genius

Chapter 2342: Who leaked the secret?

Everything was done by Cuiguo veterans!

When Chen Honghu questioned Ye Tianlong, the Taicheng official also immediately said that Kong Huaxiang was attacked by Aguta and others.

However, under the official leadership and effective military assistance, apart from Kong Huaxiang and others who unfortunately died of stray bullets, the rest of the personnel were not in serious trouble.

The reason why Aguda attacked Kong Huaxiang was that Kong Huaxiang discovered that Hei Jingang was in collusion with the Cui Guo veteran, so he reported the Hei Jingang to the military.

The military took the secret stronghold given to Black King Kong by the Kong family, and killed the Black King Kong gang with random guns, making Aguta, the slippery fish full of hatred.

So Aguta stayed in ambush on the roof of the apartment overnight, and then took advantage of Kong Huaxiang's convoy to leave the guard box and attack.

In order to protect his son, Kong Huaxiang was accidentally hit by a stray bullet, and the rescue failed. Aguda was also shot dead on the rooftop by the police...

The police presented five investigation reports and laboratory reports, which confirmed that Kong Huaxiang was indeed killed by Aguda.

At the same time, Immigration also announced the infiltrating video of Aguda and others, and all the fingers were directed at the Songchai group far away in Cuiguo.

When Kong Huaxiang died, a large number of police officers were under martial law, police officers patrolled the streets and lanes, and police officers monitored the Kong’s garden.

Mingyue Group also stood up and did not say any nonsense about severely punishing the murderer, but only asked all parties to stabilize the situation and avoid turmoil in Taicheng.

Although the people in Taicheng didn't believe the official words, the turbulent public opinion eased a lot. After all, Kong Huaxiang had already died.

It doesn't make much sense to question a dead person.

It's just that the Kong family got a respite because of Kong Huaxiang's death, but Mingyue Group was in a dark wave.

Because some people began to speculate that the shot Aguda shot was not caused by Aguda’s revenge, but was the killing of the Mingyue Group...

Everything is developing in a direction that is beneficial to Ye Tianlong.

In the morning, wisps of red glided across the sky, and it was very clear in the pale blue sky. The sun rose from the east and the streets gradually became lively.

There are also a lot more vehicles and pedestrians.

A new day has begun again. No matter how many people died last night and how many conspiracies were born, for ordinary citizens, they still have to live up to their lives.


At half past eight, a black Lincoln, surrounded by more than a dozen off-road vehicles, drove smoothly on the street.

Expensive cars, noble temperament, all let passers-by look at it, wondering which big person is sitting inside.

In the car, Park Zhanjun drove forward with the extended Lincoln, while observing the faces of his father and sister through the mirror.

In the field of vision, Park Zhongjian closed his eyes and rested, his expression was as peaceful as before, as if it didn't matter if the sky fell.

On the other hand, Pu Ziyuan frowned, her expression dignified, and her eyes flushed.

"Ziyuan, your complexion didn't look good today, did you not rest well last night?"

Park Zhanjun asked concerned: "Why don't you go to Mingyue Group today?"

On the back seat, Pu Ziyuan coughed slightly: "Kong Huaxiang is dead, and the dark waves in Taicheng are raging, how can I sleep? A lot of news to deal with."

Park Zhanjun disapproved and said, "Mingyue Fifth Elder, one dead, and four others. Cai, the leader, is alive. What can he mess with?"

"Furthermore, when Kong Huaxiang died, he had no official position, he was just an ordinary old man."

He slowly turned the steering wheel: "Death or immortality has little effect on Taicheng."

Pu Ziyuan snorted softly: "What do you know? Pull the whole body together."

"When Kong Huaxiang died, the layout of Taicheng changed. Some people wanted to take Kong Huaxiang's position, and some wanted to take advantage of the chaos to share a cup of the Kong family's soup."

"The Kong family successively died of Kong Feixiang and Kong Huaxiang, and they became a gunpowder keg that would explode at any time. Maybe they carried the entire Taicheng to death."

"Mingyue Group also tightened their nerves. The Cai family and the others not only recalled the elites outside, but also sent a confidentiality bureau to monitor all parties."

"The Ma family is even more rigorous, and the horses gather 30,000 soldiers. The first officer wants to maintain the stability of Taicheng and conduct military management."

Pu Ziyuan rubbed his head and sighed: "The dark waves in Taicheng are surging, and blood will flow into rivers at any time. How can I possibly sleep?"

"Do they have water in their heads?"

There was a sense of puzzlement in Pu Zhanjun's eyes: "Didn't Aguta kill Kong Huaxiang? If you want revenge, they should find Songguo that gang."

"Are they fed and fighting inside?"

Park Zhanjun sat up slightly, "Or is this the nature of the people in Taicheng?"

"According to intelligence, the Kong family has a good relationship with Songchai, and Aguda is also an old friend, and Hei Jingang has been a close friend of Kong Huaxiang for many years."

Piao Ziyuan glanced sideways at her father who closed her eyes, and then lightly opened her red lips:

"That's why the Kong family reported the smuggling of arms from the Black King Kong, and Aguta angrily killed Kong Huaxiang. This is absolutely impossible."

"Aguta was found in the rooftop apartment, but it was only a culprit behind the scenes."

"The Taicheng official announced that, in addition to compelling to conclude as soon as possible to appease the people, there is also a desire to give Kong Huaxiang a name behind."

A gleam of light flashed in her eyes: "Kong Huaxiang's report of the black King Kong's righteousness and the death of his relatives is better than colluding with Agout and getting a headshot."

"This can also show the strength of the black hand behind the scenes. He must know that Agu hit this murderer, and few people will believe it."

"But the official still had to follow his script, because the official and the Kong family had no choice but to maintain the reputation of the Kong family."

Park Zhanjun was taken aback for a moment, and then nodded: "That said, the black hand behind this scene is pretty awesome."

"Behind the scenes, the black hand intelligence is also very strong. Our intelligence in Taicheng has always been the first, but this time it was stepped on the sole of the other party."

Pu Ziyuan expressed a touch of appreciation: "We also learned that the Black King Kong was responding to the Cui nationality yesterday afternoon..."

"And the other party not only knew about this situation, but also arranged overnight to remove the secret stronghold."

She straightened her upper body: "This source of intelligence, this speed of reaction, dumped our ‘green pigeon’."

"Isn't it the Emperor Ma Qing who dropped the secret stronghold?"

Park Zhanjun murmured: "With the Ma family's ability, it is not uncommon to know the secret stronghold. The man behind this scene is actually the Ma family."

"Not too possible."

Pu Ziyuan shook her head: "According to our informant's report, the Ma family also suddenly gathered troops in the middle of the night, and there was no sign or movement during this period."

"Emperor Ma Qing estimated that he also received information temporarily."

"If we are not a family, the intelligence personnel are also reliable, I would suspect that we have leaked the secrets."

Pu Ziyuan had a doubt in her eyes: "After all, in Taicheng, I really can't think of anyone who has better intelligence capabilities than us."

Park Zhanjun smiled: "Don't doubt me... I have a big mouth, but it doesn't mean too much."

"Furthermore, I am not familiar with Emperor Ma Qing, and I also know that he is fighting with Mingyue. I always follow Dad's instructions so that I won't get into their internal fighting."

"However, I seem to have told my brother-in-law..."

Pu Zhongjian opened his eyes in an instant, indescribably deep and clear...

"Killing a million soldiers in the south of the Yangtze River, the sword at the waist is bloody."

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