Talented Genius

Chapter 2348: No turning back (five shifts)

At the same time, Chen Taishi took advantage of the temporary ceasefire at the door and helped Chen Honghu into the luxurious lobby of the Ye family, where more than ten people had gathered.

Ma Wu and her servants were all there, each of them looked anxious, they had never seen such a battle, and subconsciously worried about their own life and death.

Only Wu Xinran silently leaned against the kitchen door, with a gun hanging down in her hand, her pretty face cold, and no one could see what she was thinking.

"Officer Chen, just rest in the hall and protect Madam Wu and the others."

Chen Taishi put Chen Honghu on a sofa, and then pointed his finger at more than ten people in the hall: "They will leave it to you."

"Don't worry, if the murderer wants to attack them, he must step on my body."

Chen Honghu exhaled a long breath, gave Wu Ma and the others a little reassurance, and then asked again:

"The signal is blocked, do you have no fixed telephone? If so, call the police and tell Ye Tianlong by the way."

Before Chen Taishi could respond, Mother Wu shook her head: "It used to be, but the eldest lady thought it was an eyesore, so she cancelled it."

Chen Honghu sighed his life secretly, then took out his mobile phone and glanced at him, slightly startled, and found that there seemed to be another signal...

"Boom boom!"

At this moment, intensive gunfire sounded again at the gate.

Chen Taishi's expression changed, and he rushed out with a gun, knowing that the enemy had attacked again.

When Chen Taishi left the hall, Wu Xinran also frowned, and then left the hall quietly. She remembered that Ye Weiguo was not guarded.

Chen Honghu wanted to stop her, but seeing her running away without a trace, he had to shook his head to be silent, and then waited for a battle while holding a gun.

When Chen Taishi rushed to the gate, dozens of Confucian elites were charging, Chen Taishi immediately raised his gun and fired, and the other companions also pulled the trigger.

Only Chen Taishi discovered that Sankang was missing.

Chen Taishi stunned at first, thinking that he had been shot. He glanced around and found no corpse. He relaxed again, thinking he was going to change the bullet.

He turned his attention back and shot at the front.

"Boom, boom—"

Seven people shot together, and the gunfire sounded almost at the same time. With every gunshot, an enemy would fall to the ground and die.

This is still a battle of great disparity in strength, but also a brutal killing.

The seven Chen Taishi guarded the gate tightly, Ren Kong's dead sergeant shouted loudly, and danced so fiercely that he couldn't break through the gate.

Those who approached were all blood splattered and died on the ground.

The seven Chen Taishi were busy and not chaotic, quiet like a slowly rotating machine, turning over enemy after enemy.

In the dim light, Yin Yin's blood splattered everyone's trousers like a red river, and it also stained the grass and flowers on the ground.

Chen Taishi has no mercy at all. When a person's life is threatened, he has no compassion for the enemy who threatens him.

Because Chen Taishi knew that it was either the enemy's death or my death. They knew that if the opponent broke through, they and Yejia Huayuan would be destroyed.

"Boom boom!"

At this moment, a sudden burst of gunfire sounded from behind, Chen Taishi and the others shook their right arms, their nerves hurt, and their guns were thrown out.

The seven Chen Taishi were shocked.

They looked at the bullet holes that suddenly appeared on their wrists, slowly draining blood, forgetting the pain, completely unable to accept reality...

Chen Taishi looked ahead, but his voice sank:

"Sankang, why don't you hit us in the head?"

The six of them looked back subconsciously and saw Sankang standing behind them, holding two guns in their hands, their muzzles trembling, cold sweat dripping, and expressions sad.

The six were dumbfounded, unbelievable, unable to react for a while.

Chen Taishi slowly turned around and said coldly, "Sankang, you fired all your guns, why don't you hit us in the head?"

"Do you know that what you did is more uncomfortable than killing us."

Sweat swept down Sankang's forehead. Hearing Chen Taishi's question, the veins swelled up in his hand, but his fingers were cast in the air without moving.

"Sankang, why did you shoot us?"

"Have you been bought by the enemy?"

"You are worthy of us by doing this? Are you worthy of Ye Shao?"

The six people quickly reacted and let out a roar one after another, with indescribable anger on their faces, that was the anger of being betrayed and betrayed.

The brother who has gone through a lot of wind and rain shot behind him, and the feeling is definitely more uncomfortable than a headshot.


The two men stepped forward in grief.


Sankang gritted his teeth and pulled the trigger, and the bullet hit their toes, making them unable to move forward.

Seeing Sankang still dared to shoot, the six were even more angry: "You traitor—"

Chen Taishi waved his hand to stop the six people, and then looked at Sankang with cold eyes: "Sankang, brothers, don't seek a way to survive, just die to understand."

"Why do you want to attack us?"

A gleam in Chen Taishi's eyes: "Who are they? How much did they give you?"

"Sankang, haven't you shot Chen Taishi?"

At this time, Kong's elite had slowly approached the door, and Kong Feihan's voice came coldly:

"A big brother who can't give you glory and wealth, but will only take you to a dead end, do you keep him for the New Year?"

Kong Feihan sneered: "Chen Taishi, you are the boss, you enjoy the benefits, but you can't give benefits to the brothers, Sankang opposes you, it is justified.

While speaking, a large number of Kong's elite began to hit the door.

"Stone, it's not like this, it's not like this, sorry, sorry."

Sankang burst into tears, shaking hands holding the gun, then watched Chen Taishi speak:

"I don't want to, but our wives and daughters were all arrested by them. If I don't suppress you, they will kill our wives and children."

"I really don't want to betray you, I really don't want to shoot you..."

As soon as these words came out, Chen Taishi and their bodies were shocked, and they did not expect that Sankang and their family were taken by the Kong family.

Chen Taishi also discovered that the six brothers who were originally angry were stunned when they heard something happened to their family members, and the anger instantly turned into worry.

"Don't worry, as long as you stop blocking Kong Shao, nothing will happen to our family, and nothing will happen to you."

Sankang bit his lip and said everything: "Kong Shao will arrange for us to settle in South Africa afterwards..."

"Stone, I'm sorry, I am not for money, I am for my family of six brothers and me, a dozen people are in their hands."

The six brothers were silent.

"That's it!"

Chen Taishi's anger has also disappeared for most, and then he laughed, his heart is full of sadness, anyway, this is a good reason.

"Sankang, your seven families are in the hands of the Kong family. If you don't fight, I won't blame you."

"But I'm alone. I am loved by Ye Shao and trusted by him. Even if I die, I will fight to the last bullet."

"Seven of you roll aside. I will guard this gate. If you are worried about the Kong family's anger, shoot me in the back."

Chen Taishi wrapped the wound on his right hand, then grabbed a knife with his left hand, and cut a piece of clothing with a swish.

"Today, no matter whether you live or die, you and my brothers will absolutely die."

He hoped that his resistance would not let the Kong family irritate them to Sankang.


Sankang rushed to hug Chen Taishi and shouted, "Don't go, you will die!"

The others also shouted in unison: "Stone, don't go—"

"Go away!"

Chen Taishi kicked Sankang away, and then pointed the tip of the knife to the other brothers. After deterring them, he walked towards the knocked open door step by step.

In the face of the swarming enemies, there is no hesitation.

Today's five is over.

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