Talented Genius

Chapter 2351: Who is strong? (Three shifts)

"Little hole, little hole!"

When Kong Feihan's chest spurted blood and fell to the ground, Tong Gong also showed up with twenty-odd people.

He ran here not only because he was worried about Kong Feihan's safety, but also because he had no choice but to make a desperate choice. The situation had already been controlled by Ye Tianlong.

Seeing Kong Feihan's serious injury, Tong Gongyan was shocked. He didn't expect that there would be a master in this deep back garden, not to mention that the opponent would severely inflict Kong Shao with a stab.

You know, Kong Feihan is also a master, not inferior to Long Po.

Gong Feihan was helped by the Gong Eyes group: "Kong Shao, are you okay? Are you okay?"

Kong Feihan didn't respond to Gongyan, but looked at the wooden door in shock.

They looked over subconsciously with gongs and saw a ray of light shining in the open wooden door.

In the dazzling light, an old man in white slowly appeared.

Sharp knife-like eyebrows, insightful eyes, wrinkled face with indescribable calmness, and self-confidence that has accumulated over time.

The old man in white is similar in height to Kong Feihan, but standing there, he has the aura of a king, making everyone feel that they need to look up.

Kong Feihan trembled: "Ye Weiguo!"

Ye Weiguo slowly approached Kong Feihan and the others, with a dignified voice: "Although the Ye family is withered, it is not Xiaoxiao who can trample on it."

"Tonight's shame should be washed with your blood."

Ye Weiguo's voice was still solid, as if there were no emotional fluctuations, but the killing intent that was revealed made Kong Feihan and the others frightened.

"Old guy, do you dare to attack us, Young Master, looking for death?"

Gong Gong's eyes filled with righteous indignation: "Don't you just play with a big knife for a few days? You really regard yourself as a master of martial arts?"

"Old man like you, I'll hit ten each."

A ninety-nine-year-old old guy with a deep face looked like a coercion from Tong Gong's eyes, wishing to rush forward and slaughter him.

Ye Weiguo was noncommittal, as if the level calmed forward, he moved unhappily, but it was like a big mountain, unstoppable.

"Take it down!"

Seeing Ye Weiguo approaching, the killing shouts from behind became clearer and clearer, Kong Feihan's heart jumped, and the blade yelled: "Take him down."

The Kong family slain screamed and charged.

Although they all knew Ye Weiguo's identity, they knew better that it was the moment of life and death, so seven or eight people wielded their sabers to surround Ye Weiguo.

There was no emotional ups and downs on Ye Weiguo's face. He moved forward unhurriedly, and saw Kong's elite rushing over, his right hand dropped and a knife was in his hand.

The knife flashed.


The heads of the four people in front fell. Rolling on the ground, there was a smooth fracture on their necks.

When Kong Feihan subconsciously leaned back, the headless body crashed down.

The Kong clan elites who were besieging from behind all stopped, they didn't even see how Ye Weiguo shot.

Only knowing that the knife light flashed, the four companions fell to their heads.

This fierceness caused fear in their hearts, they were not afraid of death, they were afraid of dying instantly like a grass.

Tonggong's mouth also grew, and it was hard to believe the scene before him, and the corners of his mouth moved, giving birth to a trace of fear for the clamor just now.

"I haven't killed anyone in almost fifty years..."

Ye Weiguo stared at the fallen enemy with no emotion in his eyes: "It's still so enjoyable and so happy to kill."


The four Kong's elites couldn't hold back, and because of fear, they made the craziest knife.

However, he fell to the ground without touching Ye Weiguo, and his head was still slashed out.

Too fierce.

The rest of Kong's dead men who came around stared at their heads on the ground, their faces getting paler and paler with indescribable horror.

However, after the panic, some people finally mustered up the courage to wave the knife, and the impact of the fish died and the net broke, and the knife broke with a sound as soon as it was swung.

Then there was a pain in his neck and his head flew out.

Some people secretly use cold arrows, and the result is that they are pierced by an arrow.

Ye Weiguo's strength does not allow anyone to resist.

"Swish swish-"

Countless heads, broken corpses flying in the air, stumps and broken arms pouring out in front of Kong Feihan, the whole back garden seemed to be raining suddenly.

The night wind was blowing constantly, and there was still a touch of rain, but it was still somewhat difficult to resist this **** murderous attack.

The blood is flying, the blood is still flying, the blood is always flying.

Not only was Gong Feihan's body trembling, but Kong Feihan also changed his face. He never expected that Ye Weiguo would be so terrifying when he was violent.

After killing more than ten people in a row, Ye Weiguo's face remained unchanged and his pace was not slow.

Kong Feihan had withdrawn more than ten meters, the pain of the wound was forgotten, but he stared at Ye Weiguo in shock.

"Go together!"

Seeing Ye Weiguo so powerful, the gongs roared, calling all the brothers to charge together.


The remaining dozen or so enemies also summoned the courage, like an eagle culled, and rushed towards Ye Weiguo from all directions.

Life and death, these Kong's elite elites did not hesitate at all, and they all violently shot.

Before the figure arrived, the strong wind was blowing.

When Kong Feihan's eyes widened, Ye Weiguo's right hand shook, moving extremely fast, but very softly, the light of the knife bloomed.

Facing the enemy's hysterical shock, Ye Weiguo just casually shot out his sword, and shredded the enemy's sense of heroism one by one.


Under the light, the figures rushing to the way stopped one after another, and then, like a bird with its broken wings, sprayed out a stream of blood.

More than a dozen of Kong's dead men fell to the ground, holding the fatal wound and died silently.

Tong gong came to kill from the side: "Kill—"

Ye Weiguo turned his right hand.

With this knife, brilliance flowed, the meaning of endless joy.


The charging gong-eye body stagnated, and his powerful flesh and blood turned into a flower at this moment, a flower stained with blood.

The head is different.

At this point, Kong's elite was killed and wounded, and apart from Ye Weiguo and Kong Feihan, there was no one alive in Hou Yuan.

Ye Weiguo looked at Kong Feihan.

Kong Feihan forcibly condensed his mind, trying to resist this uncomfortable, even disgusting indifference and killing intent.

But it was like being hit by a heavy hammer, and it was shocking, and a bloodshot leaked from the corner of his lips.

Kong Feihan gritted his teeth and stood up, "Ye Weiguo, why are you so strong?"

In his memory, Ye Weiguo was a stubborn old man, except that he was more temperamental and knew how to fist.

Now, he realized that he was wrong, and it was a complete mess.

"When you all thought I was seriously ill and in a coma, I was trying to break through to become the big tree of the Ye family, throwing a single bet, and finally becoming king."

Ye Weiguo slowly raised the knife in his hand: "From today, the Ye family must not be deceived."

Kong Feihan turned to run.


The knife light flashed, Kong Feihan's head fell to the ground.

The head rolled more than ten meters, and a long blood trail fell, then stopped, at the end, there was another tall figure, Ye Tianlong...

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