Talented Genius

Chapter 2358: Was targeted

As night falls, the lights are on, and the food street of Saints University is filled with people. Although it is raining, the aroma of the food attracts more guests.

So the whole street is full of young bodies and umbrellas that are constantly moving.

Ye Tianlong found a Sichuan hot pot city at the end, opened the table directly in a semi-outdoor place, and ordered a five-person mandarin duck hot pot.

Emperor Ma Qing asked him for something, and Ye Tianlong directly asked him to come to Saints University.

When Park Zhanjun didn't care what to eat, Ye Tianlong ordered twelve side dishes in one breath, and also ordered a large jar of flower carvings, which were warmed with warm water.

Almost as soon as the hot pot was boiling, Ma Qingdi walked over by himself with an umbrella, with a smile on his face:

"Ye Shao, good evening."

He put the umbrella next to him: "I thought you were going to the clubhouse. I didn't expect to come to this food street. Although it was a bit noisy, it has old memories."

"When I was studying before, I would go to the food street near the school to have a big meal every time before the holiday."

Ma Qingdi smiled very warmly: "I almost helped the wall in and out, do you know why?"

"Because when I came home on holiday, I ate nutritious meals."

Park Zhanjun almost blurted out: "It's not only light and tasteless, but it's still dying. Naturally, I have to eat a big meal."

When Emperor Ma Qing looked at Pu Zhanjun in surprise, Ye Tianlong smiled and said:

"In this kind of weather, eating at the clubhouse is not as comfortable as this food stall."

Ye Tianlong waved for Emperor Ma Qing to sit down, and then introduced him to Park Zhanjun: "This is Shao Pu, Piao Zhanjun, Ma Shao, Ma Qingdi."


Emperor Ma Qing looked at Pu Zhanjun: "I have met with Shao Pu several times, but it is the first time to sit down and eat. It is an honor for Emperor Ma Qing."

"Little Park, take care."

Ma Qingdi stretched out his hand: "Your answer just now is exactly my answer. It seems that Shao Pu, like me, has also experienced the catastrophe of a nutritious meal."

"Sao Ma, hello."

Park Zhanjun stretched out his hand and shook his face, with a smile on his face: "Yes, I used to rush by at receptions, and occasional conversations are also polite greetings."

"I won't talk about it if you take care of it. Let's get close in the future."

"Tianlong is my brother-in-law, Shao Ma is Tianlong's brother, Shao Ma is also my friend."

He directly showed his frankness: "If there is any need in the future, Park Zhanjun will definitely go all out."


Emperor Ma Qing gave a thumbs up, with a hint of approval on his face: "I didn't expect Shao Pu to be such a caring person, this brother, I will pay."

"It's the same with me. If Shao Pu needs my help in the future, just speak up."

He patted his chest and shouted, "I will never lose the chain."

"Yes, everyone is of the right temperament, so we should watch each other and support each other."

Ye Tianlong handed them a bowl of huadiao: "Come on, drink, in the future, we will share blessings and difficulties."

"Okay, drink."

Emperor Ma Qing laughed with Piao Zhanjun, picked up the porcelain bowl and touched Ye Tianlong hard, and then gurgled up the flower carving in the bowl.

Ye Tianlong also drank it in one gulp, and his whole body suddenly became warm.

"Sao Ma, you said you want to call me for something? I don't know what's the matter?"

When Park Zhanjun poured flower carvings on the porcelain bowls for the three of us, Ye Tianlong put a plate of beef **** into the hot pot while watching Emperor Ma Qing ask.

Park Zhanjun smiled and stood up: "You talk, I will avoid it."

"Shao Pu, brother, there is no need to avoid it, and the news is only serious, not confidential."

Emperor Ma Qing quickly grabbed Pu Zhanjun with his eyes, and then looked at Ye Tianlong and said, "I received news that a group of assassins slipped through the net and sneaked in."

Ye Tianlong smiled and asked, "Shadow killer?"

Emperor Ma Qing was taken aback, then laughed: "So you already know it, so ashamed."

"I thought I was first-hand information, but I didn't expect you to get the information before me."

He praised: "Ye Shao is not only skilled, has a wide network of contacts, and his intelligence ability is also first-rate."

Ye Tianlong smiled and pointed at Pu Zhanjun: "I just learned what intelligence capabilities do I have, and Shao Pu told me."

Emperor Ma Qing suddenly realized: "That's how it is."

Park Zhanjun smiled: "I also heard it accidentally."

Ye Tianlong poured another plate of chicken into the hot pot: "Well, let's not talk about intelligence capabilities, but what is the source of this shadow killer?"

"One of the four great Taxiong generals, who is as famous as Voldemort, a young woman."

Emperor Ma Qing's expression became solemn: "It's just that Voldemort is good at close combat, and the shadow killer is good at assassination."

"She is like a wolf hanging behind a group of wild horses. She will patiently follow the wild horses for thousands of miles without a chance."

"Once a Mustang is injured or left behind, it will not hesitate to jump forward and kill the opponent."

He sighed softly, "This kind of perseverance and patience is also the reason why she can sneak into Taicheng."

Park Zhanjun took the topic: "It is rumored that she is good at guns, fighting, swordsmanship, and is also proficient in six languages."

"She performed the mission forty-nine times, without failing once, all the targets she had targeted were killed by her."

"And she wears a mask every time she strikes a target, so no one has ever seen her in real face."

"In addition, Mingyue Group also instigated the remnants of the Kong family to cooperate with her."

Park Zhanjun also said: "So my sister said that there will be a wave of shock in Taicheng, brother-in-law, you have to be careful."

Then, he remembered something, his eyes turned to Ma Qingdi:

"Shao Ma also pay attention to you, you will also be the target, after all, killing one is also killing, killing two is also killing, as long as you catch the opportunity, you will start.

He also reminded: "What's more, you still have the nature of an alliance."

Ye Tianlong smiled noncommitantly: "I'm waiting for her to show up. After removing this shadow killer, I can fight back more calmly."

Ma Qingdi did not panic either, but looked at the two playfully: "Do you know why I came to find you? Or come alone..."

Ye Tianlong raised his head: "Let the snake out of the cave?"

Park Zhanjun was startled slightly: "What do you mean?"

"Ma Shao meant that he was swaying alone today, and he came to see us for dinner, the purpose is to give the enemy a mobile phone meeting."

Ye Tianlong explained with a smile: "He wants to lure the enemy out and kill him."

"There is another purpose."

Emperor Ma Qing said with a generous smile: "That's because I am injured, and I don't know the enemy is strong, so I ran to Ye Shao to hide."

"With Ye Shao by my side, I am not afraid of any shadow killer."

He picked up the porcelain bowl and said, "After all, I haven't seen someone who is less powerful than Ye."

Emperor Ma Qing did not conceal his intention today, one is to lure the enemy, and the other is to seek protection.

"That's it, Master Ma, the people in your city really know how to play."

Park Zhanjun suddenly realized, and then he also picked up the porcelain bowl: "Come on, make a bowl, I wish you all the best."

Ye Tianlong and Ma Qingdi smiled and clashed with him, and then they drank cleanly.

When Ye Tianlong was about to say something, his ears moved slightly, and then he tilted his head to the two of them:

"We are being targeted."

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