Talented Genius

Chapter 2360: Who is strong (three shifts)


When the school uniform girl aimed at Ye Tianlong's figure, her ears moved suddenly, and the next second, she turned around with the sniper rifle.

At almost the same moment, the iron gate of the roof was knocked open, and a dozen men in grey clothes poured in, all holding short guns in their hands.

Uncle Bai followed behind.

"Don't move!"

After Emperor Ma Qing sent the message, Uncle Bai and the others no longer focused on Emperor Ma Qing, but monitored suspicious people and commanding heights nearby.

Maybe it was Uncle Bai's experience, or maybe it was the school uniform girl who was careless. When she calmly walked onto the rooftop, Uncle Bai locked her in.


Seeing someone banging into the door, still murderous, the school uniform woman did not hesitate, and the sniper rifle shot out bullets.

Two gray-clothed men fell to the ground with a groan and were shot in the head.

"Be careful!"

Uncle Bai screamed and raised his pistol to shoot. Obviously, Emperor Ma Qing had reminded him that it was a campus, so their guns were equipped with silencers.

"Pump pound!"

More than a dozen bullets poured over, but the school uniform woman quickly avoided it, leaving a series of bullet holes on the ground, which looked terrifying.

The girl in the school uniform was very good, not only dodged bullets quickly, she did not forget to shoot four bullets during the period.

After a few dull gunshots, four men in grey clothes were shot in the eyebrows and fell to the ground without even screaming.

The woman in the school uniform was very accurate. Uncle Bai hurriedly lay on the ground, shot two bullets to suppress the opponent, and then shouted at his men: "Get down!"


Another shot was fired, and another man in gray fell to the ground, and the others flashed and moved quickly to avoid.


When the school uniform girl shot the bullet, Uncle Bai gave a low voice, pulled the trigger, and chased the other party and shot continuously, determined to turn the school uniform girl over.

The girl in school uniform gave a chuckle, rolling and evading like a python, evading Uncle Bai's bullets one by one through the debris and shadows on the roof.

All the bullets fell through and the girl in school uniform was unscathed.


Uncle Bai, who had shot the bullets, slammed the gun and jumped up while the opponent was avoiding, skimming seven or eight meters, and kicking the back of the school uniform girl.

Facing the fierce Uncle Bai, the girl in the school uniform has one side of her body with her hands on her side.

"court death!"

Although Uncle Bai is not a top expert, his pair of iron legs is still fierce, and it is not a problem to knock down the concrete brick wall.

The girl in school uniform carried it hard with both hands, in Uncle Bai's view, she was looking for death.


With a muffled sound, Uncle Bai kicked the girl in the middle school uniform with his feet close together. The girl in the school uniform only retreated half a step, but Uncle Bai was actually bounced back.

His legs were numb, his bones ached, and he seemed to be shattered.


At this moment, the school uniform girl followed her, turning around with a horizontal kick, sinking vigorously.

Uncle Bai, who was in the air, was hard to dodge. He was kicked in the waist by the school uniform girl. He fell back sideways and hit a wall.

Uncle Bai slid from the wall to the ground with a ‘bang’. He covered his waist and abdomen with one hand and supported his body with the other. He wanted to stand up, but it was really painful.

One move failed.

Uncle Bai felt very humiliated and a little bit awkward. He didn't understand whether he was too incompetent or the enemy was too powerful.

In shock, the school uniform woman left the seriously injured Uncle Bai and kicked the ground suddenly. The explosive force was much stronger than that of the cheetah and slammed into the gray-clothed men.

Uncle Bai shouted subconsciously: "Be careful!"

He already knew how powerful this woman was.


The five or six gray-clothed gunmen who rushed to support Uncle Bai were knocked into flight before the muzzle was locked, and fell into the air like a paper man.

The woman in the school uniform probed her slender hands and moved the two guns neatly, then pulled the trigger and fired alternately without aiming at all.

Seven or eight gray-clothed men fell to the ground one after another, either in the chest or in the head. The rooftops were extremely brutal and bloody.

And the bullet they fired before they died either missed or hit the sky.


A man in gray who was knocked over and injured caught a glimpse of a firearm one meter away, moved it cautiously, picked up the firearm, and gritted his teeth at the school uniform girl.

He was about to shoot the woman facing his back.


With a gunshot, the man in grey clothes who was about to pull the trigger was stunned, with a bullet hole on his eyebrows, and blood gushing.

The muzzle of the woman in school uniform was smoking not far away.

At this moment, the rooftop became a Jedi, full of death.

Uncle Bai was very shocked, very worried, but helpless, his skills were not as good as humans, he could only shout: "Are you a shadow killer?"

Shooting over the last person, the girl in school uniform turned around, poked her muzzle at Uncle Bai's forehead, and smiled:

"You should feel honored to be killed by me."

She joked lightly: "You know, all the big people are in my hands."

"If I die, you can't live."

Uncle Bai maintained his due pride: "Young Master Ma will not let you go."

When he locked the school uniform girl, he also sent a message to Ma Qingdi. At this moment, Ma Qingdi should have seen the content and will soon surround the apartment.

"You are all going to die, and Emperor Ma Qing and Ye Tianlong will die too. No one can escape from my death list, no one can."

The girl in school uniform sneered, preparing to end Uncle Bai's life, but when she was about to pull the trigger, her scalp instantly numbed and she smelled danger.

This danger made her unable to pull the trigger. She felt that if she pulled it hard, she would also be killed by thunder.

The strength of the other party made her go all out, not even giving her a chance to pull the trigger.

The girl in school uniform was dissatisfied, angry, turned her head, and found Tian Mo standing seven or eight meters away, looking at her with indifference.

The position where he stood was still bright and bright, with only half of the leaf covering his face, and even a few rotating lights dangling in the distance.

But he stood there, like a cloud of thick ink that couldn't be opened, so black that it was so dark that it swallowed the light.

Uncle Bai looked at this reinforcement, as if he never knew this person, and then he thought of Ye Tianlong again.

Could this be Ye Tianlong's person? If this is the case, then Ye Tianlong's strength is beyond the imagination of him and Ma Qingdi.

After a moment of silence, the school uniform girl's eyes condensed, and she looked at Tian Mo coldly and said, "Unexpectedly, there are really masters."

Tian Mo calmly said, "Are you a shadow killer?"

"If you want an answer, ask my gun first."

The girl in school uniform always wanted to kill Uncle Bai, but she couldn't pull the trigger all the time. If she moved it, she would incur a stab at Tianmo Thunder.

She couldn't start, so she shot her short spear and pointed directly at the standing Tianmo: "Do you think you can beat the gun in my hand?"

When Uncle Bai exited a few meters in a cold sweat in relief, Tian Mo looked at the school uniform girl blankly: "You can give it a try."


This sentence was like a signal, and the school uniform girl suddenly pulled the trigger.

Bullets burst!

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