Talented Genius

Chapter 2375: anger

"Protect Lao Cai! Protect Lao Cai!"

Simon City was monitored through the lobby and saw the dangerous scene outside. He couldn't stop yelling: "Sniper, counterattack, counterattack."

Chen Huanghe went crazy too: "Helicopter, start, start, and bomb me the enemy."

They did not need their instructions at all. The snipers from several commanding heights had already fired, and they fired dozens of bullets at the position of the attacker.

The bullets smashed the trees and rocks, but they didn't have the head blossoms they wanted.

Two anti-aircraft machine guns were also pulled out, and they fired mercilessly at the nearby vegetation, strangling the attacker as he approached, but also wanted to force the opponent out.

However, the attacker was just like a mouse, there was no movement at all, she seemed to have blended into the vegetation, into the wind and rain.


When the machine gun finished scanning thousands of bullets and stopped, there were a few sudden gunshots in the sky. After the gunshots, two Mingyue snipers fell from a height.

Both of them had their eyes shot through, and the sniper scopes they held tightly were also broken.


Then, another shot rang out, an anti-aircraft machine gun was hit, and a box of bullets exploded instantly, knocking out the two machine gunners.

Nearly a thousand rounds of bullets were fired randomly, causing five or six bodyguards to scream and fall to the ground, and the surrounding objects also broke apart.

Nearly a hundred guards lowered their bodies subconsciously.

The strength of the attackers made them in Simon City sweat.


Dongmen Yangtze River sweated all over, and shouted again: "Helicopter! Helicopter! Kill the enemy for me."


An armed helicopter roared and took off, braving the wind and rain to search forward. There were many trees near the manor and the helicopter had to lower its altitude to search.

The driver also fired bullets at the woods in his field of view. The trees of nearly a thousand square meters cracked and the soil was also lifted.

Great momentum.

In the smoke filled with gunpowder, suddenly, the deputy yelled: "At nine o'clock, the killer is at nine o'clock."

In his field of vision, a woman dressed in black and wearing a mask was hiding carefully with a sniper rifle.

Seeing that the helicopter was about to turn her head and press over, the woman in black instinctively stopped her gun and retreated, as if she was about to flee.


Without waiting for the driver to turn around and fire the cannonballs, the gunman behind the cabin turned to Gatling first, preparing to shoot the woman in black.


At this moment, the deputy was shocked to find that the black-clothed woman fleeing in his field of vision suddenly stopped running, turned and squatted.

She raised the muzzle at a speed that was so fluent that she could not speak.

The muzzle was pointed at the machine gunner.

Before Gatlin ejected the bullet, the woman in black had already pulled the trigger.


A dull gunshot sounded like a stone weighing a hundred kilos hitting the ground, and the deputy could see the powerful recoil of the gun.

But the woman in black seemed to stay still, but her shoulders trembled slightly, and her whole body didn't move at all.

The machine gunner who was about to shoot suddenly felt that when his eyes went dark, he knew nothing.


There was a warmth on the face of the deputy, and he subconsciously touched it, and saw that his hand was full of blood, and he looked at his companion sideways and found that his head had been shot through.

The deputy holding the telescope was cold all over, and he didn't expect his companion to die like this.

He looked at the direction of nine o'clock again, and saw the woman in black still there, kneeling on the spot with two shots, and the target took the turning helicopter.


The first bullet smashed the cockpit glass, and the second bullet penetrated the glass and hit the driver's head.

A stream of blood splashed, the pilot fell headfirst, and the helicopter crashed down.

"Do not--"

In the desperate cry of the deputy, the helicopter screamed and fell into the forest, exploded into fragments with a boom, and the flames burst into the sky.

In this gap, Cadillac drove into the garage...

In the distance, the sirens sounded.

The black-clothed woman first dropped a sniper rifle, then took out a short rifle and dropped it, then swished around, rushed into the forest and quickly disappeared...

The wind and rain covered everything.

From beginning to end, more than 50 Mingyue bodyguards guarded the hall without entering or leaving, protecting their safety in West Gate City and revealing their due fighting qualities.

Although Cai's bodyguard suffered heavy casualties, and more than 30 people fell, he eventually got Cai Jiujin all right, which was considered a final victory.

In two minutes, five police cars arrived first and pulled out their police guns. Ximen City did not believe them, so they were not allowed to enter the garden.

Three minutes later, the anti-terrorist team appeared. Chen Huanghe saw that he was leading the team and immediately let them deploy on the spot to upgrade their safety factor.

Five minutes later, a large number of Mingyue elite rushed to block the scene with live ammunition and carried out a carpet search of the surrounding area.

Twenty minutes later, the police, anti-terrorist team, and Mingyue Elite reported that the enemy had fled.

The danger was lifted, Mingyue's bodyguards heaved a sigh of relief, but a huge wave was set off in their hearts in Ximen City.

The corpses and fragments all over the floor made them feel faceless, and made them feel cold behind their backs. The ghost door was closed, making them scared.

Three hours later, the site survey was cleared, and Mingyue Garden was clean and calm, but the number of guards was twice as large as before the attack.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, the study room in Mingyue Garden was brightly lit. It was a room of nearly 100 square meters and was a confidential seminar place for Mingyue Five Elders.

Sound insulation, bulletproof, anti-eavesdropping, and can call outside guards at any time.

The room with copper walls and iron walls gave them a sense of security in Ximen City, and the three of them who were tense for a long time eased a lot, but the cigar in their mouths still kept on.

In the middle of the three, there was a woman in white, who was in her fifties, with a flat head, wearing prayer beads, and her eyes as calm as horizontal.

At first glance, her appearance is similar to that of singer Li Yuchun.

Compared with their lingering fears in Ximen City, Cai Jiujin was much calmer. After Cai Jinyin's death and a shot on the ship, she looked down a lot.

"It's really outrageous!"

I don’t know how long it took, after a cigar was smoked in Ximen City, suddenly he slapped the table and broke the silence in the study:

"In broad daylight, is there still a king's law against the highest official in Taicheng? Is there still a law?"

"Catch, you must catch, the whole city is blocked, you must catch the murderer, no matter the ends of the world, you must catch the murderer."

"Investigation must be investigated, and after investigation, no matter which power it is, it must be investigated to the end."

"Kill what you deserve, catch what you deserve, without showing our fangs, they thought it was just a waste of money."

Simon City was murderous: "Old Chen, you hold a press conference to announce today's shooting to the public, so that people all over the world will condemn the murderer."

"East Gate, you dispatched the military and police, the whole city was sealed, and even the smuggling dock was closed, so that the murderer was not given a chance to escape."

"I personally led the backbone of Simon and the anti-terrorist team, and set up a task force to hunt down the people behind the scenes."

"Lao Cai, you stand up and beat the Ma Family to prevent the Ma Family from making trouble, and see if the Ma Family is involved in this matter."

As the oldest city of Ximen, he put forward all the measures in one go.

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