Talented Genius

Chapter 2382: Family portrait

After Ye Tianlong sent Ye Qiuqi back to the room, he went back to the room to take a bath and sleep. It was really tired after a day of tossing.

He never went to look for Ye Weiguo again, there was another person in the room, 80% of them were Ye Weiguo's old friends.

Ye Tianlong wanted to give Ye Weiguo more space, and planned to talk to him about Sophie again tomorrow morning.

I slept very well. When Ye Tianlong woke up, the clock was pointing to seven, and there was a lot of noise outside.

After he finished washing, he stood at the window and saw the whole Ye family light up, and Ye Qiuqi, Wu Xinran, and Chen Taishi directed everyone to decorate the garden.

Tomorrow is Ye Weiguo's 100th birthday. It is a happy day, so the Ye family seemed very happy.

Chen Honghu also came in with plain clothes, and was responsible for checking the identity of the people entering and exiting to avoid any changes tomorrow.

Ye Tianlong was infected by the festive atmosphere, he was very happy to see the busyness of everyone, and then remembered Sophie, and hurriedly walked to the back garden.

Five minutes later, Ye Tianlong appeared in Ye Weiguo's room again. The entire bedroom remained the same as last night, but the indifferent breath was no longer there.

There is no doubt that that old friend has left.

Ye Tianlong turned his attention back, and then looked for Ye Weiguo's figure.

In his vision, Ye Weiguo stood in front of the photo frame with his hands on his back, his eyes calmly looking at the yellowed photo, his face was unspeakably lonely and lonely.

"Grandpa, good morning."

Ye Tianlong raised a faint smile, then walked over and smiled: "I woke up so early? It's windy and rainy, so I won't sleep more?"

Ye Weiguo smiled and glanced at Ye Tianlong: "I'm used to it. Except for the days of illness or breakthrough, I always get up at 5:45."

"Besides, I'm all this age. I don't have to look at the world a few more times, I won't have to look at it in the future."

The old man has his own open-mindedness: "Of course, there is another reason for getting up early today, and that is to send an old friend away."

Seeing the old man talk about it, Ye Tianlong also smiled and asked, "The one who sat behind the desk last night?"


Ye Weiguo showed a hint of approval in his eyes, and watched Ye Tianlong say aloud:

"Tianlong, you are indeed amazing. You can even perceive his existence. You are worthy of a martial arts genius who is rare in a century."

He sighed softly: "He is a Grade Ten master, with the ability to blend in with the environment. Who knows, but you still discovered it."

"Thank you Grandpa for the compliment."

Ye Tianlong said frankly: "I can find that it is mainly because I am familiar with this room, so there is an outside atmosphere, and I can still smell it."

"If I change to an unfamiliar environment or a more complicated place, I guess I won't be able to detect his existence."

Then Ye Tianlong tentatively asked, "Is this a 10-Rank master?"

"That's right, it is the top ten master, it is your old acquaintance."

Ye Weiguo did not hide from Ye Tianlong: "Whether it is your performance in Tianmen or the chess game last night, he speaks highly of you."

"He also said that if you become the successor of the Ye family, I can smile at Jiuquan."

Ye Tianlong opened his mouth slightly and didn't know how to answer this...

"Don't look at this expression, I have a year-long friendship with the Ten-Rank Master, and there are no taboos."

Ye Weiguo patted Ye Tianlong on the shoulder: "Moreover, what he said makes sense. You are the heir of the Ye family, and I will be able to rest in peace when I die."

Ye Tianlong sighed softly: "Grandpa, don't say that, you will live a long life...No, you will be fine."

He wanted to slap himself in the mouth. Long life is a commendation for others, but it is a curse to Ye Weiguo, because it will be a hundred tomorrow.

Ye Weiguo didn't care, and the conversation changed: "The Tenth Grade Master came here yesterday to congratulate me."

"He doesn't like to join in the fun, and it is inconvenient to have a birthday banquet tomorrow, so he gave me congratulations and gifts in advance."

He expressed regret: "I would not want him to stay for a few more days. He will leave early in the morning, saying that he wants to prepare another birthday present."

Ye Tianlong smiled: "Ten-rank master really has personality."

Ye Weiguo smiled and said, "Can I become a Grade 10 master without a bit of personality? You know, there are more than 8 billion talents in the world and four Grade 10 masters."

Ye Tianlong said: "Grandpa is only a short distance away from the tenth rank."

"The slightest difference is a thousand miles away."

Ye Weiguo's tone was calm: "Although I am forty years older than the ten-pin master, I am still inferior to his talent in martial arts."

"But I don't care. In addition to my indifferent temper, there is also Tianlong that you will be promoted to the tenth rank sooner or later."

He was full of expectations for Ye Tianlong: "At most twenty years, you will become the fifth rank ten master."

"You are my grandson. You have become a master, happier than your grandfather."

He looked up at the person on the photo frame with a look of loneliness: "In my heart, I have already regarded you as family."

Ye Tianlong said softly: "Grandpa, don't worry, I will take good care of the Ye family."

After that, he followed Ye Weiguo and looked at the pictures on the wall. Twelve were photos of Ye Weiguo when he was young, a family of three in mainland China.

Because the eldest son will not be able to grow up in the future, the photos in the mainland are all photos of a family of three or a single person.

When he was young, Ye Weiguo Yushu was in the wind, tall and handsome, looking like a javelin, Ye Tianlong also found that he had a three-point similarity to himself.

The other dozens are of middle-aged Ye Weiguo and his family in Taicheng.

A photo of Ye Weiguo and his wife, a photo of his wife and son, a photo of Ye Weiguo and his son and daughter-in-law, a photo of five grandparents...

Compared with the high spirits of his youth, Ye Weiguo in Taicheng has a lot of vicissitudes, and even has a trace of melancholy.

It must be the wife and eldest son reading the other side.

Seeing the photos of the five grandparents, Ye Tianlong glanced again, trying to find the photos of the six grandparents, but there was no group photo of the six in his vision.

"Qiu Qi looked like a boy when she was young."

Ye Tianlong looked at the little baby in his arms: "The hair is all upright, just like the golden lion king, completely different from now."

"Why didn't you see the photo of Ye Tianlong with you?"

He asked curiously.

The photos on Ye Weiguo's wall are basically old photos, and they are also a memorial to the children and grandchildren when they were young, so he was a little puzzled about the family portrait.

Could it be that Ye Tianlong's waste of firewood did not show up?

This thought flashed past, but it was quickly denied by Ye Tianlong. With Ye Weiguo's character, it was impossible to do such a thing.

Ye Tianlong was still staring at Ye Qiuqi's photos, feeling that this girl was really like a boy when she was a child, and she didn't know how she grew so charming later.

Ye Weiguo sighed slightly: "This child is Ye Tianlong."

"What? He is Ye Tianlong?"

Ye Tianlong was slightly surprised. He didn't expect that the child above was Ye Tianlong, no wonder he looked like a boy.

But then it was even more surprised. Ye Qiuqi was born first, so she should have appeared first, at least in the photo.

But if the child is Ye Tianlong, it means that there are no more than a dozen photos of her now.

Ye Tianlong checked it carefully, and indeed did not find Ye Qiuqi...

Ye Weiguo wanted to explain something but finally lost his thoughts, and said, "By the way, Tianlong, what do you want me to do?"

"Oh, I almost forgot."

Ye Tianlong was astonished that Ye Qiuqi was not on the family portrait. Hearing Ye Weiguo’s questioning, he slapped his head and his thoughts quickly shifted:

"Grandpa, this is how things are, my identity is probably suspected by Mingyue Group..."

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