Talented Genius

Chapter 2395: Test in public

Isn't Ye Qiuqi Ye Weiguo's granddaughter?

Ye Tianlong is Ye Weiguo's grandson?

These two appraisal results, like thunder and lightning, cut everyone on the outside and the inside. This drama is too dramatic and too unexpected for everyone.

Many people felt that their brains were not enough for a while, and Emperor Ma Qing couldn't stop touching his head, but the solemnity between his brows quietly dispersed.

Dr. Niu was worried that everyone would not believe it, and repeated it again: "As a result of the appraisal, the two are related to each other and are definitely a family."

Cai Jiujin and their tongues were dry: "Ye Tianlong is really Ye Weiguo's grandson?"

Ye Qiuqi was also stunned. Compared to Cai Jiujin and the others, she was double shocked, unable to describe her feelings in words.

He is not the Ye family, and Ye Tianlong is of Ye family blood? What is this?

Compared to everyone's trance, Ye Tianlong had to calm down a lot, and there was a touch of emotion across his face, Ye Weiguo is really magical.

The old man not only lived a long time, his skills were amazing, and his connections were also scary. The appraisers were 80% of his people. Otherwise, how could this report appear?

He has no blood relationship with Ye Weiguo, but now he is his grandson. This operation is more powerful than Ye Tianlong imagined.

It's just that Ye Tianlong also has a bit of doubt in his heart. The old man can turn himself into his grandson, so why bother to turn Ye Qiuqi into an outsider?

Is it to conceal the excuses after being found to have made hands and feet?

When everyone in the audience was thinking about it, no one noticed Ye Weiguo's shock. The old man, who had been calm, trembled slightly at this moment.

He stared at Ye Tianlong like a sharp sword, with doubts, fears, puzzles, joy and expectation...

For the first time in many years, Ye Weiguo's face was moved, and his calm mood caused waves for the first time...

"I do not believe!"

At this moment, Ximen City reacted and shouted at Dr. Niu like crazy: "Did you get the report wrong? Or the identification was wrong?"

Dr. Niu wiped the sweat from his forehead: "In order to avoid errors in the results, the appraisal is divided into two groups of appraisals, and the results of the two groups are exactly the same."

"The relationship between Ye Tianlong and Ye Lao, the test results of the two groups both showed blood ties."

"The relationship between Ye Qiuqi and Ye Lao was ruled out by both groups."

"There are still six probes in the car to monitor the entire process, and our appraisal results are absolutely correct."

"If Mr. Cai has doubts about our profession, you can ask the experts present to conduct re-sampling and appraisal."

There is a firmness on Dr. Niu's face: "It's just that I believe that there will be no discrepancies in the result."

Although he was afraid of their anger in Simon City, he didn't want his abilities to be questioned, otherwise he would end up in a rough name in this line.

"I don't believe it, I will never believe it."

Ximen City could not accept this result either: "How could Ye Tianlong be the Ye family? How could Ye Qiuqi not be Ye Weiguo's granddaughter?"

"Your appraisal is messy, I want to change a group of people to appraise, Director Zhang, please take your team to help appraisal."

He pointed at another group of medical experts and shouted to one of the bald men: "Fair and open appraisal."

The bald man nodded, then nodded a few people and led them to the medical bus.

"Old Cai, it doesn't matter if you don't believe us."

Dr. Niu sighed: "It's just that I want to tell you that the samples you provided have been used up, and you will need to resample if you need to identify them."

Chen Huanghe turned his head and looked at Ye Tianlong and shouted: "Ye Tianlong, do you dare to re-sampling for identification?"

Simon City also nodded: "Quickly re-identify, I don't believe you can hide the fox's tail."

"Old Chen, don't you think you guys are funny?"

After Ye Tianlong glanced at Ye Weiguo and Ye Qiuqi, he slowly stepped forward and stood in front of Cai Jiujin and the others, his eyes became fierce.

"You invited these experts, and you brought these instruments. If they are biased, they will only be biased toward you."

"What can I do?"

"Now that the appraisal results come out and do not meet your expectations, you think they are not credible. Want me to take samples for testing?"

Ye Tianlong yelled: "You still shameless? Do you want character?"

Dongmen Yangtze River and they were all dumb: "You—"

"You don't believe in the experts and instruments that you bring. Would you let me and the guests here believe in another appraisal result?"

Ye Tianlong's face sank: "And today is my grandfather's 100th birthday, not when you were fooling around, you have disturbed the birthday banquet."

"If you continue to make trouble, don't blame me for not giving face."

He stared at Cai Jiujin and said, "Lao Cai, your performance is over, the show is over, let your people go."

After finally finding an opportunity to settle the matter, Ye Tianlong would naturally not let it go, and even beat Cai Jiujin and the others to stop.

"Yes, yes, Ye Shao is right, you can't be too shameless."

Emperor Ma Qing also echoed: "Just now we called us to believe in the appraisal, and if the result does not meet our expectations, we will reject it. What kind of thing is this?"

"Do you have to come up with the conclusion that Ye Tianlong is not Ye Lao's grandson, before you think that is a true and effective identification?"

His eyes also became cold: "You bully people like this, let alone Ye Shao getting angry, we can't bear it."

After these words, the guests nodded together. Although there were doubts in their hearts, they all agreed with the words of Ye Tianlong and Ma Qingdi.

The experts and instruments I brought should give me more confidence in the results. How could I question Dr. Niu in turn?

"I suspect that Dr. Niu is not professional."

Chen Huanghe bit his tooth, and the strong man shouted like a broken arm: "So I refuse to approve their identification. We have to take another sample for identification."

Ximen City also echoed: "Yes, how else would you report that Ye Qiuqi is not the Ye family?"

"You are humiliating my profession and insulting my authority."

Dr. Niu directly threw off the appraisal report, angrily: "I tell you, our appraisal is absolutely correct. Ye Tianlong is Ye Lao's grandson."

Dongmen Yangtze River's face was stern: "Old Niu, no one will say you are dumb if you don't speak."

When Dr. Niu suffocated and retreated, Cai Jiujin's eyes condensed into a light: "Ye Tianlong, would you dare to take a sample in public?"

"You illegally obtained our hair appraisal, which has violated the citizen's right to privacy. I did not tell you that it was considered a shame."

Ye Tianlong refused without hesitation: "I want us to sample you in public now? Do you think that Ye Tianlong's brain is flooded?"

Emperor Ma Qing nodded: "Yes, and Dr. Niu's identification has also come out. Ye Lao and Ye Shao are the family, you don't want to believe it."

With Dr. Niu’s appraisal report, Ye Tianlong and Ma Qingdi dealt with it calmly.

At this moment, Ye Weiguo's eyes flashed a ray of light.

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