Talented Genius

Chapter 2402: Grandparents meet again

This birthday banquet took more than four hours to end.

The dishes and drinks on the table were almost wiped out, one by one, as happy as the New Year, Ye Weiguo was also red, as if he had been young for ten years.

The host and the guest enjoyed themselves.

After the birthday banquet, Ye Tianlong asked Wu Ma to send Ye Weiguo back to the backyard to rest, and he and Ye Qiuqi stood at the door to send off hundreds of guests.

Whether it was Ye Qiuqi or Ye Tianlong, there was a happy smile on their faces, not only because they resolved the crisis, but also because the Ye family wanted to rise.

Everyone knows that after today, no one dared to bully the Ye Family anymore. All previous difficulties will be solved by themselves, and the Ye Family has also jumped from a third-rate family to the front line.

Especially after entering the center of power, the Ye family will become even more popular. As long as they do not violate principled errors, the next ten years will be prime time for the Ye family.

After sending off Pu Zhongjian and Ma Qing, the Ye Family Garden was much quieter, but happiness was still flowing, Wu Xinran and Chen Taishi were both very energetic.

Today is so proud.

When Ye Tianlong asked Wu Xinran to send everyone a big red envelope, Wu Ma ran over to tell them that Ye Weiguo wanted to see Ye Qiuqi and Ye Tianlong.

So Ye Tianlong took Ye Qiuqi's hand to the back garden.

Ye Qiuqi wanted to break away but couldn't get out of her hand, so she blushed and said, "Tianlong, are you drunk? Let go, it's not good to hold it like this."

In the past, the two of them held hands or hugged, and they could still use their sister and brother's feelings to cover up. Now that the two have no blood relationship, holding hands will make people feel ambiguous.

"Tsk, how can you let go?"

Ye Tianlong's fingers clasped tightly: "It's a good family, don't hold you well, when Wu Ma and others see it, they think we despise you."

"I also decided not only to hold hands often, but also to hug more so that you can feel the warmth of family."

He smiled: "Let's not hurt your fragile heart."


Ye Qiuqi gave Ye Tianlong a blank look: "I am not vulnerable, nor will I be sad. I have always regarded myself as the Ye family."

"It used to be, it is now, it will be in the future, so you don't have to take care of me ‘specially’."

She whispered: "Let go."

Ye Tianlong hurriedly snarled: "I don't care, anyway, I want to warm your heart and body, and you will always be the hostess of the Ye family."

Ye Qiuqi snorted, "I was the hostess."

Then her pretty face became hot, capturing Ye Tianlong's potential meaning. Before revealing the identity of the adopted daughter, she was the eldest lady, and naturally the hostess.

After revealing the identity of the adopted daughter, if she was still called the Mistress of the Ye Family, she would be Ye Tianlong's woman.

Ye Qiuqi was angry and ashamed: "Little villain, Consul Park is right. I have never seen a brazen person like you."

Ye Tianlong said leisurely: "More than you say this, the school flowers I used to like also said the same."

"One day, I was too lonely, so I went to the red light district and called a chick. Who knew it was my high school flower."

He spoke solemnly: "She recognized me at a glance and cursed directly: Ye Tianlong, I didn't think you were such a person, so shameless."

Ye Qiuqi snorted and laughed, then reacted and said angrily: "Are you scolding me around the corner?"

Ye Tianlong smiled and waved his hand: "Where am I willing to scold you, I just want to make you laugh."

"Okay, let's not talk about it, see Grandpa, he has drunk a lot of wine, and he wants to talk quickly and have a good rest.

He also wanted to meet Ye Weiguo and solve the mystery of the three appraisal reports, otherwise he would not be able to sleep tonight.

Ye Qiuqi slapped Ye Tianlong a few times, but still couldn't get rid of her hand. She could only let Ye Tianlong lead the way, which made Wu Ma and the others smile and playfully.

Ye Tianlong led Ye Qiuqi to Ye Weiguo's bedroom quickly, and when he pushed the door, he opened Ye Qiuqi's hand lightly.

The thick wooden door opens, and the room is not as deep as it used to be. The curtains are pulled up and the lights are blooming, which rarely has a bright touch.

Later, Ye Tianlong discovered that Ye Weiguo hadn't rested. The old man who had drunk a lot of alcohol was not only not drunk, but his eyes were unclear.

He was standing in front of that photo frame at the moment, carefully examining the old photos, with a calm and smile on his face.

Ye Qiuqi whispered: "Grandpa, here we are."

Ye Tianlong smiled and walked up, and said softly: "Grandpa, you drank a lot of wine, why don't you lie down and rest?"

"Grandpa, you are really amazing today, not only let us see your skills, but also let us feel your amazing connections."

"The Nanhan team, the Ma family, and the Mingyue team all have your old man's chess pieces."

"Forcibly turn you and I, who can't beat me, into grandparents."

Ye Tianlong gave a thumbs up and praised: "Take it, convince yourself."

Seeing Ye Tianlong and Ye Qiuqi appear, Ye Weiguo's gaze turned back from the frame, and Pinghe's eyes became excited and excited.

There was only the shadow of Ye Tianlong in his eyes, his persistence and enthusiasm, as if he wanted to carve the latter into his heart, the corners of his mouth squeezed out:


Before Ye Tianlong could respond, Ye Weiguo took two steps forward, grasping his shoulder, tears in his eyes, and said excitedly:

"God has eyes, God has eyes, I can't think of Ye Weiguo and descendants."

"Tenth-grade master sincerely does not deceive me, a hundred years of loneliness, willow a dark flower."

"Before a hundred years old, I was lonely all my life, after a hundred years old, family happiness."

"Today happens to be a hundred-year-old birthday banquet. The fate of one hundred years of loneliness has come to an end, and the joy of family relationships has begun. God really let you come to me."

Ye Weiguo yelled happily: "My catastrophe is over. From now on, my grandfather and grandchildren are reunited, and the Ye family is in harmony. God loves me."

Ye Qiuqi was in a mess in the wind: "Grandpa, what a hundred years of loneliness, family happiness, are you drunk?"

She didn't understand Ye Weiguo's words at all.

Ye Tianlong also stiffened and looked at Ye Weiguo and said, "Grandpa...what do you mean?"

He wanted to get rid of Ye Weiguo's wrist, but was held tightly by the latter and couldn't get away. Ye Weiguo was obviously afraid of losing something, and the old tears were shining:

"Tianlong, although I know that our meeting is too legendary, I still have to tell you seriously, you are really the Ye family."

"You are the grandson of my Ye Weiguo, my grandson."

Ye Weiguo's breathing was a little short: "If I think it is good, you are the offspring of my eldest son, and you have inherited his blood."

Ye Tianlong's body shook, and his spirit was in a trance: "What?"

Ye Qiuqi was also taken aback, and then subconsciously said: "Grandpa, Tianlong is really the son of the uncle? Didn't the uncle disappear early?"

Before coming here, although there were three identifications and confirmations, Ye Qiuqi still had doubts about Ye Tianlong's identity. I wonder if it was true or he did the trick.

So when Ye Weiguo confirmed and pointed out that he was the uncle's son, Ye Qiuqi was very surprised.

Unexpectedly, Ye Tianlong is really the real Ye Family Young Master.

"He is indeed missing. I don't even know what he looks like when he grows up. I also know that Tianlong has been an orphan since he was a child, and he doesn't even know the existence of his father."

Ye Weiguo's eyes still fixed on Ye Tianlong: "But Tianlong is really his blood, and he is also Ye Weiguo's grandson."

"The three identifications just now are enough to explain everything."

There was a touch of joy in the old man's eyes: "Black and white, let our grandparents meet again."

Ye Tianlong looked at Ye Weiguo in disbelief, his face was beyond shock:

"Three identifications...Isn't it the hands and feet of grandpa?"

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