Talented Genius

Chapter 2419: Go to war

A transparent box full of US dollars and checks was exposed, hanging in the air and slowly rotating, stimulating people's eyeballs.

Then, another box containing the share transfer agreement fell in the air, and the diamond-encrusted edge was shining brightly.


Finally, a cross slowly descended from the ceiling, with a woman in **** lingerie tied to it.

She is the beauty of the bet tonight, the winner's trophy.

"I tell you, she is not an ordinary beauty. The winner tonight will definitely be on her and experience endless fun."

The host yelled again: "Her beauty, her identity, her shyness, and her taboos will make those who possess her go crazy."

"Her value, her excitement, is comparable to one hundred million."

The pretty face above the woman's nose is hidden by the mask, but it can still be seen that she is a beautiful woman.

Although the underwear covers the hidden parts, the snow-white icy skin, the graceful and hot body, and the looming spring light make people breathe fire.

Most of the animals stood up almost at the same time, and hormones were secreted rapidly, especially the introduction by the host, which made people feel that this woman was not easy.

One by one, I can’t wait to pounce on her right now and take her and ravage her.

The audience roared, deafening.

Ye Tianlong also stiffened, and he recognized who this woman was. It was Pu Zhenyun he was looking for.

He followed many animals to the front corner, staring at the woman on the cross.

Pu Zhenyun closed her eyes, as if in a coma, but Ye Tianlong could see that her delicate body trembled, not only because of the cold, but also because of the shame.

She was tied tightly to the cross and turned into a plaything that was desecrated by people's eyes and words. She could not resist, and could only close her eyes to escape the humiliation.

Ye Tianlong could still see the scars under her fair skin, although they were covered by the foundation, they were still identifiable.

Her arm also has needles for drugs!

Ye Tianlong's eyes became cold, his heart seemed to stop beating, even his breathing became slow, and a murderous intent flowed through his whole person.

Although he didn't have a deep friendship with Pu Zhenyun, he only met at a private banquet for the Pu family. It can be seen that she was trampled so much, and she was still angry.

The humiliation before her was far better than killing her with a single shot.

Ye Tianlong wanted to save people, but he looked around and finally gave up. There were many gunmen around, and it was difficult to get out easily.

He didn't come here purely to kill, but to bring Pu Zhenyun back.

Ye Tianlong looked at the registration office next to him, and he thought about signing up for a while. He wanted to save Pu Zhenyun safely.

He also sent text messages to Huangque and Zhao Wenguang.

"Ye Tianlong, really you?"

Just after sending the text message, a Qianqianyu stretched out his hand, patted Ye Tianlong's shoulder lightly, and looked at Ye Tianlong in disbelief.

Ye Tianlong turned his head to look, and was slightly startled. He didn't expect that it was Mo Ningran, and he did not expect that Mo Ningran seemed to be less hostile to himself.

When he was wondering whether to deny, Mo Ningran covered his mouth again and said, "God, Tianlong, it's really you, I really didn't read it wrong."

"I watched it for a long time just now, and I was worried about the wrong person, so I came here to take a look."

Mo Ningran smiled half-heartedly: "Sure enough, it's you. Although your outfit is different, you haven't changed the smell of sandalwood at all."

Ye Tianlong cried out that the woman's nose is a dog, thinking about using perfume to change herself in the future, and then raised a little smile:

"Miss Mo, hello, long time no see."

Ye Tianlong smiled faintly: "You are still so beautiful..."

After getting confirmation, Mo Ningran's pretty face became brighter, watching Ye Tianlong say: "Tianlong, why did you come here?"

"Who told you I was here, how did you find it?"

"Ye Tianlong, you surprised me so much. I didn't expect that you could still find me, my God! You are crazy."

Mo Ningran said again and again, and patted proudly on his upper body, as if shocked: "Do you still apologize for the past?"

"It's unnecessary, it's over, I'm all out."

Mo Ning smiled: "I have forgiven you already."


Ye Tianlong was sluggish on the spot, and the woman's sense of herself was better than that of medicine.

"Tianlong, can you tell me how did you find this place?"

Mo Ningran's eyes were full of curiosity: "You really surprised me."

Ye Tianlong rubbed his head: "Actually, I am here..."

"Miss Mo, do you know each other?"

At this moment, a man in Tsing Yi came over and looked at Ye Tianlong and asked: "Who is he?"

Mo Ningran chuckled and introduced: "This is a student when I was teaching in Medicine City, and his name is Ye Tianlong."

The man in Tsing Yi looked at Ye Tianlong jokingly, "Are you again your admirers of life and death?"

"In the past two months, I have helped you drive away seven batches of mad bees and butterflies. I thought it could be stopped, but I didn't expect that there would be stunned people.

The man in Tsing Yi snorted coldly at Ye Tianlong: "Boy, don't get your mind. Go back to Medicine City, or you won't even see the sun tomorrow."

Ye Tianlong suddenly realized that he understood why Mo Ningran felt good. It turned out that in the past two months, many admirers had traveled far and wide to show their hospitality.

This made her consider herself a suitor.

Thinking of this, Ye Tianlong sighed softly: "You think too much, I don't even know Miss Mo is here, I'm watching the big show."

"By the way, challenge the mysterious swordsman."

Mo Ningran's face was startled, and he clearly felt Ye Tianlong's emotional changes, but she couldn't accept Ye Tianlong's changes, and she was very helpless:

"Tianlong, don't be like this, Lin Shao is just joking, besides, I know you are great, but you are really not a mysterious swordsman opponent."

She couldn't help reminding: "Don't be angry."

"Boy, are you here to challenge the mysterious swordsman?"

The man in Tsing Yi also looked contemptuous: "Don't say that you are too weak and the wind is not enough to be raging by others, even if you have two children, you will die."

"I advise you, how far you go, how far you go."

Ye Tianlong smiled: "It's also my life to die."

Thinking of Ye Tianlong's death on stage, Mo Ning was a little bit unbearable, squeezing out:

"Tianlong, don't be fooling around. The mysterious swordsman is so powerful, how can you fight it?"

Ye Tianlong sighed softly: "Always have to try, OK, let's not talk about it, I am going to sign up."

Hearing Ye Tianlong's sentence, Mo Ning was furious: "Tianlong...I am doing it for your good, and I am saving you."

"Ning Ran, don't stop him, if he wants to die, go and die."

The man in Tsing Yi grabbed Mo Ningran: "Let's go back to our seats, Mr. Zhuo is calling for us."

"Something happened, don't blame me for not reminding you."

When Mo Ningran turned around, he shouted another word to Ye Tianlong, she was talking about that old love, but Ye Tianlong didn't know good people, she was very angry.

Ye Tianlong did not respond, but walked to the registration office in silence and paid a one million deposit for registration...

At this moment, the smashed host took the microphone and made the final announcement:

"Gentlemen and ladies, quickly sit back to your place, tonight's finale master, the mysterious swordsman is out!"

On the last syllable, the host dragged it very high and lasting, sonorously, and the audience applauded, cheered, and whistles sounded together.

With the flashing of colorful lights, a thin figure appeared in Ye Tianlong's field of vision...

One person, one sword, but like a wave of ice, freezing everyone's enthusiasm...

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