Talented Genius

Chapter 2438: Stunning

"How come someone attacked the Jade Mansion?"

Hearing gunshots from the front, Tianmo, Canshou, and Oriole gathered next to Ye Tianlong again and scanned the fierce battle inside the mansion with binoculars.

"It's the four people we met at the Fortune Casino."

Ye Tianlong wiped the rain on his face, and his eyes flashed with blazing heat: "I don't know where they came from, but I can see that it is directed at Babu."

This jade mansion was imprisoned by Babu, and Zhao Jun and the others ventured over and fought, and they must have rescued Babu.

"So it was them."

The oriole also thought of the woman with great gambling skills, and then asked with puzzlement on her face: "What are they?"

"I don't know this."

Ye Tianlong couldn't figure out their relationship with Babu, and then smiled faintly: "No matter what the source is, their appearance is an opportunity."

He pulled the oriole, Tianmo and Canshou and whispered for a while, then he took Tianmo and Canshou and rushed towards the flood channel, with guns and grenades on him.

The oriole looked at their backs and was a little worried, but soon lost his thoughts, made a few gestures, and started deployment according to Ye Tianlong's instructions.

Fish in troubled waters.

Five minutes later, when the fighting in the Jade Mansion was heating up, the three of Ye Tianlong were crawling out of the spillway and appeared in the patio of the mansion’s kitchen.

The three of them were able to handle the rain and touch it from the outside. In addition to relying on the strength of the three of them, there was also the power of the eagle suit.

When Ye Tianlong slowly turned off the eagle's suit, a few soldiers carrying guns hurriedly passed by, shouting:

"General Howe ordered the first team and the second team to kill the enemy, and all the others stick to their posts."

They rushed out more than ten meters, and when they were about to turn into another corner, they suddenly stopped, like a rope pulling them back:


They had just captured the shadows of the three Ye Tianlong, none of them wearing their uniforms.


The four soldiers rushed to the flood discharge entrance with their guns. Before they locked anyone with their guns, a sharp light suddenly passed by.

The headed man with a hook nose shook his body, and a stream of blood shot out from his throat.

He looked down and found a knife in his throat. He didn't know where the knife came from, but it was clear that his vitality was passing by.

The Eagle Hook Nose Officer was very unwilling, very at a loss, but eventually fell to the ground with a bang and fell to the wet ground...

When he closed his eyes, he also saw that a black light flashed, and all three of his companions fell to the ground, clutching their throats...

Too fast, too fierce.

The four people are similar to their deathbeds.

Tian Mo didn't even look at their corpses, his wrist flicked, and the blood slipped from the blade, regaining its clarity.

"Tianmo, good job."

Ye Tianlong gave Tian Mo a thumbs up, then tilted his head to Canshou: "Hurry up and change clothes."

The three quickly put on their clothes, took their guns and grenades, and then tied the bodies of the four people into the flood channel.

After solving the four people, Ye Tianlong took the Canshou and Tianmo forward, with a clear goal to take the third building.

He didn't know where Babu was detained, but when he saw Zhao Jun and the others walking by, Ye Tianlong guessed that No. 3 was the detention place.

When approaching the third building, the three of them smeared a handful of blood mud on their faces to prevent the guards from recognizing them.

There was crackling in the front, bullets flying around, but the small buildings were still guarded by soldiers, but their eyes kept looking forward.

One by one, they were thinking about who would come to sneak attack. If the military orders are like a mountain to let them stick to their posts, they are afraid they all rush out to join in the fun.

"Once hit, what happened to the front?"

When Ye Tianlong walked to the side entrance of Building No. 3, a soldier glanced at his uniform, and then whispered: "Which one does not have eyesight?"

"I don't know, the firepower is too fierce, I can't see clearly, I'm all lucky, I only know 12 people."

Ye Tianlong coughed softly: "But they are dead. They are now surrounded by the first team and the second team."

The guard nodded suddenly, and then curiously asked: "Dan, what's wrong with your voice? Have a cold?"

"Well, I was frightened by the stray bullet, and I feel a little bit lingering."

Ye Tianlong made his voice hoarse: "By the way, General Howe has orders, you must be optimistic about Babu..."

Another guard responded with a smile: "Don't worry, he is locked inside, handcuffed and handcuffed, so he can't run away."

"No, once hit, why is the scar on your forehead gone..."


Before the other party finished speaking, Ye Tianlong lifted his hands, grabbed the throats of the two of them instantly, snapped them off with a click, and then gently leaned them against the wall.

The eyes of the two were wide, and they didn't know what happened to their death.

Ye Tianlong touched their eyelids to make them look like they were asleep, and then quickly flashed into the third building...

Canshou followed and walked in.

Tian Mo stayed at the door to guard, the black knife was hidden, and the submachine gun was held in his hand, guarding the passage.

After Ye Tianlong came in with his remnant hands, he still didn't flinch at all.

Wearing a military uniform, he walked calmly, his expression was calm, his expression was indifferent, and his face was taken for granted, as if he was returning to his home.

But his eyes lit up with a deep and bright brilliance.

When the side door came in, it was a hall, stacked with sundries and weapons, and there was a corridor on each side, and Ye Tianlong walked towards the corridor leading to the crowds.

The corridor was very narrow, paved with bluestone bricks, and stepped on it to make a light ‘dede’, but this movement was completely concealed by the sound of wind and rain and noise.

There were many people walking back and forth in the yard, but these soldiers were all focused on the front yard and hardly cared about those around them.

Ye Tianlong lowered his head and slapped the rain, while walking slowly forward, occasionally chatting with Canshou, without arousing the curiosity of the others.

What's more, the guards did not expect that Ye Tianlong's rampant lone army deepened under all eyes.

There are three floors in the third building, the structure looks the same, it is difficult to identify the location of Babu, but Ye Tianlong can lock his whereabouts.

At the end of the entrance to the basement, there are two iron doors, which are firmly locked. The first iron door is guarded by four soldiers, and the second has three.


When Ye Tianlong and the others approached, a soldier raised his head and shot his gun in one fell swoop: "Who?"

"It's me, once hit."

Ye Tianlong smiled faintly, harmless to humans and animals: "General Howe wants me to see Babu's situation."

When the opponent heard General Howe's muzzle lowered subconsciously, Canshou silently flashed out from behind and raised his right hand.

Ye Dao flew out with a ‘swish’, like a butterfly flying in front of the seven.

Fast and fierce.

The dazzling leaf knife flew around to harvest their lives.

"Pump pound!"

The seven soldiers could clearly see the Ye Dao flying around, but they couldn't avoid it, and they didn't have time to shout. They fell one by one, their throats bleeding.

The last soldier at the second gate panicked and wanted to pull the trigger, but it was still too late, and the leaf knife nailed his neck and stopped spinning.


With a muffled sound, the seven fell to the ground almost at the same time.


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