Talented Genius

Chapter 2443: The stage is different (four more)

"I know everything."

Without waiting for Song Guai to speak, the masked man first said faintly: "I know your burnt head, but now you must not mess up."

Somchai spit out a puff of smoke: "I can't figure it out. The attacker rescued Babu, I can understand, but why did you kill Babu?"

The masked man obviously also knew about the Jade Mansion, and his tone remained calm: "This is indeed a bit incomprehensible, and I haven't figured it out."

"After all, he should save Babu for his name."

Having said this, he changed his words: "Didn't you kill the nine attackers? Didn't you find out their identities?"

Somchai shook his head: "It killed nine intruders, but without their identity information, at least we don't have their information on hand."

"But judging from tactical moves and marksmanship, it should be someone from the police or army."

"These are just cannon fodder. They are used to attract the guards' firepower. The real masters sneaked into the third building silently after the exchange of fire."

"The guy was so courageous to die, he broke in single-handedly and killed people all the way. All seven guards had their throats cut, and the last shot killed Babu."

"No one thought that the killer was so sturdy. When the soldiers found out, the killer had already left the third building."

Somchai's tone was cold and cold: "We also arranged booby mines to blow up dozens of soldiers."

The masked man's voice sank: "This killer is very likely to be the supreme dragon you said the day before yesterday."

Soongues was taken aback, and then replied: "Although I planted on him, but there is no substantive evidence, how can you conclude that it is him?"

The masked man quickly made a judgment: "Whether the bloodbath of the Peace Casino or the raid on the Jade Mansion all demonstrate the strength of the attacker."

"It's rare for a strong enemy to appear in Cui Country, how can two strong enemies appear at the same time?"

He gave another message: "So I judged that they are the same force, and the leader may be the Supreme Dragon."

Somchai was shocked: "Supreme Dragon? Could it really be him?"

"If it's him, brother, who is this supreme dragon?"

Songchai took a sip of wine, his expression no longer violent, only gentle and respectful: "The dragon does not see the end, the force and wisdom are still so powerful."

"Although you have no monitoring, the pictures are messy, and the descriptions are even more contradictory, but from the perspective of his behavior, he is 80% of Ye Tianlong."

The masked man sighed lightly: "This kid is extremely destructive, and he is still a Level 9 master. You must be careful."

Song Guai said in surprise: "It turns out that it is Ye Tianlong, the martial arts genius? I seem to have no grudges with him. What is he doing against me?"

He once wondered if Ye Tianlong had friendship with Babu, but if he had friendship, he should save people first instead of fighting the National Defense Forces.

Most importantly, Babu is dead.

"Unclear temporarily."

The masked man’s eyes flickered: “I’m only focusing on experiments these days, thinking about copying the mysterious swordsman, and I have no time to stare at him.”

"But give me two more days, I will contact Mr. Mei Hua, Mo Ningran should be able to know his purpose, then there will be countermeasures."

He added the last sentence: "Don't be afraid of him either. The Ninth-Rank master is indeed powerful, better than ten mysterious swordsmen, but you have a gun in your hand."

"You have 50,000 guns in your hand, and you rush to die one by one, you can make Ye Tianlong exhausted."

The masked man let out a relief: "So as long as you don't act alone and find loopholes, Ye Tianlong can't hurt you."

"The thing now is not whether he can hurt me, but if I find an opportunity to fix him to death."

There was a killing intent in Song Guai's eyes: "What's wrong with the 9th-Rank master? The 9th-Rank is awesome? I shot him to death."

He cut off his three financial avenues and killed a bunch of his good brothers. Songchai's murderous intent was overwhelming.

"The Nine-Rank master is really awesome, and how to say it is the probability that one billion people will come out."

The masked man sighed: "It has almost reached the limit of humanity."

Somchai shook the red wine lightly, and then asked: "How is your experiment?"

"Three hundred people died, billions were spent, and the laboratory nearly bombed."

The masked man replied calmly: "If it is not the success of the mysterious swordsman, I must suspect that the data is false."

Songchai coughed: "Tianyao No.1, you have repeatedly demonstrated and tested, and it is almost stable, and there is no problem with the data."

"Mi Jun's diary and experiments are also obtained with great effort. Mi Jun will not adulterate. How can there be problems with the data?"

He curiously said, "Is the combination of Chinese and Western, causing the drugs to collide and accidents?"

The masked man smiled faintly: "I suspect that the data is false, because the failure rate is too high, and the cost is not affordable."

"Mi Jun's diary and experiment will indeed not be mixed with water, but it stayed in Ye Tianlong's hands for a while before it fell into my hands."

"I worry that Ye Tianlong has tampered with something."

"However, the success of the mysterious swordsman gave me a glimmer of hope. I am ready to see if the second subject can make another breakthrough."

"This object, whether it is age, blood type, or physical fitness factor, is similar to the mysterious swordsman."

"If this subject is also successful, there is no problem with the data. The probability of death of 300 is just a problem for the subject."

"If this experimental subject fails again, then the success of the mysterious swordsman is accidental, which means that the Mi Jun data has really been tampered with by Ye Tianlong."

The masked man’s voice added a chill: "If that's the case, then he can only be used for experiments."

"In my opinion, you have spent so many years of experimentation and spent so much money, it doesn't make much sense."

Somchai slowly let out a puff of smoke: "With these time and money, it is enough to build an army of 100,000 people."

For Somchai, experiments are wasteful. Only guns and people are the most valuable and meaningful things.

"The stage is different."

The masked man laughed loudly: "Your stage is in Cuiguo, and my stage is in the world."

"The fifty thousand national defense forces can only conquer the Cui country, and can't affect the world at all, and my experiment is different."

"There are only four tenth-ranks, eight ninth-ranks in the world, and eight-ranks less than 100."

"Think about it, eight billion people, and only one hundred eighth rank or higher masters, how difficult is this?"

"If my medicine is successful, and I can mass produce eight-level masters, I will make two hundred, three hundred, five hundred, who can match me?"

"If you have better luck, there will be a few ninth-ranks out of the eighth rank. Who else can fight me?"

He was full of ambition: "A Ninth-Rank will upset the Cui Country. If it is enlarged by hundreds of thousands, is it not easy to control the world?"

He didn't say one more thing, that is, hundreds of billions have been smashed, and it is impossible to stop. He can only go to the black one by one.

Songchai was taken aback for a moment, and then thought of a bunch of 8-Rank masters' output, he struck a spirit, as if he could feel the power.

Afterwards, he gave a wry smile: "If you can mass-produce it now, I will have two dozen to deal with the Supreme Dragon."

"Patience for a few days."

The mask man exhorted: "The more chaotic you are, the more calm you are, otherwise you will only hurt yourself more."

"Okay, listen to you, I will bear it these days."

Somchai exhaled a long breath: "By the way, pretending to be benevolence and doing Babu's funeral..."

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