Talented Genius

Chapter 2450: Won't let you hurt him

Seeing the white yarn woman rushing forward, dozens of enemies raised their hearts. It seemed that she didn't expect the white yarn woman to be so powerful.

They squeezed the weapons in their hands and looked wary and stepped back to protect the masked man.

But they quickly regained consciousness, first withdrawing, and then around, swinging a knife to intercept this invincible one.

"Swish swish!"

The light of the knife flew, the saber stabbed like a forest, and the white gauze woman swung the knife suddenly, and the cold light shone, reflecting on the light of the knife, shooting a brilliant brilliance.

Under the dazzling halo, the knife fell off its head, the light was like blood, and the blood was like clouds.

The white gauze woman walked all the way, slicing light and blood, and no one could stop the attack.

In other words, no one even blocked her knife. She held the seized saber, and with just one wave, several people spurted blood and fell out.

She drew closer to the masked man...

Three red monks stepped forward to block.

The masked man waved his hand to stop them from coming forward, then stared coldly at the white gauze woman: "Sister Si, long time no see."

The white yarn woman stopped, but Qiao Lian was not surprised: "It's really been a long time."

The masked man snorted majesticly: "You have been so selfish after so many years..."

The white yarn woman faintly said: "I won't let you bully him..."

Ye Tianlong, who turned around and ran, didn't hear the conversation between the two. He could see that after the white gauze woman was able to suppress the situation, Ye Tianlong left the place as quickly as possible.

However, Ye Tianlong didn't evacuate, but rushed to the wooden house for the first time. This was the base of the masked man, so there should be an underground laboratory.

Ye Tianlong once wanted to kill the masked man, but he thought that Park Xuanwu was more important, so he rushed to save people when the military and police arrived.

"At this!"

Ye Tianlong recalled where the masked man appeared, searched and quickly found a mechanism, stretched out his hand and pressed it, the ground quickly rumbling and the entrance appeared.

As soon as I saw the entrance, the underground light was exposed, not strong, very soft, but sufficient lighting.

Ye Tianlong didn't jump in directly, but threw a corpse into it, to see if there was any mechanism, and he jumped off after finding that there was no danger.

After passing through several passages, a closed experimental site fell into Ye Tianlong's field of vision.

No, to be precise, it is an underground world. This laboratory is much larger than a football field, covering almost the entire Red Light Alley.

In this underground world, there are not only laboratories, recreation rooms, but also dwellings, and even artificial flowers and running water. The environment is very beautiful.

The laboratory is stacked with all kinds of instruments, all kinds of bottles and cans are also placed on constant temperature shelves, desks and equipment are all available.

There are four huge display screens hanging in the air in the center of the house.

Everything is brand new, and the smell of disinfectant in the air is not too strong. It can be seen that this is a new experimental base and has not yet been fully put into use.

In fact, there was no shadow of personnel at the scene.

Ye Tianlong didn't know if Park Xuanwu was here or not, but at the moment he could only be a dead horse doctor, and he moved quickly into the rooms to check.

But after running most of the lab, I didn't see Park Xuanwu's shadow.


When Ye Tianlong came to an experiment room at the end, the door suddenly opened silently, and Nan Suhong rushed out like a civet.

Holding a short gun in his hand.

The short spear pointed directly at Ye Tianlong's head.

Ye Tianlong's head tilted.


A bullet grazed the hair.


Ye Tianlong didn't give her a second chance to shoot, so he kicked her into the room with a gun.


Nan Suhong screamed, knocked over the door and fell to the ground, and the guns flew out.

But she quickly clenched her teeth and knelt on the ground again.

Ye Tianlong glanced around the room. This was also an experiment place, full of instruments and needles, but Park Xuanwu was not seen on the bed and chair.

Judging from the mess of this room, it should have been used several times.

So he looked at Nan Suhong with cold eyes: "Tell me where is Park Xuanwu?"

He didn't kill him, obviously he wanted to stay alive and ask Park Xuanwu.

"Don't tell me, you don't know, if I estimate it is good, you are a breeder."

He faintly said: "It is specially used to calm the emotional people of the experimenter. This is why Zhao Junbao is grateful to you."

Long-term experiments will make the subject's nerves tense, which is not a good thing for the experiment, so a ‘breeder’ is basically provided.

The breeder not only takes care of the target's daily diet, but also calms their nervousness and facilitates better acceptance of experiments.

Ye Tianlong judged that Nan Suhong was such a role.


Nan Suhong did not respond, but drew a dagger and attacked Ye Tianlong.

Nan Suhong went mad, and a knife was like an electric flash. Ye Tianlong slapped the opponent directly.


After falling to the ground, Nan Suhong spit out a mouthful of blood again, and there was fear on her face that she wanted to struggle to get up, but one foot was heavy on her back.

Ye Tianlong asked coldly: "Where is he?"

Nan Suhong panted: "I don't know what Park Xuanwu, I only take care of the mysterious swordsman."


Ye Tianlong didn't have the slightest nonsense, with a little tiptoe, penetrated the opponent's back, and his bones broke.

Nan Suhong wailed and spouted a mouthful of blood.

Ye Tianlong said coldly: "Where?"

Nan Suhong gritted her teeth to buffer the severe pain in her body, and then cried out pitifully, "I really don't know..."


Ye Tianlong didn't talk any nonsense, and her toes touched her calf and her joints broke, causing Nan Suhong to howl again, her voice indifferent again:


Nan Suhong couldn't bear the pressure, shaking her mouth and squeezing out: "He was hidden in the cabinet in the corner..."


Ye Tianlong kicked her faint with one kick, then rushed to the corner cabinet, carefully pulled away, a breath of potion pounced on her.

Then he saw a young man in a patient's costume lying in a long narrow cabinet with his eyes closed.

It is Park Xuanwu.

Ye Tianlong took his pulse and found that he was only in a coma and his body was not too damaged, so he quickly restrained his hands, feet and teeth to avoid aggressiveness.

God knows if Park Xuanwu has been given the potion, if he gets the potion and wakes up on the way to take a bite, it will be too late to cry.

Then, he picked up a sheet and rolled up Park Xuanwu, leaving the experimental base neatly.

Ye Tianlong reached the ground very quickly, picked up Pu Xuanwu's white longbow and put it on his waist, and then looked around.

He found that nearly a hundred enemies had all fallen to the ground, and the masked man and three red-clothed monks were missing.

The white gauze woman disappeared.

Not far away, the police sirens sounded, a few lights shone here, and the police were about to kill.

When Ye Tianlong was subconsciously worried about the white gauze woman, he saw a BMW car screaming and driving over, the window fell, and it was the white gauze woman.

"Get in the car!"

Ye Tianlong didn't twitch, he threw Pu Xuanwu into the car, and got in by himself...

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