Talented Genius

Chapter 2455: Afather

For the next two days, Ye Tianlong didn't go anywhere, so he stayed at the White Horse Temple to remotely command.

During this period, Rong Susu left Ye Tianlong as expected. No one knew where she was or what she was going to do. He only said that he would meet again.

Ye Tianlong once wanted Bailihua to investigate Rong Susu's details, but he thought about it and finally dissipated the idea.

Rong Susu was not hostile to him, and he helped him twice, and he didn't ask for anything. It was a bit unkind to investigate the details by himself.

After Rong Susu left, Ye Tianlong became more relaxed and at ease, wandering around the temple while deploying future plans.

On the third day, Park Xuanwu also woke up, and apart from being shocked, there was nothing serious about it.

Piao Zhenyun also passed the first hurdle of drug addiction. Although she was very haggard, she no longer had the craziness that happened when she was addicted.

After that, the Oriole prepared to arrange for Pu Zhenyun and Pu Xuanwu to leave the country, but Pu Zhenyun insisted on seeing Ye Tianlong before leaving.

Ye Tianlong had no choice but to take a moment to rush from the White Horse Temple to a ferry boat at the border.

This ship was the ship of the Fat Monkey. After the fat monkey died, the Feng Group took the ship off as a means of transportation for departure.

There is a sign of a wealthy casino on the ship, and no one will intercept and inquire in Cuiguo.

Perhaps it was enough under the umbrella a few days ago, and the rain stopped when the sky approached dusk, which made the world less gloomy and refreshed.

The wind was blowing slowly, which made people feel refreshed and made the darkness come later.

When Ye Tianlong appeared on the ferry boat in the Fortune Casino, there were four members of the Phoenix group on high alert, each holding guns.

They clearly know what the end of being blocked.

Seeing Ye Tianlong's arrival, members of the Feng group respectfully said: "Ye Shao."

Ye Tianlong nodded to them, and then asked: "Where are people?"

A member of the Phoenix team pointed his finger: "In the cabin."

Ye Tianlong swiftly got in, and after passing through two special baffles, two fairly wide rooms appeared in his field of vision.

In one of the rooms, the floor was covered with a brand-new mattress, and on it was Park Xuanwu, who was infused. He didn't sleep, just playing with the white longbow.

Judging from his expression, he was not horrified and dull, but he was silent a lot, and his usual sharpness was gone.

It looks mature a lot.

Next to Park Xuanwu, there was a charming woman who was his mother, Park Zhenyun.

"Ye Shao!"

Feeling the change in light, Pu Zhenyun and Pu Xuanwu turned their heads together, and they were immediately overjoyed when they saw Ye Tianlong, and they got up to welcome Ye Tianlong.

"do not move."

Ye Tianlong stepped forward and stretched out his hand to hold down Pu Xuanwu's shoulder: "Your body is still very weak, don't move, just lie down and rest."

Park Xuanwu nodded obediently, and then there was gratitude in his eyes: "I'm fine, the doctor said, the body is not in a serious condition, just one month of recuperation."

Then, he grabbed Ye Tianlong's hand again: "Ye Shao, thank you for saving me and saving my mother."

"Otherwise, I will become a trash, and my mother will be worse than dead. In that case, I will be hard to redeem. It is you who gave us a new life."

"If there is anything that needs me in the future, you can just say it, and I will do my best."

After this lesson, the unruly teenager not only curbed his youth and frivolous temperament, but also became invisibly sensible.

Pu Zhenyun didn't say anything, but looked straight into Ye Tianlong's eyes, her cheeks flushed, her beautiful pink face was ashamed, and her face turned red.

Although she just wore ordinary worker clothes.

"It's easy, you're welcome."

Ye Tianlong smiled and responded to Park Xuanwu: "I promised Consul Park to take you back safely, how could it be possible to trouble you?"

Pu Zhenyun withdrew to examine Ye Tianlong's gaze, a touch of hesitation in her heart finally turned into determination, she was willing to take a gamble on herself and her son.

"Ye Shao, you killed me in the boxing ring and saved me, and then fought a hundred people in the red light alley and saved me."

"These things are thrilling just by hearing the description. You can imagine how cruel the scene is."

"So it's definitely not a matter of effort, but you take your life, take your life and take risks, how can we mother and son forget."

Park Zhenyun said: "We will repay you."

Ye Tianlong smiled: "Your Madam is polite..."

Park Zhenyun tilted her head slightly: "Xuanwu, kneel down!"

Not only did she see Ye Tianlong's skill, she also saw his calmness in dealing with people, and also saw his ability to strategize and win a thousand miles.

So she decided to tie herself and her son on the big ship Ye Tianlong, and she was right, and it was her son who stood in high position after Nan Han twenty years later.

So she looked at Park Xuanwu and shouted again: "Xuanwu, kneel down."

After being taken aback, Pu Xuanwu moved quickly, got up and knelt with a splash, facing Ye Tianlong in front of him.

"Madam, what is this? Get up!"

Ye Tianlong was also taken aback. He didn't know what the other party meant. After realizing that he wanted to support him, Pu Zhenyun quickly grabbed him.

She Feng Yun's body was still tightly against Ye Tianlong.

"Xuanwu, remember, from now on, Ye Shao is not your friend, not your brother."

Pu Zhenyun's pretty face shone with a gleam: "He is your elder, and he is your benefactor. You have to respect him like your father."

"You will call him ‘Father’ from now on, and you must obey his words unconditionally."


Ye Tianlong's mouth opened wide. This is what a godfather meant. The problem is that Park Xuanwu is not a female. This godfather is boring.

"Mom, I understand."

Without the slightest shock, Park Xuanwu agreed with joy: "From today, Ye Shao is my subfather."

"Afather is here, and he is worshipped by Xuanwu."

After finishing speaking, he kowtowed to Ye Tianlong's ‘dong dong dong’ and stomped three in one breath, without giving Ye Tianlong a chance to help.

Ye Tianlong almost fell to the ground, what's this all about?

He remembered the joke he had made with Shinigami in the past, the grandson of Toyo had a fight with Nan Han's son. He did not expect that in less than six months, he really had a godson...

"Madam, Xuanwu, this can't be messed up."

Ye Tianlong exhaled a long breath: "How can I be a sub-father?"

"Tianlong and Xuanwu all knocked their heads, and they called you Yafather. According to the Chinese etiquette, the ceremony is completed, you can't push it away."

Piao Zhenyun smiled, holding Ye Tianlong's shoulders, and sighing like blue against his ears:

"In the future, we will be a family, we will share the difficulties and the blessings."

"Xuanwu, you have a good rest, I will go out and chat with your subfather."

Pu Zhenyun took Ye Tianlong to another room.

Park Xuanwu hurriedly yelled happily: "Mom, don't worry, I will have a good rest, and you will have a good chat with Yafather..."

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