Talented Genius

Chapter 2457: Authentic

On the second day that Ye Tianlong became Park Xuanwu's sub-father, the sky over Cui Country, which had rained for many days, finally cleared.

Ye Tianlong, who got up early, did some exercises, put a stick of incense at the White Horse Temple, and then picked a few fruits and went to Zhuangzhong Pavilion to look at the scenery.

Without rain to cover up, Ye Tianlong's vision is particularly wide. You can not only see the endless swaying vegetation, but also the buildings of the distant city.

"Ye Shao, there is news from Team Feng."

When Ye Tianlong felt the mountain breeze, Canshou walked from behind and whispered against the pillar: "Pu Zhenyun, mother and son arrived in Taicheng safely."

After Rong Susu left the White Horse Temple, Canshou came to the White Horse Temple to protect Ye Tianlong, and at the same time, he took up the liaison work with the outside world.

Ye Tianlong's face was as calm as horizontal: "Just go back safely."

Canshou hesitated: "Ye Shao, that woman is not a vase, she is very clever, she has doubts about you, we should actually stop talking."

Ye Tianlong smiled: "I came to Cuiguo to save them, just to make Pu Zhongjian owe favor, and Pu Zhenyun is dead, this favor is greatly reduced."

Canshou whispered: "But she is suspicious, and she will keep an eye on you in the future, so that your actions will be restricted."

"Furthermore, one day when her brain gets hot, she stabbed you out, and all your hard work in Taicheng will be abolished."

He was worried: "Maybe Miss Ye and the others will be implicated."

"Don't worry, Pu Zhenyun will not betray me, at least it will be reliable for these twenty years."

Ye Tianlong smiled: "You just said that she is a smart woman, but she is only half right. She has big ambitions."

"A smart and ambitious woman will only weigh the pros and cons, not reckless and impulsive."

He has confidence in Park Zhenyun: "Betraying me will do more harm than good to her, and she won't do it.

Canshou was taken aback: "Ambition?"

Ye Tianlong came back from the river bank last night and greeted Canshou and Tianmo, and said that Pu Zhenyun suspected him, but did not discuss the details.

Therefore, Canshou did not know the secret conversation between the two in the room, nor did he know what happened at dusk...

"She wants to be close to the core of the Park clan, and wants Park Xuanwu to become the third-generation leader of the Park clan, then she must hold me tightly to have hope."

Ye Tianlong's eyes flickered: "Only if I support them can they have hope soaring to the sky, otherwise they can only receive their pension to death."

"So as long as I am always strong, Park Zhenyun will not betray me, and will even be born and die for me."

"Of course, one day when I decline, she may indeed fall into trouble, but at that time, whether she stabbed or stabbed a knife, she would not end well."

He thought of the charming woman, thought of the charming little mouth, and a little joke on his face.

Canshou suddenly realized: "So it is."

Afterwards, he shook his head: "This woman is really ambitious."

However, Canshou also had to admire the woman's methods and eyes, knowing that he could rely on Ye Tianlong to achieve his goals.

Ye Tianlong smiled: "If I don't have much benefit to her, how can I have no reservations about me? Let me be Pu Xuanwu's sub-father?"

Canshou whispered again: "Are we really going to support Park Xuanwu in the upper rank?"

"Piao Zhongjian is a very principled and tough person."

Ye Tianlong picked up a fruit and gave it to Canshou: "This is destined to have friendship with him, but it will never be possible for him to be daring."

"In other words, although I have a good friendship with him now and he still owes me favors, he still cannot bring me rich benefits."

"His stance, his bottom line, his country and family, all restrict me from taking too much from him and Nan Han."

Ye Tianlong was very sorry that Park Zhongjian was unable to ‘follow him’, which prevented him from implementing many plans to penetrate Nan Han.

Canshou nodded gently: "This is the point that Pu Zhongjian can not go to private banquets for ten years, and that principle should not be underestimated."

Ye Tianlong straightened slightly, looking at the changing situation ahead:

"So we want to squeeze profits from Nan Han. Park Zhongjian is not a suitable target. We can only look a little longer and find another agent."

"Park Xuanwu is very suitable."

"First, Pu Zhenyun's mother and son had limited achievements. If I support them in the upper ranks, I will definitely be grateful for the huge reward."

"Pu Zhongjian is the first country and then the family, and they are the first family and then the country. As long as they have rich interests, Park Zhenyun is definitely willing to compromise with me."

Ye Tianlong smiled: "Think about it, Park Zhenyun, who is empty-handed, if I tell her that the Park Group is one and half, will she object?"

Canshou nodded: "Understood, just, don't you worry about her crossing the river to tear down the bridge?"

"You said, she has ambition..."

"When their mother and child are strong, they are likely to deal with your supporter."

Canshou reminded: "Cut off your control over them and erase the traces of you and them."

"This is the second point I said."

Ye Tianlong laughed: "Pu Xuanwu is still young now, it will take ten years to be in charge, and at least twenty years to be fully in charge."

"For such a long time, my sub-father, can't I teach an obedient son?"

"Even if it's a white-eyed wolf who doesn't know what to do, I can turn it into a dog that fears me like a tiger."

Ye Tianlong was confident. Besides, he couldn't even play with a mother and child, and it was boring to live, so he could just find a piece of tofu and kill him.

Canshou sighed subconsciously, let alone Park Xuanwu, it was Park Zhenyun, and in ten years, it is estimated that she will only become Ye Tianlong's obedient cat.


At this time, Canshou's phone vibrated, he picked it up to answer for a moment, and then whispered to Ye Tianlong:

"Ye Shao, the cardinal called. The weather is good today and tomorrow, and Somchai has confirmed the state funeral of Babu tomorrow."

He added: "He will attend the initiation ceremony."

Ye Tianlong raised his head and smiled faintly: "It's time to end the grievances."

Somchai is dead, and if you burn Babu's "Ordinary World", all grievances are cleared.

"Moreover, it's time to verify my bet with Bai Chadi."

He looked forward to the helplessness of Emperor Bai Cha.

Canshou asked again: "Ye Shao, if Song Gu is dead, should we immediately occupy the jade vein?"

"Jade vein?"

Ye Tianlong laughed, and then stretched out his hand and pointed out: "When things have developed to the point where they are today, how can the mere 30 billion jade veins come into my eyes?"

"Cuiguo is the world's largest producer of jade, accounting for 90% of the world's output."

His voice is very peaceful, but with a strong voice: "Take Cui Country, it is equivalent to control the world's jade lifeline."

Canshou was slightly surprised: "Young Master Ye wants to occupy all the jade mines?"

Ye Tianlong said: "Actually, what I really want is..."

"Cui Country."

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