Talented Genius

Chapter 2461: Song Guai Die (four more)

"Gentlemen and ladies, good afternoon!"

The time was pointed at 4:50. On the temporary stage set up in the cemetery, Somchai, in uniform, approached the microphone: "Thank you for coming here."

"Today is the funeral of our old friend, Mr. Babu, and also the last journey of his life."

"Send off old friends. Like you, I am very sad and sad."

"Because Mr. Babu is gone, our guiding light will be missing from now on, and we will no longer see his kind smile."

When Somchai was giving a speech with a sad expression, the eyelids of the woman with the Chinese character face twitched, and she felt a sense of discomfort that was difficult to speak.

She stepped forward and scanned nearly a hundred powerful and powerful people and the guards, but she didn't find any clues. They were all familiar faces, and they were all her own.

She glanced at the sky, but found nothing wrong.

The woman with the national character face picked up the walkie-talkie and asked the surrounding soldiers to be on guard to avoid any killers sneaking in.

"Rest in peace, my old friend of Bab, rest in peace, my great old president!"

At this moment, Somchai was straightening and shouting: "We must inherit your legacy and turn Cui Country into a prosperous and prosperous country."

"Let's pay tribute to Mr. Babu together."

With the concluding voice of Somchai falling, the passionate and loud military song sounded, and hundreds of people stepped forward to pay tribute to Bab's coffin.


At this moment, there was a roar in the sky, and then the headphone masterpiece of the women with national characters face: "A drone appears, a drone appears."

They looked up and saw that more than 20 drones appeared in the distance, clinging to explosives, whizzing towards the top of the mountain.

Somchai waved his hand decisively: "Knock them down!"

"Da da da!"

"Boom boom!"


When nearly a hundred dignitaries were shocked and subconsciously lying on the ground, the helicopters, highland machine guns, and guards all pulled the trigger and fired on the drone together.

The bullets ‘swish swish’ shot the drones around, fast and urgent, sounding like hail.

"Boom boom boom—"

In a burst of intensive gunfire, more than a dozen drones were instantly hit, making a series of explosions, which stained the entire sky red.

Four or five drones were overturned by the air wave and fell off the cliff without control.

The sound and the power indicate that the explosives on the drone are strong. If it rushes into the mountain and explodes, it is estimated that many people will die.

After the drone exploded, the sky was crackling, and piles of debris fell like raindrops, still carrying heavy smoke and flames.

The vision was blurred a lot, and the midair also contained an aura of anxiety, which was very unpleasant.

Fortunately, these smashed drones were far away, so almost no debris fell to the top of the mountain, and the guests and soldiers were safe.

"Da da da--"

There were also two or three drones that were not affected, taking advantage of this gap to continue to pounce on the top of the mountain, but they did not rush too far and were hit by a sniper.

"Boom boom boom!"

After the remaining drones fell, there was another explosion, exploding many pits and breaking many trees, which also made everyone feel a touch of anxiety.

Although the drones were crazy, they disappeared from the sight of Somchai like fireworks before the strong firepower of the Wehrmacht.

"It's an idiot to play this way."

Somchai looked at the smoky sky, and said coldly, "If I'm so good at killing, I won't live today."

He tilted his head slightly to the Guozilian woman: "Find me the black hand behind the scenes, and then punish him."


The woman with the national face straightened up: "Don't worry, Mr. President, I must find the murderer."

Later, she changed the subject: "Mr. President, although the other party is not a concern, it is not suitable to stay here for long."

"Now that the funeral is complete, let's go back to the presidential palace."

Although this wave of danger was shot down, the woman with the face of Guozi was still uneasy, and she always felt that the graveyard was still dangerous.

For her, the future wealth is all in Songchai, so Songchai can't have any trouble.

"Okay, go!"

Somchai was not arrogant either, turning his head slightly: "Send my speech and the video of the attack."

"Let others take a look at the minds of me and the evil party."

He has his own calculation: "I don't believe it, Babu will still have popular support."

The Chinese character face woman nodded again: "Understood."

After speaking, she gestured and asked the guard to guard Somchai to the Hummer. Every car was guarded, so she was not afraid of being tampered with.


Just as Somchai walked to the front of the Hummer, there was another roar in the sky. This time, more than 30 drones appeared.

They took advantage of a helicopter to search for the attacker's gap, rushing from all directions, murderously and quickly narrowing the distance.

Somchai snorted, and with a light wave of her finger, the woman with Guozilian decisively ordered: "Knock it down."

The snipers, soldiers, and anti-aircraft machine guns fired again. The dense bullets made the sky dark, and everyone lay on the ground again to protect themselves.

"Boom boom boom—"

The drone was unable to pass through the bullet firepower net at all. More than 30 drones were shot down in a blink of an eye, blasting or falling from mid-air with howling.

It's just that this time the drones didn't explode just now, they were more of a puff of white smoke, and then swishing around.

The sky soon became smog, and it quickly enveloped the cemetery.

The woman with the face of Guozi said into the walkie-talkie: "Beware of poison."

When the voice fell, the surrounding soldiers and guards quickly took out gas masks and put them on their mouths and noses for the first time to prevent poisoning from being taken advantage of by the enemy.

"Really a guy who lives and lives."

Somchai snorted, put on a mask and closed the car door: "Go!"

Before the voice fell, Song Guai's face changed, and the whole person was invisible.

The woman with the Chinese character face was taken aback for a moment, and she subconsciously turned and looked at it, but her body was also shocked.


In the field of vision, another cemetery a hundred meters away was stabbed open at some point, and a tortoise-like thing crawled out.

It approached the convoy very quickly.

The color of the tortoise is similar to the color of the ground, so you won’t be able to recognize it if you don’t look carefully.

The national character face woman subconsciously drank, "What is it?"

She wanted to shoot, but was blocked by several guards, and she angrily told them to get out.


Just when she was about to raise her gun and shoot, the tortoise stopped sliding and quickly turned into a robot like a transformer.

Two black cylinders stick out.

Song Guai's face changed drastically, and he roared: "Be careful!"

He also tried to push the Hummer door, trying to roll out of the car.

The Chinese character face woman instinctively pushes the door, pushes Song Guai back and shouts: "Protect Mr. President!"

She wants a human wall to protect.

Songchai felt 10,000 horses and horses running around.

"Go away!"

When he was yelling to come down from the other end, the abnormal King Kong had already fired at the Hummer convoy, and ten armor-piercing shells rushed towards Somchai.

Dozens of people were blown to the ground in an instant, flesh and blood flew all over the place, and the woman with the national character face was also hit, leaving no bones left.

The cemetery was instantly panicked.

The Hummer that Somchai was on was also blown out, but half of his body sprang from the other end in time, so he didn't die on the spot.

Somchai angrily pushed away the glass on his body, trying to get out of the car.


Just as a large number of soldiers came to protect him, another armor-piercing projectile came and hit the Hummer's fuel tank.

Songchai was desperate: "No--"


With a loud noise, Somchai was directly blown into a pile of flesh and blood...

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