Talented Genius

Chapter 2474: Bring a word

The next morning, the Coast Restaurant, a fine dining restaurant facing the sea.

When Ye Tianlong appeared wearing sunglasses, Murong Jun was carrying his hands on his back, waiting in front of the glass door, as if waiting for Ye Tianlong to appear.

The restaurant has already been packaged by Murong Jun, so there are no guests or employees, only more than 30 security bureau elites.

Even those who make breakfast are Murong Jun's cronies, which shows that he attaches great importance to this meeting.

Seeing Ye Tianlong appear, Murong Jun felt relieved, and then greeted him with a smile: "Ye Shao, good morning."

"Director Murong, good morning."

Ye Tianlong laughed loudly, and greeted him with his arms wide open: "Why dark circles? Didn't you sleep last night?"

"I know Chinese medicine. Would you like to prescribe a prescription to reconcile your body?"

There is confidence on his face: "Up to three courses of treatment, the medicine will cure the disease."

Ye Tianlong still has a good impression of Murong Jun. In addition to being able to correct his position, there is also the official business that did not bluff last night.

Murong Jun and Ye Tianlong came to a hug, then raised a smile and replied: "Ye Shao leaves the new country, it is my best medicine."

Ye Tianlong patted him on the back, and said helplessly: "Director Murong, I will come here for a few days, neither murdering or setting fire nor attacking the government."

"Besides, I'm still the global inspector. I won't do anything wrong. You should believe me."

He sighed softly, "What's more, we have a good relationship, isn't it a bad idea to drive me like this?"

"Of course I believe in Ye Shao's character, and I know that Ye Shao has principles."

Murong Jun spread his hands and looked at Ye Tianlong: "But Ye Shao is a ninth-level master, and his destructive power is just like an atomic bomb."

"When you appear in the new city, it is equivalent to a wolf appearing in the sheep pen. Perhaps the wolf will not eat the sheep again when it is full, but the sheep is afraid."

His tone was also helpless: "No matter how the wolf guarantees, if you don't leave the sheepfold, the sheep will be difficult to rest."

Ye Tianlong almost laughed, the wolf entered the sheep pen, this analogy is really appropriate, but he quickly coughed, acting pitifully:

"Actually, I don't want to come to the new country, but the goats in the new country are too powerful. I feel that the two corners are invincible and bully my woman and brother."

"If I don't come to preside over justice, my weak woman and brother will be horned to death by the old goat."

He complained to Murong Jun: "Director Murong does not protect the weak, but instead drives me, a good wolf who upholds justice, is it too much?"

Murong Jun breathed out a long breath: "Ye Shao, I understand something."

"As long as you leave the new country today, I promise you that I will help you solve the problem and let Ms. Ding and Mr. Qi get out of the predicament."

"Furthermore, as long as Ye Shao agrees to leave, I will immediately prepare a special plane and send another one hundred million gifts to show the sincerity of our new country."

Murong Jun tentatively asked, "I don't know what Ye Shaoyi will do?"

Murong Jun hadn't reported Ye Tianlong from last night until now, and his purpose was to low-key and invite this great god.

If you report to the cabinet and force Ye Tianlong to leave, causing Ye Tianlong's rebellious psychology, then the new country will be stunned.

This is also the main reason why he only warned Huang Pu Ao, but did not point out Ye Tianlong's identity.

Come quietly, give gifts quietly, this is the best way.

A billion?

Ye Tianlong's eyes lit up, not that he wanted to take the money to leave the new country, but that the pressure he brought was so amazing.

After thinking about it, he would go abroad for a stroll without money.

Each of the more than 200 countries in the world paid 100 million ‘removal’ fees, and Ye Tianlong felt that he could send a large sum.


Just when Murong Jun thought Ye Tianlong was tempted, three dark-green jeeps roared towards the main entrance of the restaurant.

Seeing the jeep ramming, a dozen of the security bureau elite flashed out, raised their guns, and shot out bullets mercilessly, hitting the surroundings of the car.


The dark green jeep was forced to stop abruptly, and it was more than 20 meters away from the door.

When Ye Tianlong looked up, he saw the car door slammed open, and eight burly men came out with their heads high and high spirits.

The eight men wore military green canvas jackets, fat-tube breeches, and paired with military boots. They had the aura of a soldier, but they also showed the aggressiveness of bandits.

The waist covered by the coat was bulging, and the gun was obviously hidden.

Walking ahead was a flat-headed man with bulging eyes and a tall nose, exuding a breath of blood and fire.

The Security Bureau subconsciously stepped forward to stop them, but after seeing the face of the flat-headed man, they stopped moving again, and they obviously knew this group of people.

Looking at this uninvited guest, Murong Jun frowned slightly, then his voice sank:

"Major Dai, what are you doing here?"

Murong Jun reprimanded unceremoniously: "You are still so rampant, you are not afraid, brothers, the firearms will go off and kill you?"

The flat-headed man looked at Murong Jun jokingly and smiled: "If you shoot to death indiscriminately, you must have the courage of the Security Bureau..."

"Stop talking nonsense, go ahead, what are you doing here?"

Murong Jun was not angry and prestigious: "The Ministry of Security is carrying out official duties, and you will get out if you have nothing to do."

Major Dai ignored Murong Jun, smiled Yin Yin, and looked at Ye Tianlong and said, "Are you the guy threatening Miss Huangpu?"

"Miss Huangpu asked me to bring a message, the matter is not over yet, the show has just begun."

He took out a cigarette and lit it: "I hope you don't let her down."

The seven burly companions around him looked at Ye Tianlong at the same time, wanting to see what was so extraordinary about this guy who dared to warn Huang Pu Ao.

But how to look at it, that is, a guy in his twenties, who is weak and can be beaten to death with a punch.

They showed contempt, thinking that the dog was killed, and 80% of them were lost by Ye Tianlong.

Murong Jun's face changed when he heard the words, and then he uttered, "Major Dai, what are you talking about?"

Ye Tianlong pressed an angry Murong Jun and looked at the disdainful Major Dai and they spoke:

"It's six o'clock in the evening, there are twelve hours, money, people, give me to the Qi family mansion on time."

"Otherwise, don't keep one."

He flicked his finger.

"Arrogant enough, kid."

Major Dai smiled upon hearing the words: "You can trample a dog to death and injure more than a dozen people. It is indeed a bit capable. Unfortunately, there are mountains outside the mountains, and there are others outside the people.

"You are strong, but there are more people stronger than you."

"And the new country is not Murong Jun covering the sky."

He turned his head to look at Murong Jun, grinning playfully: "Director Murong, Commander Guo also asked me to bring you a message, don't be nosy."

"Following the law and protecting the murderer, Director Murong was the one who was unlucky in the end."

He smiled sullenly: "Don't take the life of yourself and your family in for a little filial piety."

Murong Jun's eyes cold: "Asshole, threaten me? What is nosy? Do you know what you are doing..."

Before Murong Jun could finish speaking, Major Dai flicked a cigarette and interrupted impatiently:

"Director Murong, don't teach me, I'm just a messenger. If I am unhappy, I will vent to Commander Guo."

"Anyway, I have brought my words, I am leaving, Director Murong can do it for himself."

After speaking, he turned around with a group of companions, as if to leave here.


Suddenly, Major Dai, who had already moved forward, suddenly threw his raised leg to Ye Tianlong behind him.

Back spin kick!

Fierce and fierce.

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